UPDATE 2 - Patch - 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) September 13, 2016

Author: Unknown! , Created: Unknown! View on Web Archive


Unknown Date!


thanks for update Fasti! I got my class coin and 20lvl coin ready and waiting.


Update 2 - We're unlocking the servers now, so the extra time wasn't needed. Thanks everyone!

Update 1 - Hey all, our QA team is running through the final tests now. We don't expect to go over the 2 hour downtime, but just in case, I wanted to let you know we may go over by up to 15 minutes.

Hey folks,

We're coming offline on Tuesday to release the Mighty Jungle patch.

Downtime will start at 7AM PDT (2PM GMT) and should last approximately 2 hours.



Quote Originally Posted by LancelotSv View Post
What's that thing to the left there on the gif???
I went in game to capture a new GIF for patches and saw that awesome Cornerstone in the distance. I wasn't able to spot the IGN before it despawned but if anyone knows who it belongs to, let them know it's super cool.