Dragon Coin
Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.
Acquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).
Imported in Patch: Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition デザイン者: Trove Team
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Guardians of the Twilight Stratospheres, Lancers accumulate lunar power as they fight, eventually erupting into full Lunatic Mode. They can also call down a blessing from their missing deity, and use Grappling Spear for damage and mobility....
September 16, 2015 Lunar Lancer
A guide on how to trade safely in Trove and what to do after getting scammed As of Frosted Mini Update In-Game Name: Artorius...
August 19, 2015 Trading
Welcome to Trove Forging 101! This guide will give you an introduction of Trove's forging system. We will talk about: Item Rarity Forging Mechanics Class Builds&Tips Remember this guide is meant for newer players so we will include ve...
August 17, 2015 Gear
The winners way to millions [Not an actual book] My shpelling m!ght n0t b3 yOUR flav0r....
August 16, 2015 Gear
This a guide on how to forge (a.k.a upgrade your gear) in Trove. (Update[16/8/15]: Added item drop info for the different difficulty worlds.) (Update [18/8/15]: Added White (common) - Rainbow (Resplendent) forging costs as a reference. It is still not...
August 14, 2015 Gear
Disclaimers :This Guide will be useful as long as you use it before the game changes its mechnics This Guide will help you get your first Dragon or at least show you how to....
August 8, 2015 Dragons
This informative guide will step you through getting either Auzilian or Neon Dragons....
August 4, 2015 Azulian & Neon Dragons Dragons
Hello, and today I'm gonna show how you can get radiant gear by forging. This is going to be very, VERY expensive so make sure you have a lot of flux, eyes (not the ones on your head :P), 9 Pearls, Two Twice Forged Shadow Souls, Two Thrice Forged Shadow S...
August 4, 2015 Gear