Server Queue

Author: itsrambo , Created: 8-Nov-2014 04:09 PM View on Web Archive

I suggest that real world money contributors to this game get priority access to game login. Other games such as Archeage support this model. ...

Server Queue Avarem / Trove Forums


Quote Originally Posted by Buzzkillington View Post
Seems fair to me.

One thing they may want to/have to look at eventually is afk-disconnects. I know there have been times where I went afk and ended up leaving for hours, and my character was still waiting logged in when I returned. (there have also been cases where I was disconnected, so I'm not entirely sure what's intended)
This should be in the next patch.

Server Queue Avarem / Trove Forums


Quote Originally Posted by sasha View Post
im wondering why there is a que at all.
when a hub world gets full a new one is created, this is the way the game works or have they put a limit on how many hubs can be created now.
or the servers are full and if thats the case then something needs to be done, like add more servers.
We do have a limit given the total amount of hardware set up to run the game. If we have sustained queues (i.e., more than just this opening weekend), we will definitely be looking at additional hardware.

We are also increasing the queue overall - we want to make sure we can handle the load and so we have a number we're keeping an eye on and adjusting behind the scenes.

Server Queue Avarem / Trove Forums

We'll almost certainly have some type of VIP access, especially if the queues persist. For this weekend we'll simply be monitoring server load and increasing that number as much as we feel we can...

Server Queue Avarem / Trove Forums

I'm going to speak broadly since we simply haven't made any decisions yet on what our system will be in the future (or even if it will really be needed). Overall free players are exceedingly...

Server Queue Fasti / Trove Forums

Hey all! Go ahead and keep an eye on this thread on queues. Thanks