Berserk Battler
Empowered Cosmic Gem for any class. Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light. Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Imported in Patch: November Update Designed by: Trove Team
Cannot be traded
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PTS Patch Notes - Additional Updates - December 1, 2018
PostCard / Trove Forums
Preview: hould be much more difficult now. Berserk Battler Gem ability no longer stack Show
Additional Updates
- Light/Dark stats have been fixed. U10 should be much more difficult now.
- Berserk Battler Gem ability no longer stacks.
- Added Loot Collectors and Personal Chests to all the Geode Topside Outposts.
- Crystal Rarity item drops are temporarily set to use the same vfx as Stellar Rarity.
- Restored PR values for Empowered Gems.
- Cosmic Gems now have the same chance to drop in Empowered Gem Boxes as other Gem types.
- Fixed various typos.