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Golden Sundered Uplands Cache


Open for large amounts of Sundered Uplands crafting materials or other valuable rewards!

Imported in Patch: Sunrise Tervezte: Trove Team

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Lootbox Probabilities

Key: Sunder-Ark Cache - 49.88%

Sundercharge Crystal - 37.08%

Phoenix Mote - 12.13%

Scroll: Freedom of Flight (Gold) - 0.12%

Scroll: Defense++ (Gold) - 0.12%

Scroll: Jump++ (Gold) - 0.12%

Scroll: Physical Damage++ (Gold) - 0.12%

Scroll: Magic Damage++ (Gold) - 0.12%

Scroll: Resource Collection++ (Gold) - 0.12%

Tradable Ship: Squishy Fishy - 0.024%

Tradable Mount: Doc Duckster - 0.024%

Tradable Ally: Irradiant Gearbox - 0.024%

Tradable Ally: Ashyen Lobber - 0.024%

Tradable Wings: Skyhook Gliders - 0.024%

Tradable Mount: Ashen Wanderer - 0.012%

Tradable Mount: Shinkira, the Cinderwing - 0.012%

Tradable Wings: Irradiantly Unbound - 0.012%

Tradable Wings: Ashen Pappus - 0.012%