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Chaos Chest


Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.

The featured rare collectibles change weekly.

Imported in Patch: Snowfest & Get Crafty! Diseñado por: Trove Team

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Patch Notes Available for Dance Off Edition

Patch notes have been posted for tomorrows patch Dance Off Edition Source | Discussion on Forums...

February 16, 2015 Patch

Feb 11: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Dribble has posted the results of opening 500 Chaos Chests on the Trove Forums. Source: If you want to contribute to this overall list, you can take a video o...

February 11, 2015 Chaos Chest

Take Flight Update - Patch Live

The take flight update will arrive today and patch notes are available. Discuss on Forums | View New Styles | View new Items and Deco...

February 10, 2015 Patch

Feb 2: Chaos Chest - Loot List

Dribble has created a post on the forums showing what he received opening 500 Chaos Chests. Continue reading for the full list:...

February 4, 2015 Chaos Chest

Do Not Disturb Edition - Patch

Trove servers have been updated to the Do Not Disturb Edition, we call this Patch #97 on Trovesaurus to aid in linking. This edition introduces: Wings and gliding (for some people) A do not disturb mode A Chaos Chest loot shuffle Visual enhancement...

February 3, 2015 Patch

January 30 Dev Livestream Recap

Friday 30 January the Developers hosted a livestream, several of the forum members took notes and I've condensed them into this post. Thanks to the work done by Zipperumpazoo and Kiriux...

January 31, 2015

Jan 28: Chaos Chest - Loot List

The contents of the chaos chest for this date period....

January 28, 2015 Chaos Chest