Idea Generator
Generate ideas for Art or Mods with a random selection of Biome, Class, Costume, Ally, Mount, Wings, Weapon, Face and Helm.
Generated Results
Fae Trickster

The Fae Trickster specializes in avoiding damage while dishing it out. Use blink to leave behind an illusion that takes the hits for you, while you deal massive damage with your charged up attack.
Kazuki, the Dancing Flame

This fire-friendly fox spirit is a fond patron of moonlit summer festivals.
Moonwing Fledgling

Unlocked through consumption of 10 Moonwing Dragon Souls, earned by opening Moonwing Dragon Caches.
Baby Punchbot

Due to a bizarre computer glitch, this baby robot thinks you're its mother.
House Panatea Sail

Fly it high when you want to live it up (which should be all the time).
Skyhook Gliders

Repurposed Irradiant Sky Giant technology allows the wearers of the Skyhook Gliders to glide freely within the Sundered Uplands, avoiding its oppressive Anti-Flight forcefield!
Flies freely in the Sundered Uplands