Fiona Catastra Recipe
Unlock a random Fiona Catastra recipe you don't already have unlocked.
Use it before it disappears!
Imported in Patch: Fees and Felines 제작자: Trove Team
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Other methods to obtain:
One can be purchased from Fiona Catastra (requires Gravesight buff to see) for 100 Bleached Bones. Has a chance to drop from filling NekonomiconLast updated 2 years ago by Asled
Trovesaurus Notes
Unlocks one of 8 decoration recipes. 2 mastery points each
피의 납골당
[Fi's Crypt]
고양이-파우의 클라우스-양초
[Clause-candle of the Cat's-Paw]
고양이-파우의 클라우스-양초 (사용)
[Clause-candle of the Cat's-Paw (Used)]
고급 칼슘 의자
[Fine Calcium Chair]
고급 칼슘 테이블 - 모서리
[Fine Calcium Table - Corner]
고급 칼슘 테이블 - 측면
[Fine Calcium Table - Side]
고급 칼슘 술잔
[Fine Calcium Goblet]
화려한 비석
[Ornate Headstone]
Last updated 2 years ago by Asled