50 Dragon Coin Boost
Get double the dragon coins for your next 50 coins! Boost is applied automatically on purchase.
Imported in Patch: November Update 제작자: Trove Team
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "50 Dragon Coin Boost"
PC and Xbox Maintenance - Nov 15
Mobi / Trove Forums
Preview: ce to give a little extra today and there's 50 Dragon Coin Boost already in the store i Show
Appreciate your feedback as we typically don't give out a compensation preemptively nor do we typically do Friday maintenance. We are trying to improve overall stability or lag issues players are experiencing and this maintenance was necessary although inconvenient for some.
We thought it would be nice to give a little extra today and there's 50 Dragon Coin Boost already in the store if you or others feel like getting more. Thanks for understanding!