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Rogue Reliquary


Gives Critter Supplies or Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.

Rogue Reliquaries have a chance to appear as a bonus when completing Geodian Cave adventures.

Imported in Patch: Geode Tervezte: Trove Team

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Database Changes

Changes in the database for Rogue Reliquary

description changed
  • from 'Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.'
  • to 'Gives Critter Supplies or Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.\n\nRogue Reliquaries have a chance to appear as a bonus when completing Geodian Cave adventures.'

November 26, 2019 Into the Deep

name changed from 'Tenacious Adventure Reliquary' to 'Rogue Reliquary'

November 26, 2019 Into the Deep

Entry created

June 26, 2018 Geode