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Imported in Patch: Reeling in the Stars 设计者为: Trove Team

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Ready your wallets! Preview the December 2021, January and February 2022 packs

We've finished preparing the site to handle the next three months of events and here is a preview of the packs and their contents. Mastery and pricing won't be available until release....

December 9, 2021

Heroes PTS New Blueprints

We've checked the blueprints on the PTS with those on the Live server and these are the changes....

February 17, 2018 Blueprints PTS

Dernière semaine pour profiter de 25% de remise sur le Pack fort sapinthique !

Dernière semaine pour profiter de 25% de remise sur le Pack fort sapinthique ! Cet assortiment festif de fin d’année inclut quatorze nouveaux styles, deux nouvelles montures, deux nouveaux alliés et deux fantastiques structur...

January 11, 2018 Blog FR

25% Off the All-Pine ArtisTree Pack

The All-Pine ArtisTree Pack is 25% off during this final week before it disappears from the Trove Store on January 15th! This festive assortment of holiday cheer includes fourteen new styles, 100 Ice Bombs, two new mounts, two new allies, and two fant...

January 9, 2018 Blog

Pack fort sapinthique

Décorez votre vie de magnifiques ornements de saison avec le tout nouveau Pack fort sapinthique ! Cet assortiment festif de fin d’année inclut quatorze nouveaux styles, deux nouvelles montures, deux nouveaux alliés et deux fa...

December 8, 2017 Blog FR

All-Pine Artis Tree Pack

Deck the halls with gorgeous holiday décor with the brand-new All-Pine Artis Tree Pack! This festive assortment of holiday cheer includes fourteen new styles, three new mounts, two new allies, and two fantastic frameworks! The only thing missing is a p...

December 4, 2017 Blog

Database Update - Adventures (Styles)

Sorry for the delay folks, I had to tweak our aging Styles DB importer to work with the current format of the client files. I'm now ready to show you a list of changes to Styles that were made during the Adventures update....

November 27, 2017

Database Update - Adventures (Items and Deco)

These are the items and deco from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length. Thanks to [user=Evilagician] for help in creating the icons for fixtures....

November 14, 2017

Database Update - Adventures (Collections)

These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....

November 14, 2017 Database Update