Trove DB - Announcements and Feedback

Author: Etaew , Created: 9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM View on Web Archive

Hi guys, some of you folks on Reddit might have noticed that I've been testing out further Trove tools to go alongside what I've had existing for a...


9-Nov-2014 10:01 AM


- 3 random items are listed at the bottom of an item page to encourage further browsing Example Page - The Livestreams list now shows extra information such as how many times a streamer has streamed...


25-Nov-2014 02:51 PM


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add the new patch <3 or at least share how I can do it :)


28-Nov-2014 12:25 AM


You forgot to put that the turkey mount is also obtainable from the boxes as well. Also, I think I found a bug. When I go to it says there are 66 items in...


17-Dec-2014 12:24 AM


Are we getting a patch update today? :D


30-Dec-2014 09:17 AM


Sorry for the late reply, I've been ill and had family commitments. I've also noticed that I haven't detected any new weapon models since the Winter Edition patch. Are any you are thinking of...


30-Dec-2014 09:22 AM


Awesome job Etaew!


6-Jan-2015 11:10 AM


- Added Patch #91 - Back to Work Edition - Detected 65 New Items and Placeables in Patch #91 Note: The image generation program I use, the catalog.bat -> devtool.bat crashes on image request,...


8-Jan-2015 09:22 AM


Troxel is a WebApp, so the images are generated client-side with the limitations of not having direct access to the file system (except through the non headless download dialog from the browsers)....


8-Jan-2015 01:45 PM


Sorry for the late reply too, i just noticed that the new items were just not organized in the biome/rarity sheet, for example the Dragon Knigh mask: ...


9-Jan-2015 03:58 AM


Thanks, I'm on a new motivation to update things lately so I am looking at this. I'm trying to lure Market and people to request a change a day, for today I have this: Started adding a...


14-Jan-2015 03:47 AM


Added Patch #92 - Class Coin Edition Detected 6 New Items Detected 34 New Styles NOTE: I still can't generate images for these new files due to the catalog.bat/devtool.bat generation...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Image generation is back, yay! Added Patch #93 - Hotfix Added Patch #94 - Hotfix Added Patch #95 - Neon Nightcycle and Passive Crafting Edition Detected 58 New Items


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Loot List now uses a grid format with a larger icon, hopefully people prefer this to the list view with smaller icons.


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Hey Etaew, How can I get a nifty image to appear for my club on the club list like other clubs have? I uploaded 3 images, but none of them seemed to work. If you could let me know, I would really...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Thanks so much man, you are awesome!


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Added Patch #96 - Open Seas and Ally Edition Detected 7 New Loot Detected 54 New Items Applied the site name to the site title, banner Added the Rich Raptor icon to the banner and favicon...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Hey Etaew, I'm going to create a page on the various crafting resources in Trove for the wiki. Do you mind if I use the images you currently have on the DB?


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Updates for today: Added the Do Not Disturb Edition patch 5 New Styles detected 8 New Items detected Updated the Recipes DB Added the guide Pirates of the Treasure Isles - Vendors ...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Turns out when I tried to overwrite the loot files, it ignored me. I just ran a new update. 394 New Styles detected (from previous patches, sniff)


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Goof job! Never trust the windows file system ;-)


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


This weeks site updates on Trovesaurus: Added the Take Flight Update 36 New styles detected 113 New items and deco detected Condensed the Patches Added a patch widget to the front page...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


I didn't add any of the bow weapon files, oops. 194 Bow Styles added


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Patch Changes: Dance Off Edition Patch 35 New Items Detected 165 New Collections Detected (this is the initial import so I'm not sure what is new) Other Changes:


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Patch Changes: Everything Edition Patch 21 New Items Detected 4 New Collections Added 8 New Styles Detected Other Changes:


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Late but important addition: Recipes now load the material amounts correctly. Previously large numbers couldn't be calculated.


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


A day late on this one, I was away for a few days. Patch Changes: Spring Edition update 99 New Items 102 New Styles


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Patch Changes Neon Nightsky Patch Notes with Tooltips Neon Nightsky Database Update Other Changes Updated the patch update tools to better detect renaming and change of descriptions,...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Changes this week: Cookiephant Edition Database Update Added a drop-down navigation menu


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Chaos Factor Edition Database Update


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Additional last weeks changes: Items, Pages and Mods now have a cleaner URL format Pages now have a cleaner URL format Released early version of public Tasks list and forms Brightened the...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Meownt and Candy Fishing - Database Update A dedicated page for Mastery information has been created, and is now visible on the home page Boats, Wings, Mounts and Fishing dedicated links have...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Blitz and Gliz - Database Update Updated individual mod pages layout Updated how some item pages display the recipes they are created by, and are used to create Item and collection pages now...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Welcoming Edition - Database Update


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


More Boots More Fun - Database Update Random taglines now appear on the top of the site, want to suggest some? You can now login with Google and Microsoft accounts. Enhanced information...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Hey Etaew, there's some strange behavior I've noticed with Trovesaurus. It seems like messages are deleted after some time. I won a code for Lunar Ronin not too long ago and wanted to keep it in my...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Messages aren't deleted, but you may be signed in with an alternate account. I searched and found a user with the name Aleksey with a google profile. That account didn't enter in the last giveaway. ...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


It was kiraikenx. I changed the name to match my in game name/forum name: Aleksey. I thought that was only a visual thing, not that it changed my account username or anything. Did I end up creating...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


Merge would be best. I've PM'd you as well. Thanks!


27-May-2015 11:33 AM


This weeks changes: Forge More, Better Edition - Database Update Added comment indicators to page previews Improved the pagination system for the mods db Re-arranged the site header, and...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


This weeks changes: Summer Pin Edition - Database Update Trovesaurus Site Update Added a daily bonus indicator to the sidebar, times are still being finalised Trovesaurus' Twitter account...


9-Jun-2015 04:13 PM


This weeks changes to Trovesaurus: Polish Edition - Database Update Added a server status indicator to the sidebar Cleaned up the top of the mods sections Dedicated page for professions,...


9-Oct-2014 12:43 PM


This weeks changes to Trovesaurus: Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition Articles, Guides and Pages now has a new commenting system Front page design has been changed again Guides page...