Fluxion NPC

With this update we wanted to address player concerns around Luxion, specifically the frequency of some collection appearances. To this end, we’re introducing Fluxion – allowing players to vote on his contents.

- A merchant found in the Hub that sells items from Luxion's list that you can vote on
- Appears Tuesday to Thursday every week

- One week he will offer a list of 25 items to vote on with Flux
- The following week the top 5 voted items will be available to purchase for Dragon Coins



Fluxion will appear every Tuesday -> Thursday each week.

Fluxion will bring 25 items to be voted on.

Items that win the vote will be ineligible to appear the following week.

You may vote as many times as you have flux to cast votes with.

Possibility of a cap being implemented if needed in regards to fluxion voting, at this moment there isn't anything set in stone for it.

Luxion's prices fluctuate a lot; how will Fluxion handle prices?

"I went back and re-evaluated the prices of Luxion. I tried to apply a cost range based on each item's type. Some types were grouped together."

"For example, Skins that have not appeared yet from events were added and have a very high cost of 250-300. Many prices may have gone up or down in this wave, but they should not change going forward."  - Bliza

Will Emblems appear in Fluxion?

"I believe the emblems are not in the Fluxion list, since they're now available from the Weavings of Wonder merchant." -Postcard

Will all platforms have the same items at the same time?

All platforms will deviate based on votes of the items in fluxion; they will not be the same between them all.

At first, they will be, but as people vote on items it will change which items can appear in the following weeks and so on.

What happens if you already own an item (such as collected) and can not normally buy it from Luxion when it appears? Can we still buy it from Fluxion?

If you have an item already owned; and you can not claim it naturally through Luxion, then if it wins you will still not be able to claim it via fluxion either, at this moment.

Fluxion NPC content powered by Mustaches and Bunnies.
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