Snowfest 2023 Effigy
Unlocks a random Snowfest 2023 Collectable; Snight Light, Jingle Jammin, Rockin' Rollin' Rider, and Diamond Dragon's Digest.
Deconstructs into Premium Snowfest 2023 Treasure Box, which always includes a tradable Snight Light, Jingle Jammin, Rockin' Rollin' Rider, Jingle Bomb, and Diamond Dragon's Digest
Imported in Patch: The Trouble with Titles Designed by: Trove Team
Cannot be traded
Database Links
Community Links
Produces 3 Diamond Dragonite when fully charged.
Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.
Unlock data was found in prefabs/item/unlocker/events/dec2023_collectables.binfab after the learn recipe pkfx and before the blueprint.