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Regarding Future Mac Support For Trove
Author: Mobi , Created: 17-Mar-2020 07:13 PM View on Web Archive
Hello Trovians, First off, we’d like to thank all of you who have played Trove on Mac/OSX up until this time. We’re very happy to have Trove...
17-Mar-2020 01:13 PM
Hello Trovians,
First off, we’d like to thank all of you who have played Trove on Mac/OSX up until this time. We’re very happy to have Trove across multiple platforms on computer and console, but we are focusing our support on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 moving forward.
Mac OSX Catalina has introduced some changes that make it difficult to offer a smooth-running experience playing Trove, therefore we will no longer be able to have native support for Trove on Mac OSX. Support for Trove on Mac will be discontinuing on March 31, 2020, thank you for your understanding.
Secondly, the good news is that your account data, purchases, and progress will remain available to you! You can still log in to your Trove account while using a boot camp app to run the Windows version of Trove on your Mac.
Alternatively, if you’re running an older version of MacOS for Trove, it may continue to work on there. We are not held responsible for complications using other applications to run Trove and we cannot guarantee older MacOS versions will run smoothly or without any hiccups unfortunately.
We can’t wait to share lots of the exciting new updates, events, and gameplay changes coming ahead in the world of Trove. We apologize for any inconvenience incurred, and still hope to see you in-game!
-The Trove team
First off, we’d like to thank all of you who have played Trove on Mac/OSX up until this time. We’re very happy to have Trove across multiple platforms on computer and console, but we are focusing our support on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 moving forward.
Mac OSX Catalina has introduced some changes that make it difficult to offer a smooth-running experience playing Trove, therefore we will no longer be able to have native support for Trove on Mac OSX. Support for Trove on Mac will be discontinuing on March 31, 2020, thank you for your understanding.
Secondly, the good news is that your account data, purchases, and progress will remain available to you! You can still log in to your Trove account while using a boot camp app to run the Windows version of Trove on your Mac.
Alternatively, if you’re running an older version of MacOS for Trove, it may continue to work on there. We are not held responsible for complications using other applications to run Trove and we cannot guarantee older MacOS versions will run smoothly or without any hiccups unfortunately.
We can’t wait to share lots of the exciting new updates, events, and gameplay changes coming ahead in the world of Trove. We apologize for any inconvenience incurred, and still hope to see you in-game!
-The Trove team
Regarding Future Mac Support For Trove
Mobi / Trove Forums
Bonjour chers Troviens,
En premier lieu, nous tenons à remercier tous ceux qui ont joué à Trove sur Mac/OSX jusqu'à présent. Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir proposer Trove sur plusieurs plateformes, mais à l'avenir, nous nous concentrerons sur la prise en charge des versions PC, Xbox One et PS4.
Mac OSX Catalina a effectué quelques modifications qui rendent presque impossible de pouvoir jouer sans problème, il ne nous sera donc plus possible de garantir le fonctionnement de Trove sur l'interface Mac. La prise en charge de Trove sur Mac prendra fin le 31 mars 2020 et nous tenons à vous remercier pour votre compréhension !
Les bonnes nouvelles, cependant, sont que vos informations de connexion, vos réalisations et vos progrès seront conservés ! Comme d'habitude, vous pourrez vous connecter avec votre compte Trove à l'aide d'une application Boot Camp pour utiliser la version Windows de Trove sur votre Mac.
Alternativement, Trove pourrait toujours fonctionner si vous utilisez une ancienne version de MacOS. Cependant, nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables en cas de complications si vous utilisez d'autres applications pour jouer à Trove et nous ne pouvons garantir que l'ancienne version de MacOS fonctionnera sans problème et sans incident.
Nous avons hâte de pouvoir vous communiquer les dernières nouveautés, les événements et changements passionnants à venir dans le monde de Trove. Nous nous excusons pour tous les désagréments causés et espérons vous revoir bientôt dans le jeu !
- Votre équipe Trove
Regarding Future Mac Support For Trove
Mobi / Trove Forums
Hallo Trovianer,
zu allererst möchten wir uns einmal bei Allen bedanken, die bis jetzt Trove auf Mac/OSX gespielt haben. Wir sind überglücklich Trove Plattform-übergreifend anbieten zu können, aber zukünftig werden wir unseren Fokus auf den Support für PC, Xbox One und PS4 legen.
Mac OSX Catalina hat einige Änderungen vorgenommen, die es nahezu unmöglich machen ein einwandfreies Spielerlebnis garantieren zu können, deshalb wird es uns nicht mehr möglich sein den ursprünglichen Support für Trove auf der Mac Oberfläche anzubieten. Der Support für Trove auf Mac wird somit am 31.03.2020 enden, Danke für euer Verständnis!
Die guten Neuigkeiten sind jedoch, dass eure Zugangsdaten, Errungenschaften und euer Fortschritt weiterhin für euch abrufbar bleiben! Ihr könnt euch wie gehabt mit eurem Trove Account einloggen, indem ihr eine Boot Camp App verwendet, um die Windows Version von Trove auf eurem Mac zu nutzen.
Alternativ könnte Trove auch weiterhin funktionieren, falls ihr eine ältere Version von MacOS verwendet. Wir können jedoch nicht für Komplikationen haftbar gemacht werden, falls ihr andere Anwendungen gebraucht, um Trove zu spielen und wir können nicht garantieren das die Nutzung der ältere MacOS Version reibungslos und ohne Zwischenfälle funktioniert.
Wir können es kaum erwarten euch bald die spannendenden Neuigkeiten, Events und Veränderungen mitzuteilen, die in der Welt von Trove anstehen. Wir entschuldigen uns für alle Unannehmlichkeiten, die entstanden sind und hoffen euch bald im Spiel wiederzusehen!
- Euer Trove Team
Regarding Future Mac Support For Trove
Mobi / Trove Forums
Hello Trovians,
First off, we’d like to thank all of you who have played Trove on Mac/OSX up until this time. We’re very happy to have Trove across multiple platforms on computer and console, but we are focusing our support on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 moving forward.
Mac OSX Catalina has introduced some changes that make it difficult to offer a smooth-running experience playing Trove, therefore we will no longer be able to have native support for Trove on Mac OSX. Support for Trove on Mac will be discontinuing on March 31, 2020, thank you for your understanding.
Secondly, the good news is that your account data, purchases, and progress will remain available to you! You can still log in to your Trove account while using a boot camp app to run the Windows version of Trove on your Mac.
Alternatively, if you’re running an older version of MacOS for Trove, it may continue to work on there. We are not held responsible for complications using other applications to run Trove and we cannot guarantee older MacOS versions will run smoothly or without any hiccups unfortunately.
We can’t wait to share lots of the exciting new updates, events, and gameplay changes coming ahead in the world of Trove. We apologize for any inconvenience incurred, and still hope to see you in-game!
-The Trove team
Regarding Future Mac Support For Trove
Trove Forums March 17, 2020 1