Gloomy Gloaming
Neither light nor darkness, but the terrible twilight in between.
Imported in Patch: Hotfix September 26, 2017 Conçu par : Trove Team
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Check out the changes to the Trovesaurus database from the October Update....
October 17, 2018 Database Update
¡Es otoño en los muchos mundos de Trove y nuestra afición por los dulces con sabor a calabaza han expulsado a las fuerzas de la sombra de su calabaza! ¡A partir del 24 de octubre, completa siete nuevas aventuras estacionales p...
It’s autumn in the many worlds of Trove and our penchant for pumpkin-flavored treats have driven the forces of shadow out of their gourd! Starting on October 24th, complete seven all-new, seasonal adventures to make the most of the holiday and earn epi...
October 24, 2017 Blog