Lesser Dragon Cache
Contains Flux and Dragon Coins.
Imported in Patch: Snowfest & Get Crafty! 제작자: Trove Team
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Lesser Dragon Cache"
Preview: Stedms. Challenges now award a new Lesser Dragon Cache that isn't tradable but Show
Challenges and Minigames
- Weekly Deals have arrived! Every week, a fantastic deal on certain items will appear in the store. Each deal can be purchased only once a week. When the deal returns to the store in the future it can be purchased again.
- Two new types of Deals will appear in the Store from time to time offering extreme value. Flash Deals are 4 hours long, occur every 4 days, and offer a 5x value deal on various consumable items essential to powering up. Power Deals unlock as you power up and are a 4x value, and appear for 6 hours.
- Credit Packs now offer Radiant Sovereigns, which can be redeemed for great rewards in the Hub. As part of this change, all "Deal" packs have been retired.
- A new $30 Credit pack has been added, offering 5,000 credits and 6 Radiant Sovereigns.
- There are now three new packs in the store that contain varying amounts of 'Credit Pouches'. These pouches are worth 250 Credits each when consumed and are tradable.
- Due to the addition of tradable Credits, collectible store items are purchased for unlock rather than trade and some tradable items like Class Coins and Inventory Expanders are now obsolete and have been retired from the store.
- There is now an option to purchase 33 Greater Dragon Caches at once with a bonus Diamond Dragonite Pouch.
- Starter classes now cost 250 Credits.
- Advanced classes now cost 750 Credits.
- Heart-a-Phones reduced in price from 500 Credits to 250, and Golden Keys (guaranteed Rare chest reward) reduced in price from 2000 to 1500.
- The 10 pack of Chaos Chests in the store is now the 11 pack. The 100 pack of Chaos Chests now gives 110 and a Golden Chaos Chest.
- An untradable 15 day Patron Pass is now available for 1,250 Credits (fewer than half the Credits of the 30 day pass). While not directly tradable it can be purchased with Credits from five Credit Pouches that can be purchased with in-game currency from the Marketplace.
- The tradable 30 Day Patron Pass for 3,000 Credits is leaving the Trove Store.
- Some Store-bought items are now untradable (but old ones retain their tradability): Greater Dragon Caches, Pinatas, Club Megaphones, Rename Tags, Heart-A-Phones.
- Some items have been removed from the Store: Costume Mystery Boxes, Eyes, and Tentacles.
- Any older Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, Golden Gem Keys now have “Tradable” in their names. These previous versions must be Loot Collected in order to produce the actual Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, and Golden Gem. Store purchases of these three items will now grant untradeable versions.
- The store visuals have gotten a makeover. Check it out!
- Spring Pinatas are in the store!
French and German
- New challenge maps have been added for these minigames! The Kitchen racing map from ScythePlays with help from KieraDescent and Fatal_L3gacy, the Fountain Island collect map from Zez, and the Sted Parkour collect map from Stedms.
- Challenges now award a new Lesser Dragon Cache that isn't tradable but always contains at least one Dragon Coin at common and 25 at rare. It also has an extra-fast filling Karma bar. This should increase the amount of Dragon Coins it is possible to earn for playing challenges.
- You can now craft the materials required to create your own Racing and Coin Collect minigames for your Club World using the Worldspring!
- The new Minigame 'Target Destruction' can be built in the Worldspring crafting bench and played in individual Club Worlds. It will come to the challenge rotation in the future once we've improve the hit detection further.
- Added a new Minigame Class block which, once placed, turns any participating Trovians into the specified class (even for participants that haven’t unlocked that class yet).
- There is now a recipe on the Worldspring crafting bench for a teleporter placeable.
Community Created Content
- Trove will now display in French or German if that is your selected system language.
- Users who have selected French or German for their language in Trove are now placed in separate French and German instances of Global Chat.
Battle Arenas
- New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Screamheart!
- New Shadow Tower Dungeon from stedms!
- New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Pennry!
- New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Keyser95!
- New Candoria Dungeon from Aveon0!
- New Candoria Lair from Evilagician!
- New Candoria Dungeon from Pupshies!
- New Undead Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Neon City Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Treasure Isles Dungeon from BrianVII!
- New Cursed Lair from FiplyLonePly!
- New Dragonfire Peaks Dungeon from Zungryware!
- New Frontier Dungeon from Keyser95!
- New Frontier Lair from stedms!
- Three new Jurassic Jungle Lairs from stedms!
- New Jurassic Jungle Lair from Ylva!
- New Jurassic Jungle Lair from FiannaTiger!
- New Jurassic Jungle swamp Dungeon from Screamheart!
- New Jurassic Jungle Lair from Chronozilla!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Evilagician!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from stedms!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Pennry!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Zirhaw!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Stabicus!
- New Shadow's Eve Jurassic Jungle Lair from stedms!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Screamheart!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Dark_Style_NL!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Player214!
- Added a Voxelbusters seasonal battle arena to rotation!
Class Coins
- Battle Arena quick matches now grant class experience upon completion.
- Quick matches and club matches now award Star Bar points upon completion. You’ll get a Cubit payout when filling the Star Bar each day.
Animal Helms
- A Starter Class Coin is available to claim from the Trove Store for free in new accounts. This replaces the previous requirement of reaching Mastery Rank 3. (Pro Tip: Use the Class Select menu to get a free trial of any Class before using your free Starter Class Coin).
- The Starter Class Coin has a new look, to differentiate it against the regular Class Coin.
- The Mastery Rank 5 and Refer-A-Friend Class Coins now only unlock starter classes.
- Due to the availability of classes through other gameplay means, the Class Coin awarded at rank 25 Mastery has been removed.
- Untradeable Class Coins now Loot Collect into 3 Double Experience Potions. These potions last for an hour and will only count down while you’re online.
- Omni Unlockers are now known as 'Stashes'.
- There are now stash exclusive animal helm styles in their own style category. Super Style Stashes will unlock these randomly!
- One of the dev’s, Twixler, made all these so make sure to let her know how much you like them if you see her.
- New Llama Talisman has a very rare chance to drop in all adventure worlds with which you can craft many “lluxurious llamas”.
- The basic versions of the Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts are now craftable on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench but no longer drop in the world. In their place, Talisman versions of each now drop. These can be used to craft any of the mounts of that type, including the base mount.
- Corgi Talismans, Centaur Talismans, Shmeep Talismans, and Meownt Talismans are required to craft the special mounts that share their names on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench in place of the basic version of the mount.
- The descriptions of the talismans have been updated to reflect where they drop.
- The Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts will also Loot Collect into the Talisman version.
Special Effect Blocks
- Very, very (very) rarely in the Cursed Skylands a Griffon Talisman will drop. This tradable crafting material can be used in crafting Griffons at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
- Craft these four Griffons:
- Drumsticks requires 1 Griffon Talisman and 60,000 Flux.
- Paul Esteban Maclaw requires 1 Griffon Talisman, 60,000 Flux, and 750 Golden Seashells.
- Falminar, Assuager of Burdens requires 1 Griffon Talisman, 60,000 Flux, and 1,300 Crystallized Clouds.
- Frostgale the Fierce requires 1 Griffon Talisman, 60,000 Flux, and 2,500 Glacial Shards.
- There are 5 new craftable blocks in the Fun Factory that play special effects when you run over them or ride over them with a Mag Rider! They will also play any music blocks underneath them.
Item Renames
- Recipe: Tolling Bell -> renamed to Recipe: Dangling Doorbell.
- Recipe: Draconic Lantern -> renamed to Recipe: Dragon Lantern.
- Recipe: Robot Egg -> renamed to Botnik Egg.
- Recipe: Sweepy Shroomling -> renamed to Beddy Sweepy Shroomling.
- Recipe: Monitor -> renamed to NED Display.
- Recipe: Permafrost Tundra Snow Cube -> renamed to Permafrost Snow Cube.
- Roboclock Radio -> renamed to Circadian Cadencer.
- Techie Table Segment -> renamed to Tech Table Segment.
- Metal Window Frame -> renamed to Optics-Enhanced Partition.
Preview: ap from Zez. Challenges now award a new lesser dragon cache that isn't tradable but always Show
Chaos Chest Changes
- Chaos Chests and Golden Chaos Chests now drop sometimes from dungeon chests. There are advantages to farming fast for these, but even more casual players will be able to earn them at a reasonable rate!
- All Chaos Chests acquired following this patch cannot be traded. Existing chests are still tradable. Tradable and non-tradable chests have separate karma bars.
- Chaos Chest common and uncommon tables have been randomized and the uncommon table now includes Chaos Cores.
- You can use Chaos Cores along with other resources to craft classes, new costumes, and Chaos Chest specific collectibles.
- The Chaos Chest rare table has been expanded to always include all previous Chaos Chest only collectibles at a low rate.
- Any chest specific collectibles gained from opening chests are now are not tradable, and loot collect into Chaos Cores. Previously acquired collectibles remain tradable, but cannot be loot collected.
- Added the new Chaos Workbench to the Novice Crafting Bench.
- Crafting at this bench unlocks directly into your collection and prevent you from crafting anything you already have collected.
- The chaos crafter includes the following awesome new costumes: Blastcap Builder (Boomeranger) by Evilagician, Mesozoic Meteomancer (Ice Sage) by Evilagician, Strife Sage (Ice Sage) by Celeress, Guardian Golem (Revenant) by Evilagician, Chimeric Cubist (Candy Barbarian) by Dusty_Mustard, Alchemancer (Chloromancer) by Jusiv, Crystal Cultivator (Chloromancer) by 3motions, ATMOS C-TAC Armor (Gunslinger) by B_Y3LL0W, Shadowscorn Saboteur (Lunar Lancer) by Screamheart, Inferno Infiltrator (Neon Ninja) by Flowey, Modish Marksman (Shadow Hunter) by TeeKayM, Royal Ranger (Shadow Hunter) by Rosain, and Everdark Emissary (Tomb Raiser) by FriedSushi.
Crafting Inventory
- The crafting inventory tab is now live!
- Any crafting materials collected now go to a separate tab in the inventory and can stack up to very large numbers.
- Right click any crafting materials in your adventure inventory you want to move into your crafting inventory.
Challenges and Minigames
- You can now craft the materials required for Racing and Coin Collect minigames using the Worldspring!
- New challenge maps have been added for these minigames! The Kitchen racing map from Scytheplays with help from KieraDescent and Fatal_L3gacy, and the Fountain Island collect map from Zez.
- Challenges now award a new lesser dragon cache that isn't tradable but always contains at least one dragon coin at common and at rare gives 25. It also has an extra fast filling Karma bar. This should increase the amount of dragon coins it is possible to earn for playing challenges.
- Complete the Snowfestivus quest chain to earn your very own Snowfestivus Log, a new rig where you run backwards on a log to go forward! Also has great prizes like Chaos Chests and Dragonite!
- Log in every day 12/20-1/17 to get fantastic login bonuses, ranging from Patron Passes to Chaos Chests to Gem boosters to Experience coins! (See below for a full list for those of you who like spoilers)
- Check out the new Holiday Tree lair! The lair for the Neon City biome was made by Meowsifer; all others were made by stedms.
- Bosses in Holiday Tree lairs drop Snowflakes, which can be crafted into Enchanted Snowballs, which can be used to bop a friend on the noggin, or maybe, someday, debuff the fire shield on a holiday-stealing mechanical monster? Nah, we don't even have those.
- These snowflakes will automatically be looted to your crafting inventory after you break open the chest dropped by the boss.
- The new Bouncy Bauble and Plethora o' Presents mounts are rare drops from bosses in Holiday Tree Lairs.
- The Snowfest Mystery Box now drops from vanquished enemies here and there.
- Limited time items are now in the Store! the Santa Barbarian Costume, and the Rudolph Raptor and Revelling Reindeer mounts will deliver that holiday cheer.
- Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings, flies into Trove. This dragon spreads good cheer at any time of the year!
- The Snowfest Pack is now available in the store! Get the Tannenbomber dragon egg plus a wintery collection of mounts and costumes that are sure to make you look cool (get it?). It's because cool can also mean cold.
- The dragon egg for Tannenbomber, Harbringer of Tidings can also be crafted in the Snowfest table. So can the Floating Snowflake by FuzzyDerp.
- The Snowfest Pack contains all the following player-made mounts: Tannenbomber, Harbinger of Tidings by Skyrider3217, Permataur by Zoe, Delicious Direwolf by Digiwolf, Wayfaring Warbear by Screamheart, and Weyrfir, Winter's Rest by Fizzinc.
- Starter classes now permanently cost 250 Credits.
- Advanced classes now permanently cost 750 Credits.
- There are now three new packs in the store that contain varying amounts of 'Credit Pouches'. These pouches are worth 250 Credits each when consumed and are tradable.
- Due to the addition of tradable Credits, collectible store items are purchased for unlock rather than trade and some tradable items like Class Coins and Inventory Expanders are now obsolete and have been retired from the store.
- A new Chaos Chest weekly deal has been introduced and is live this week. The patron deal will return next week!
- The Dark Dungeoneer, Firey Fighter, and Celestial Champion packs are now only visible in-game for new players.
- The 10 pack of Chaos Chests in the store is now the 11 pack. The 100 pack of chaos chests now gives 110 and a Golden Chaos Chest.
Early Game Changes
- The makeup of (what used to be called) Novice to Uber-5 worlds has been changed, to "unlock" and feature one biome per world. The worlds are also renamed to the name of the biome that is unveiled. Uber-6 and up are unchanged.
- Since Dragonfire Peaks and Jurassic Jungle are restricted to U4 and U5, they will no longer appear as biome challenges.
- Trading, community and club chests, and the marketplace now require mastery rank 20.
- The Mastery Rank 5 and RAF class coins now only unlock starter classes.
- Due to the availability of classes through other gameplay means, the class coin awarded at rank 25 mastery has been removed.
Marketplace Changes
- Removed chaos chests, eyes, and glim from marketplace currency.
- Since we're increasing how much flux you can store, we figured we should increase how much flux you can charge for your Marketplace listings! The new maximum is 25 million flux.
New Dungeons
- New Frontier Dungeon from Keyser95!
- New Jurassic Jungle Dungeon from Player214!
- Added a voxelbusters seasonal battle arena to rotation!
Additional Updates
- Fix crash occuring when using Shadow Tower dialog when the client is using OpenGL on Mac or Windows.
- Multithreading fixes for fullscreen mode on Mac.
- Client no longer gets stuck trying to find the next item in the action bar after removing the active item from action bar within build mode.
- Due to the number of legendary tomes we've decided to reduce the experience required to fill them to half of what is now. Have fun!
- Leveling costumes are now 35 mastery and other costumes are 70 mastery.
- Since the value of these items are decreasing we have removed non tradable class coin and inventory expander from rare table of daily lockboxes.
- The Classy Kiwi ally has been added to the streamer dream chest.
- It is now possible to use RMB to move items from the Build Mode inventory to the Marketplace.
- Cracked gems now appear cracked once more.
- The game now handles the enemies killed stat correctly with regard to the Dracolyte's Burnt Offerings.
- Mastery is now awarded immediately when an XP coin is used.
- Better auto-selection of the first available recipe for the workbench.
- Handle near simultaneous equipping and trashing of an inventory slot.
- Revenant Costume - Super Magical now indicates creator in item description.
- Stacks of Credits have been renamed to Decorative Money to reduce confusion in the Marketplace.
- Fixed some cut-off text in the workbenches UI for French and German.
- Decreased the font size for claim titles to fix some cutoff text for French and German.
- Decreased the font size for category headers in the crafting UI to fix some cutoff text for French and German.
Login Bonuses 12/20-1/16
- Why stop opening presents on the 24th! Get a present every day through January 16th!
- 12/20: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/21: 10 Chaos Chests (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/22: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/23: 10 Dragon Coins
- 12/24: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/25: 5 Gem Booster Boxes
- 12/26: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/27: 1 XP Coin
- 12/28: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/29: 10 Chaos Chests (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/30: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 12/31: 10 Chaos Chests (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/1: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/2: 5 Lapis Luckbugs
- 1/3: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/4: 10 Chaos Chests (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/5: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/6: 10 Glittering Horseshoes
- 1/7: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/8: 1 XP Coin
- 1/9: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/10: 10 Chaos Chests (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/11: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/12: 1 Empowered Gem Box
- 1/13: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/14: 10 Dragon Coins
- 1/15: 1 day Patron Pass (to players with at least 20 Mastery)
- 1/16: 1 Ninth Life
Preview: egin to drop. Challenges now award a new lesser dragon cache that isn't tradable but always Show
Additional Updates
- Alchemancer's Green Gatling plants now appear when Class Gem is equipped.
- The 10 pack of chaos chests in the store is now the 11 pack. The 100 pack of chaos chests now gives 110 and a golden chaos chest.
- Reduced the core requirement for the basic chaos crafting collectibles from 7 to 6.
- Fixed the chaos core tooltip text.
- Golden chaos chests are now a rare drop! (Roughly 1% of the time when a chaos chest would drop, a golden chaos chest will now drop instead!)
- Rare mount drops are now a bit rarer. Pemblocks and Meownts will stop showing up in the highest uber levels, once Shmeep and Centaurs begin to drop.
- Challenges now award a new lesser dragon cache that isn't tradable but always contains at least one dragon coin at common and at rare gives 25. It also has an extra fast filling Karma bar.