Special Order 2022 Recipes
Teaches the recipes to craft all of the Special Orders from Friendsgiving 2022 as decoration blocks at the Friendsgiving Oven.
Imported in Patch: November 2022 Designer: Trove Team
Database Links
Community Links
Dino Detritus | Urrot10 |
Dino Detritus | Urrot10 |
Cacti Casserole | Urrot10 |
Cacti Casserole | Urrot10 |
Fae Sugar Cubes | Urrot10 |
Fae Sugar Cubes | Urrot10 |
Data Rolls with Plasmium Tea | Urrot10 |
Data Rolls with Plasmium Tea | Urrot10 |
Pinzham | Urrot10 |
Pinzham | Urrot10 |
Box of Oranges | Urrot10 |
Box of Oranges | Urrot10 |
Bowl of Brain-a-tin | Urrot10 |
Bowl of Brain-a-tin | Urrot10 |
Unlock data was found in prefabs/item/unlocker/events/nov2022_mains.binfab after the learn recipe pkfx and before the blueprint.
Trovesaurus Notes
Crafted By
This item is crafted by the following recipe:
Crafted at: