WE'RE UP!!! Some items, including Megaflux Tanks, have been temporarily made untradeable. Keep an eye on these Trove forums for details, updates, and reward information.
COMPENSATION: This will definitely happen today (Friday) when folks are in the office to pull and grant. Our folks need a few hours of sleep first!

The following changes are all intended to be temporary while our customer service department continues to clean up:
- Megaflux Tanks cannot be deconstructed.
- Megaflux Tank recipes have been removed from the Adventurer's work bench.
- Megaflux Tanks are currently not tradable and cannot be moved between club inventories and player inventories.
- The above also applies to the old tradable versions of Chaos Chests, Golden Chaos Chests, and Greater Dragon Caches.
- Megaflux Tanks, Golden Chaos Chests, Chaos Chests, and Greater Dragon Caches have been hidden in the Marketplace.
"Temporarily Disabled" text has been added to the descriptions for the old tradeable versions of Chaos Chests, Golden Chaos Chests, and Greater Dragon Caches. These items cannot be opened currently. Please note this warning will also appear on the non-tradeable versions of these items, but they are still usable.