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T-323: Delve Bosses don't drop their trophies

No Description





Acknowledged by The Trove Team as a bug






Oct 14, 2022

Mar 9, 2023




Issue Details



Killing hundreds of delve bosses


A trophy of representing boss to drop at least once


So before i start describing what's wrong here - let me talk a bit about game mechanics: All Delve Bosses actually drop NOTHING, but their chest that spawn after the defeat will drop loot upon breaking. Its loot pool depends on the depth and on the boss (that's what i believe at least, because there's one or two entities for a chest, not one entity for every single boss). The thing is that none of these boxes have trophy that would be related to the defeated boss, while floor's mobs at least have their trophies in their drop polls. This could be intentional, but after looking at some event exclusive bosses like Pinzo, Q'berus (and probably some other) who drop their trophies from their chests - i thought that... what if it's not intentional? Out of existing 34 boss mementos that are not event exclusive we actually have a lot of bosses that are either just oversized adventure bosses (Waspider, Magman, Wight King), Shadow Titans (Pinata God, Daughter of the Moon or Weeping Prophet) or Topside Leviathans (Smol Ifera, Lobstrosso, Timmense). However there's 9 bosses that either have never appeared anywhere before Delves or appeared but lacked a trophy, those are Balefire Dragon, Black Beak, Blue Barry, Greater Balephantom, Ice Giant King, Mean Gene the Green, Refracted Balephantom, Shadowshroom King (Who, if i'm correct, still lacks a trophy and uses Dark Mushroom man's instead) and Squawk Red-Eye. It's not a big detail to have all Delve bosses being able to drop their trophies, but taking the fact that among Trove players there's those who like to collect all possible to obtain trophies - that'd be a good gift for them... and for other players in general
2 years ago B4stBoy changed status from Reported to Acknowledged

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