Unicorn Chard
Crafting Material.
Harvested from Unicorn Chard Seeds, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.
Imported in Patch: Spring Cleaning 2019 Criado por: Trove Team
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Unicorn Chard"
PTS Patch Notes - May 11, 2019
PostCard / Trove Forums
Preview: od items have been adjusted upwards:Unicorn Chard and Qubbage now give 250 dama Show
Additional Updates
- Stats on some vegetable food items have been adjusted upwards:
- Unicorn Chard and Qubbage now give 250 damage of their respective type.
- Bunfeed gives 0.5% Critical Hit
- Corn on the Cube now gives 10% attack speed.
- Purp'lil now gives 20 cooldown recovery speed.
- Fixed permissions for watering and harvesting in club worlds.
- Fixed a server crash that could occur when using Buy Back.
- Golden Seashells and Floral Dragon Egg Fragments are now compostable.
- Moonlight Bulbs can no longer be composted.
- Garden Dragon egg Fragments are now deconstructable.
- /clublog helper text has been clarified.
- Added the result of the /zonerestrict command to Club Logs.
- The appearance for organic refuse have been updated to make them more visually distinct.
- Improved the bubble dragon fragment drop rate.
- Disabled the Dungeons and Lairs which could spawn in the Geode Hub.