Winter Pinata
Spawns a Winter Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.
Pinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.
Maximum: 300
Imported in Patch: March 7, 2017 Criado por: Trove Team
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Winter Pinata"
Preview: E SALE * For this week only, all Winter Pinata Credit prices are 50% off! Af Show
Arriving on 2/24/15!
* The Chaos Hound can now be acquired!
* Scoops the Panda can now be crafted from the workbench!
* The Treasure Isles pirate vendors have a new robotic feline mount for sale, Gadget Cat!
* For this week only all glim gained from adventuring is doubled!
* For this week only, all Winter Pinata Credit prices are 50% off! After this week is over, they will no longer be for purchase until next year!
* Added hidden face and hidden hat appearances. You can now hide your mask or hat by selecting a "hidden" appearance in your character sheet.
* Fixed origin portal bug where the portal could be spawned inside and through walls.
* Fixed a bug where destroyed Radiant Prisms leave behind collision volumes that block projectiles.
* Fixed bug where Rapt Berserker's passive effect spawned when non-NPC entities died.
* Added /laugh, /cry, /shrug emotes.
* You can now run over with your mount and use the mining laser to destroy harvesting nodes in the world.
* Water is much easier to jump out of now.
* Chaos chests have been randomized!
* The War Horse is now available in the store!
* The Balefire Beast costume is now available in the store and from costume mystery boxes!
* Increased club world capacity to 48 players.
There is now a 'Liked Worlds' screen which will show you all worlds you've liked and allow you to join them). Press 'Y' to access this screen.
* Club logs have gone in! You can use the slash command "/club log [clubname]" to see your club's recent activity. Logs start today - unfortunately we don't have historical data saved.
* Fae Trickster's decoys now mimic his/her emotes.
* Fixed bug where enemies would aggro Shadow Hunter's Sun Snare.
* Fixed bug where Shadow Hunter's Sun Snare could be hit by enemies.
* The water table for the ocean has risen! The Sea of Regret is now very, very deep in adventure worlds.
* Magmen and Molten Lords now have a chance of dropping their corresponding trophy.
* Snow Spirit trophy names have been changed slightly to better differentiate them.
* Radiant Giants now sometimes drop Radiant Caches. These contain shards, blank scrolls, the Radiant Corona helm and rarely a Radiant Steed.
* Radiant Giants now have more stability and their guaranteed drop has been reverted to Legendary quality.
* Radiant Giants again drop 8-11 Radiant Shards.
* Radiant Giants now have a chance of dropping their trophy when slain.
* The Shadow Dungeon staging area no longer contains a Rejuvenation Station.
* The Cybercore dungeon in Neon City will now spawn properly.
* The Seamist Cave dungeon in Treasure Isles will now spawn correctly.
* Fixed missing portal sounds, potion portal spawn sound heard at a greater distance, multi-jump sound support added for player.
* Fixed audio bug where water block emitter persists.
* Fixed Wing Sounds Stopping in Flight after a while.
* Tweaked the dragon bioime's underground ambiance.
* Slight change to raining ambiance when flying.
* New version of ORE Break Sound.
* "This is not in your collection" is no longer shown on ring tooltips.
* Fix for non-item tooltips sometimes showing "Cannot be traded".
* A new hairstyle by Subtitles has been added to the game!
* New staff styles by Narvec_Iro, FrozenCross, yeronix, MediocrityGoggles, InfineonJ, GadgetCAT, QAQlll, CrimsonBlaze, MetalTxus, and chocobag have been added to the gam
* New mask styles by LOLpistachioNuts, MiszterSoul, Cyriljda351, Smorph, Nomeneta, Humpypants, Screamheart, and Floretha have been added to the game!
* New Desert Frontier lair from PokeyBloke.
* New Fae Wilds lair from Zerock.
* New Fae Wilds lair from Insaint.
* New hat styles by zoopy1000, Leeon, MiszterSoul, Variableingwer, Arradir, Aviarei, Astrum, Stedms, Mansage, Sqwyt, FriedSushi, Qoaleth, Floretha, Dave203
* New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from Condorspark.
* New melee weapon styles by Hordik, Furler, BadSniper, Kroveyin, Ridelith, Lyean, Dusty_Mustard, Stedms, LeonSteamhawk, Paper97, Zeeg, Erudito, Smearg, LETAL1TY, aggeaf, and Walyn have been added to the game!
* New Shadow Dungeon from Cretoriani.
* New bow styles by Nomeneta, Mythlit, MrTuffnStuff, xGhost, Mitsuki_, 5p3x, HandofGod, Tribe, Faulted, Aodahn, StreetBull, RosesKnight, Eriri, PokeyBloke, TeeKayM, Voodoo, LappeN, TigerLove, Khali, Naturemon, EimeiHikari, Sylvaeri, Agazork, Rokiux, Tenku, PinkNekoGirl, Porkify, Aatros, Prototype, FriedSushi, Necra, Lucifuge, Pupshies, Drakfyre, skyman5667, MonsterAnt, Zsword, OreoKirby, VladimirPoutine, Lethalios, Khali, QAQlll, Ghautemoc, CloBunny, Furler, Haibun, Mot, penguinKing and KyroVision have been added to the game!
Also the winter pinata isn't just for Snowfest, it will stick around a few more months. We may rotate in other pinatas at the same time and once Spring hits we'll rotate the Winter one out entirely.
Since we increased the drop rate of uncommon drops from winter pinatas with this patch we're issuing a 50% credit return to purchasers. So if you purchased a winter pinata (or pack) for either cubits or credits at any time before we patched today you have gotten a 50% credit return to your account.
Preview: r flask now has 10 charges, down from 12 * Winter pinata now has a double drop rate on styles Show
* Flasks are now a collectable and are permanently bound to your 'Q' slot (re-bindable in settings)
* Flasks customization are now in the store - these change the behavior and size of your flask when equipped
* The starter flask now has 10 charges, down from 12
* Winter pinata now has a double drop rate on styles and recipes for the thrower and 5% drop rate on styles and recipes for other players
* The Style Surprise item is now in the store - this item unlocks a random non-shadow adventuring style you don't already have.
* The chat window has gotten some visual polish
* Added underwater effect to camera
* Saloonbot and Fridgebot NPCs now use the appropriate punch attacks. They should be dealing less damage now.
* Fixed issue with the camera clipping through terrain in 1x1 holes.
* More cornerstones should appear around the hub.
* Improved client stability
* Neon City and Candoria terraformers now have unique VFX
* The Dry Gulch dungeon should now properly spawn in the Frontier.
* New Candoria recipe lair from FriedSushi.
* New Candoria lair from Celeress.
* New Candoria lair from Valaadus and Jereg.
* New Medieval Highlands dungeon from Icke.
* New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from Minitone.
Neeewwwp winter pinata is separate from holiday box. You will get new shinny different stuff from the holiday event boxes.
Preview: There is a new winter hub * There is a new winter pinata in the store which has winter recipe Show
In addition to the update this week we've posted some information on what's coming in the future for Trove, check it out and talk about it here:
* Winter is here!
* Wheel of Seasons workbench is now available under the Advanced tab at the Crafting Bench.
* A new Mag Rider, the Mahoggan Toboggan, can now be crafted at the Wheel of Seasons
* There is a new winter hub
* There is a new winter pinata in the store which has winter recipes, styles, and a winter pinata mount
* Winter gardening has arrived with all new seeds including a special winter resource
* Fix stat display rounding error; fix bug where you can jump one fewer times than your jump stat
* Pets have gone to obedience school and have become better at following you.
* The Insta-Grouper is now called the Rally Blade.
* Fixed bug where energy debt was reset to 0 after taking damage
* Wind up attacks from bosses now deal more damage. This change doesn't apply to shadow invaders who were already doing higher damage.
* Some buttons which were not centered should now be centered
* Sugar crash does 25% less damage to blocks
* Tentacles and eyes are now available in the store.
* Dracolyte now has a 0% multiplier for attack speed (purely a visual change to help understand Draco's basic attack)
* The Strawberry Candy Cow deco should now appear correctly
* New Candy dungeon from Dopesheet.