Eclipse Downtime Giveaway

Thanks to Trion we're giving away 10x [collection=collections/mount/dragon_lunar_03] full dragons, during todays scheduled Eclipse Update downtime.

These rewards are valid on all platforms.

Starts - August 22, 2017, 3:00 pm UTC (8 years ago)
Ends - August 22, 2017, 7:00 pm UTC (8 years ago)
Giveaway Finished

The giveaway has finished, rewards distributed = 10


10x Syluria the Enchanting

10 people will be selected at random to receive 1 reward


597 Signups

1.68% chance to receive 1 reward

Comments and Likes Comments 70

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Already had this dragon, no need to sign up

Awesome 90% pc players.....

It was actually 80% PC accounts, 8 out of 10. Makes sense, seeing as how the game originated on PC and was only ported over to console around a year ago.

why i dont win giveaways :C

I missed the giveaway Kappa

Still have no dragons

grind my firend, grind to glory


Gg guys

good luck


Gud luk (3-1) ebery2

Good luck everyone 

This dragon is unbelievable 8-o

good luck. hope i get one myself :P

I really want a dragon

hope i can win one of these... need MOAW DRAGONS

Hope eveyone good luck

Good luck guys

GL! The wait is almost over!

İyi Şanslar :D

gl all may your dragon hunting go well after downtime




Good luck, everybody! : )


3% chance to win!, i feel itttttt


This might be my first ever dragon lol

Good luck

i hope i win so i can give people some dragons!


The update is finally here! Thank you


hope i win i have been trying to get this dragon for the past 2 weeks

Good luck everyone :D

Good luck everyone! Boa sorte a todos xD

I won 100 starlight souls from the 2 greater dragon caches yesterday ;) but i could always use another! good luck everyone and enjoy the eclipse!!

have no dragons... Hope i win!

Good luck everyone!

Great use of update downtime!

Good luck to all who enter

If i win this it will be my first dragon please let me win 

P.S GL guys

Why cant i play trove after the new update on ps4

update is still in progress its not out yet ~3 hours left

Please be this the first giveaway that i'll win

Good luck,guys! ^^

hmm i entered giveaway still the giveaway part on right of the website has red X

EDIT: its fixed now

Gl to all


I hope you get it slayer101234

Wait I Didnt know there was a downtime on trove the subclasses seem cool and gl like allways


OMG i m going for this drag and so far ascended 25 souls i hope i get it and its gonna look soo cool with my LL

and good luck all ^-^

gl everyone


 Good luck to all

gl rolling

 hope this includes the stats


Full Dragon includes everything, the stats as well as the other parts you´d get for the souls (the "normal" dragon, the style, the ally, the "legendary" dragon ect)

k thx


Good luck everyone 

GL everyone!

wow, this is nice. GL everyone.

GLL i joined this community for this :D

GL EVERYONE !!!!!!!