
Author: Puroboros , Created: 5-Feb-2015 09:47 AM View on Web Archive

Can someone tell me what this stat do? Any clue or idea? Ty in advance :<


5-Feb-2015 09:47 AM


A player asked if it increased the drop rate of Pemblock alone, and Avarem responded:


5-Feb-2015 09:47 AM


I'm pretty sure that's Avarem messing around. The Dev's of Trove are good at keeping secrets and they like to get rumor mills going. They probably said that so people would scramble for superstition...


5-Feb-2015 09:47 AM


i dont know its realy the answer or not, but when i use samantha with +13 superstition, sometimes i got no dmg on range mob and poison from mushroom. :)


5-Feb-2015 09:47 AM


Avarem has said something about superstition on the interview he gave to trove brasil Soooo mysterious lol Maybe superstition is...
Superstition? Fasti / Trove Forums

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