
Class Coin

Use to unlock a class for free.

Cannot be used to unlock the Solarion, Bard, or Vanguardian.

Class Coin

Use to unlock a class for free. Or loot collect it for 3 Double Experience Potions.

Cannot be used to unlock the Solarion, Bard, or Vanguardian.

Hero's Mantle

Empowered Water Gem for the Vanguardian. Connecting with the final hit of a combo reduces ability cooldowns slightly. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

Hero's Mantle

Empowered Fire Gem for the Vanguardian. Connecting with the final hit of a combo reduces ability cooldowns slightly. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

Hero's Mantle

Empowered Air Gem for the Vanguardian. Connecting with the final hit of a combo reduces ability cooldowns slightly. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.

Costume: Resistor Vanguard

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Take to the front lines of the battle against the Amperium in this enhancing super-suit.

Decoded Resistor Message

You, who have sought the power to resist the Amperium, are called to take on the mantle of Hero of Luminopolis. Use to unlock the Vanguardian class.

Costume: Dune Defender

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Keep the battle flowing and the punches spicy even while standing still in this suit.

Costume: Snowfest Slugger

A Snowfest themed costume for the Vanguardian.

Costume: Snowfest Slugger

A Snowfest themed costume for the Vanguardian.

Gloaming Guardian

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Perfect for heroic souls who hurtle towards hazards head-on.

Twilight Ranger

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Walk the fine line between light and shadow, between justice and vengeance, in this ambivalent vigilante outfit.

Paragon of the Past

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Classic colours and patterns place this super suit firmly in the Silver Age of Heroics.

Avenging Arbiter

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Take a walk on the dark side of the Neon City Nights and dole out some vigilante justice.

Resistor Vanguard

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Take to the front lines of the battle against the Amperium in this enhancing super-suit.

Ignis Dracolich

A costume for the Vanguardian.

At the heart of every hero burns an unquenchable fire.

Buff Howlug Berserker

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Burst out from the depths of Geode in a howling, feral frenzy.

Dune Defender

A costume for the Vanguardian.

Keep the battle flowing and the punches spicy even while standing still in this suit.

Snowfest Slugger

A Snowfest themed costume for the Vanguardian.

Van Gardener

A spring themed costume for the Vanguardian. Ready to take first in the fair.

Golden Vale Guardian

A Golden Vale themed costume for the Vanguardian.

Prince Huntsman

A costume for the Vanguardian. Be the leader of the pack with this antler rack.