Usages Download

Club Phone


When used from a club world, creates a portal in each club world linked to this and broadcasts a message - requires Trove Mastery Rank 20.

Imported in Patch: Do Not Disturb Edition 제작자: Trove Team

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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Club Phone"

Preview: ul> In Battle Royale and Battle Arenas, Club Phone broadcasts will now only show in Show

Additional Updates
  • In Battle Royale and Battle Arenas, Club Phone broadcasts will now only show in chat, and not in the top middle of the screen.
  • Cinnabar Veins now have a rare chance to drop Miner's Troves.
  • Crystallogy now has recipes for a Geode Hub portal and batches of various consumables.
  • Bomber Royale Leaderboards will no longer erroneously indicate everyone will get all the rewards.
  • The Crystal Pinata mount will now appear in the Adventure inventory.

Preview: e Piñata Party with 100 piñatas and a Club Phone to bring players to your Club Wo Show

The time has come. The winners of the Shadow's Eve Houses of Horrors contest have been selected.

This was not an easy contest to judge. There are so many amazing creations that it was nearly impossible to reach a final decision. In the end we were able to do it, but even if you don't win one of the prizes for this contest, your creations were still incredibly impressive.

The Grand Prize build can be found in right here! This build gets top honors for being a massive undertaking as well as being so creative in displaying the various elements of the build.

It's a mag rider track that winds through a sprawling collection of builds based on a series of horror films (and a ghost-based comedy). I was genuinely blown away by this amazing work.

The Ring
Trick 'R Treat

I am listing the runners up below without images because I want to save the heavy lifting for the blogs that will go out next week. Codes for prizes have been sent to the person who posted the entry. Be sure to check your forum messages.

Runners Up

/joinworld Bloody Knights
/joinworld Ancient Reverie
/joinworld Express Force
/joinworld Loose Gear
/joinworld CEBEP

Thanks again to everyone who submitted an entry to this contest. We can't thank you enough for the amazing builds you've created!

Good evening,

Shadow’s Eve is here! As the nights grow longer, the barrier between shadow and light all but vanishes. To celebrate this annual festival of darkness, we invite you to build the stuff of nightmares!

Now to answer the big questions:
  • Who: Everyone with building permission in a Club World is eligible to take part. Each club is only eligible for one prize.
  • What: Create a custom representation of the horror movie genre. Want to build a perfect replica of a gruesome set? How about a recreation of a scream-inducing scene? Let your imagination run wild and your blood run cold.
  • When: Builds must be submitted by 4PM PDT, October 31st. The winner and runners up will be announced on Friday, November 4th with a featured spot on our livestream!
  • How: Post a screenshot in our official contest forum thread with the following info: the name of your Club World (not just the world ID number) and instructions for finding your build. If we can’t find it easily, we can’t consider it.

What do you get for undertaking this big ol’ build?
  • Grand Prize – A Mega Piñata (800 piñatas) and a Cubic Creations blog promoting your Club World’s history and showing off your build in greater detail.
  • Runners Up (5) – Ultimate Piñata Party with 100 piñatas and a Club Phone to bring players to your Club World. We’ll also publish a Cubic Creations blog to highlight all five builds.
You can create something that covers a lot of ground or build something smaller that really focuses on the details.

Each Cubic Creation will be judged based on creativity, which is very subjective. Some great builds may not be selected for prizes, but we will pick additional builds to promote via social media so players all around the world can enjoy your masterpieces.

Our community of creators are so talented it’s scary. Knock ‘em dead, Trovians!

Preview: e Piñata Party with 100 piñatas and a Club Phone to invite other players to party Show


Hey folks,

I tried, and just couldn't narrow it down to 1 winner and 5 runners up. I ran picks by the team and everyone was so impressed by these builds that we're doubling up.

We have two Grand Prize winners, each getting a Mega Pinata!
  • /joinworld Crazy Army
  • /joinworld The Knights of Glory

Our ten runner's up are:
  • /joinworld Highland Scots
  • /joinworld Robo Meisters
  • /joinworld Legion Of Fanfickle (head south of the spawn point, and just beyond the river you will see it)
  • /joinworld Eat Me
  • /joinworld Rainbow Dimension (southeast from spawn point)
  • /joinworld defiant few (head through the blue portal right next to spawn)
  • /joinworld Midnight Elite (behind you at spawn point. head north east, visible from spawn)
  • /joinworld Varros (NW from spawn. just beyond tree with giant snake wrapped around it)
  • /joinworld crystal cave (go west over the bridge and up the staircase for giant fossils)
  • /joinworld Kingpiggypoopooclub

I'll get those prizes sent out later today. Everyone should take the time to run through these Club Worlds (and any who submitted here).

We’re unlocking the new Jurassic Jungle biome and releasing the Dino Tamer upon the world tomorrow. In celebration, we’re throwing a Dino Build Party! Create a dino-themed build in your Club World and share your glorious creation with us here on our forums or via Twitter using the hashtag #JoinTheParty.

Your build can be big or small - what matters most is creativity. No paleontologists will be involved in picking winners, so go wild! If you have a building crew, get brainstorming now. For solo builders, focus on making something uniquely you.
  • Build a dinosaur themed creation in a Club World
    1. This can be the Dino Tamer, a real dinosaur, or a unique creation of your very own
  • Submit a screenshot and the name of the Club World where it’s located
    1. Entries must be sent via Twitter with the hashtag #JoinTheParty or posted to this forum thread. Be sure to include directions to find the build in your Club World!
    2. To be eligible, your entry must be received by Wednesday, September 21 at 4PM PDT (11PM GMT)
  • We’ll look over all eligible entries and pick winners to be announced/visited during the Trove livestream at 12:30PM PDT, Friday, September 23.
  • The Grand Prize winner will receive a Mega Piñata! That’s 800 piñatas to share with your friends! You’ll be able to keep the party going for weeks!
  • Five runners up will each earn an Ultimate Piñata Party with 100 piñatas and a Club Phone to invite other players to party with you and check out your amazing creation!

We’re excited to see what you can come up with - celebrate the discovery of this lost world of the Dino Tamer. Let’s get this party started!

Preview: never you want! The codes will each grant a Club Phone and 100 piñatas! There is no Show

Greetings Trovians!

The Club Worlds in Trove are astonishing examples of what can be achieved when players work together for a common goal. Now we want to challenge each of you to celebrate the one year anniversary of Trove with the creativity and skill we've come to know and love!

Gather your Club Architects and build something in your Club World that is anniversary or birthday themed. It can be either, it can be both, it can be big or small, the key is creativity.

The event begins right now! The entries must be received by Friday, July 22, 2016 at 12PM PDT (7PM GMT).

There are no winners or losers here, but we (myself and members of the dev team) will pick some of the most creative entries to show off on the livestream. We'll also create a blog to show off some of the entries and will promote them on Twitter/Facebook.

While we're there we'll also throw a piñata party and your Club Leader will be given 5 codes for a piñata party to throw a celebration of your artistic prowess whenever you want! The codes will each grant a Club Phone and 100 piñatas! There is no limit on how many entries we can pick. It might be two, it might be less than two, it might be more than two. It's a total mystery!

You can submit a screenshot, GIF, or video clip showing off your creation. The sky's the limit! All entries must be actual in game creations. It can be something that already exists but fits the theme or a brand new creation that you start after reading this post.

When you submit an entry make sure to include how to get to your Club so we can check it out!


Thanks everyone. Have fun!