Hi all,

In this patch we've put in an experimental DirectX renderer. We'd like players to test it out, as it may solve some compatibility problems people are seeing with OpenGL drivers.

To try out the renderer, open up your Trove.cfg file
(it's in the Appdata/Roaming/Trove/ directory, you can get there by running %appdata% from the start bar and going into the Trove subdirectory )

and make sure there's a line under [Rendering] that says:
Device = DirectX

If there is no Trove.cfg, create a new file called Trove.cfg and put this text in it:

[Rendering]  Device = directx
Things to note-
/postlensflare isn't implemented yet, and will probably crash Trove if you try to use it in DirectX
/screenshot could possibly crash trove - let us know if it does
- The renderer currently targets the DirectX 10_0 profile. This means that if you have a really old card that only supports the 9_3 profile, the DirectX renderer won't work.