PTS Opens - Chloromancer Regrowth

Author: Elariok , Created: 13-Apr-2021 06:30 PM View on Web Archive

Dear Trovians, What do you think about a little preview of the upcoming Chloromancer Regrowth changes? As the PTS doors have opened, it's time to...


13-Apr-2021 12:30 AM


Dear Trovians,

What do you think about a little preview of the upcoming Chloromancer Regrowth changes?
As the PTS doors have opened, it's time to check out and test them!

Check out the PTS notes >>> HERE <<<.

For all those who do not know how to access the PTS, you will find the necessary information >>> HERE <<< .
You will be able to see >>> HERE <<< how to carry out your test reports which you will have to post in this forum in English language preferably.

Happy tests to all!

The Trove Team!