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New functionality of your Glyph client on PC
Author: Amaliena , Created: 13-Dec-2021 11:04 AM View on Web Archive
Dear Community, From now on, you won't miss any news, great promotions or even great events in Trove on PC ever again! As of today, our Glyph...
13-Dec-2021 05:04 AM
Dear Community,
From now on, you won't miss any news, great promotions or even great events in Trove on PC ever again!
As of today, our Glyph client has a new feature that allows you to stay informed about the latest news, as you can see messages on the right side of your screen as soon as your Glyph client is opened.
No worries, these messages will not bother you while playing. Once the game client is open, you will only hear the sound of an incoming message, which will not be displayed on your game screen.
Warm greetings!
Your Trove Team!
PS: Of course you can deactivate these messages if you don't want them in the settings of your Glyph client.
New functionality of your Glyph client on PC
Trove Forums December 13, 2021 0 0
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