Where are my Gunslinger and Knight class?

Author: Unknown! , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive


18-Sep-2015 08:21 AM


I can access them again ! Thank you very much, Avarem :D


Unknown Date!


I am missing both gunslinger and knight as well. P.S. Your a good person Fasti ;3

Hey all, We're seeing that some players are indeed missing classes that were unlocked, so we're going to get that fixed. Please bear with us while we get everyone sorted out. Thanks!

You're all fixed up, if you've posted in this thread. We're still working to get it sorted out for everyone else, but it's a work in progress.

You're okay now. You may need to close Trove and open it again.

We continue to work on addressing this outside of this forum thread, but as of right now, everyone here should have their classes.

Submit a ticket so the support team can look into this for you.

You're all set now. Thanks!

Ask your friend to submit a ticket.

Hey there, The current issue with these specific missing classes wouldn't have any impact on class levels or items in collections, so make sure to reach out to support for help with those things....

You should both be good to go now.

What are you missing?

Everyone here should be good to go now. Azamyth, let me know what you are missing so I can check it out.