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Faulty Codes Junebug / Trove Forums

Preview: possible. In the meantime, please do NOT use dragon effigies, mount unlockers, or si Show

If you are a modder who had a mod go live with Trove: Adventures, please read!

We have had some scattered issues with codes not redeeming properly. This seems mostly to affect the dragon codes, but also some of the "normal" mount codes. We are actively looking into this issue, and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please do NOT use dragon effigies, mount unlockers, or similar items if you've applied one of the Adventures dragon or mount codes to your account. There is a risk of that item granting you the same mount the code should have.

If you have noticed your codes not working, please do not distribute any more until we have resolved this issue.

I will keep you updated on our progress.

Preview: refund but yeah, I am unsure. Fyi, I do not use Steam wallet at all. Show

Quote Originally Posted by FallowDeer View Post
So.... Trion kept charging me $20 and taking money directly from my card when I need money to survive in college, (I live in residence on campus and need money for emergencies). So I have patron like at the start of September then passing October 2 already (yesterday) my money gets taken out again then I forgot to cancel it before October 2 because I barely have time to log into Trove due to school which yeah, I guess you can say it's my fault but if you don't understand what's it like being in college.

I really don't want to contact support if they're not going to refund me anyways so I am hoping someone else answers so I don't waste my time emailing them since just responding things on the forums and all, I waste my time doing homework.

I canceled it but they didn't mentioned a refund but yeah, I am unsure.

Fyi, I do not use Steam wallet at all.
If you emailed us from the same email on the account, you should be fine, but I wasn't able to find that ticket to check on the status. The support team will work with you directly but they won't be able to provide specifics of anything on the forums, so you'll always be better off just submitting a ticket first.

You need to be clicking the button once and have a single click take place. Any automated clicking (or any other behaviors) is definitely a real risk for you. Please do not use any method for automating gameplay.