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Context for message 1225625534638194719

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apprisco 6 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1228368456907493439
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Does scavenger work the same? Is it equally useless? +few vaults every 10 minutes is genuinely a worthless feature.
    [channel_id] => 1225214818827505676
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 330646163994705921
            [username] => apprisco
            [avatar] => a_77057ded72df95d4c7e68a4ac9bb5010
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-12T15:37:42.109000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


Does scavenger work the same? Is it equally useless? +few vaults every 10 minutes is genuinely a worthless feature.

apprisco 6 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1228369896845348955
    [type] => 0
    [content] => Like, it’s simply not worth it to equip gearuto even for ships.
    [channel_id] => 1225214818827505676
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 330646163994705921
            [username] => apprisco
            [avatar] => a_77057ded72df95d4c7e68a4ac9bb5010
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-12T15:43:25.417000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


Like, it’s simply not worth it to equip gearuto even for ships.

apprisco 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230392214891528222
    [type] => 0
    [content] => zero progress update
Support claims Not a bug, LMFAO
Devs claim it's a bug
Wtf am I supposed to do other than quit the game <a:KEKWlaugh:694289525593079909>
    [channel_id] => 1225536982990716968
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 330646163994705921
            [username] => apprisco
            [avatar] => a_77057ded72df95d4c7e68a4ac9bb5010
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T05:39:23.612000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


zero progress update
Support claims Not a bug, LMFAO
Devs claim it's a bug
Wtf am I supposed to do other than quit the game

apprisco 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230392349427765339
    [type] => 0
    [content] => I lost over 300 tempered block elements, like r they serious???
    [channel_id] => 1225536982990716968
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 330646163994705921
            [username] => apprisco
            [avatar] => a_77057ded72df95d4c7e68a4ac9bb5010
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T05:39:55.688000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


I lost over 300 tempered block elements, like r they serious???

closetfeline_ 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230427060514852914
    [type] => 0
    [content] => even if it gets fixed I doubt they'd actually give the resources that were lost back ngl
    [channel_id] => 1225536982990716968
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 493853992779251742
            [username] => closetfeline_
            [avatar] => 6499d04779b0b38ed37e30d3baf8de53
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T07:57:51.456000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


even if it gets fixed I doubt they'd actually give the resources that were lost back ngl

mrlool 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230573393418522656
    [type] => 0
    [content] => <@146275740084731904> is this information real ?
    [channel_id] => 1230572895214768329
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 225053826653224960
            [username] => mrlool
            [avatar] => 1c6fb75f615444b17e33f345ea55ec9f
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T17:39:19.939000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


<@146275740084731904> is this information real ?

mrlool 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230573551531196497
    [type] => 0
    [content] => <:information:1023251083658793011>
    [channel_id] => 1230572895214768329
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 225053826653224960
            [username] => mrlool
            [avatar] => 1c6fb75f615444b17e33f345ea55ec9f
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T17:39:57.636000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


criteox 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230574343327580192
    [type] => 0
    [content] => very much so
    [channel_id] => 1230572895214768329
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 209712946534809600
            [username] => criteox
            [avatar] => 5019e7b7ad4e173fb07a67c082394441
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T17:43:06.415000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


very much so

criteox 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230574473896394793
    [type] => 0
    [content] => gems where to strong so they've been disabled#
    [channel_id] => 1230572895214768329
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 209712946534809600
            [username] => criteox
            [avatar] => 5019e7b7ad4e173fb07a67c082394441
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T17:43:37.545000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


gems where to strong so they've been disabled#

wingedwindow 5 months ago Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord

    [id] => 1230592464939909234
    [type] => 0
    [content] => 💀 bro
    [channel_id] => 1230572895214768329
    [author] => Array
            [bot] => 
            [id] => 296202534287310848
            [username] => wingedwindow
            [avatar] => 87eba73bc2dca980af35d469d30b504e
            [discriminator] => 0

    [timestamp] => 2024-04-18T18:55:06.944000+00:00
    [edited_at] => 
    [embeds] => Array

    [attachments] => Array

    [sticker_items] => Array


💀 bro