Trove Toolbox

Author: Unknown! , Created: 9-Jul-2016 11:29 AM View on Web Archive

King Sora

9-Jul-2016 11:29 AM


Trove Toolbox hasn't been working for me lately. It would run for a few seconds then gone. I allowed it as administrator already, but that doesn't help. I tried the other Trove Mod Manager, and that...


9-Jul-2016 01:01 PM


Trove Toolbox is no longer supported, you'll have to use TroveTools.NET or Trove Mod Manager for now.


9-Jul-2016 01:06 PM


Trove Toolbox is just discontinued so better remove it, i use a TroveTools.NET by dazo and work great.

King Sora

9-Jul-2016 01:17 PM


Pretty much does the same thing, open then closes. Ran as administrator. Only Trove Manager works, but some mods don't apply in game, so rip.


9-Jul-2016 02:47 PM


Hey there, As toolbox is discontinued, as others have said, it is probably best to just stop using it and thus uninstall it. Trove Tools .Net by Dazo is much further developed than my Trove Mod...

King Sora

9-Jul-2016 05:44 PM


I been using Trove for a long time now, after awhile, it would stop actually launching the app itself. I thought, oh? some bug? So, I reinstall to see if that would work. Surprising not,...


9-Jul-2016 08:13 PM


Depending on the mod's author, if the zip file was not uploaded in the correct folders, then that would likely be the issue for why it isnt showing in game. To be sure, you could verify it with me....

King Sora

9-Jul-2016 08:51 PM


I mainly use mods such as, unnecessary VFX, no dark biomes, no light biomes, display no clouds, neon ui pack (only mod that actually work in game) and spicy shadow drops.

King Sora

9-Jul-2016 10:15 PM


I shall wait until its done.

King Sora

9-Jul-2016 11:32 PM


Thanks with all the help, finally up and running. Great job.