Question on pirates and future implementations

Author: Unknown! , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive


Unknown Date!


If mastery lvl 20 reward is a wings, what happens with Shadome, if I don't have it yet?


Quote Originally Posted by Dustbyte View Post
Hi Trove Forums! I have a few questions!

1: Does anyone know if pirates will be a melee or gun class?
2: Will rifles outclass gunslingers someday?
3: Are the rumors of outrageous wing costs true?
4: Will we ever stop making classes?
5: Can all these questions actually be answered?!

Thanks for reading my post! Answers from knowledgeable people appreciated!
1. Gun
2. No plans for rifles
3. The planned cost for the store wings is 2500 credits. There will be other wings to get. In general wings are going to be the hardest to get type of collection in the game. There will be a wing unlock at mastery rank 20 which is the easiest set to get.
4. No plan to
5. Yes!


Quote Originally Posted by egk2 View Post
so, if there's a wing unlock at mastery rank 20 , will those of us who already passed rank 20 automatically get the wings? or will only people to pass rank 20 after the update get wings?
You will automatically get it.