
Use fishing poles to harvest fish from water, lava, chocolate and plasma. Add them to your collection and deconstruct them for resources.

Fishing in Trove: A Comprehensive Guide (updated with Plasma fishing)

Let's be honest here, fishing is like the most boring thing you can do at Trove. Who wants to watch their character stand around and wait for a catch? But it can also be rewarding after obtaining stuff you can get from it.

technomancer99 July 11, 2016 8 14

Fishing Poles

Alpha Angler

Craftable at a [Radiant Dayspring] with [Elysian Offense Coin] during the Elysian Offensive event in August 2023.

Tradable version can be purchased from the Order of the Moon Quartermaster NPC available during the same event.

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Basic Fishing Pole

Saltwater Sam on the starting ship in Drowned Worlds

Candied Fishing Cane

This fishing pole can be crafted at the [item=nautical assembler]

Candied Fishing Cane

This fishing pole can be crafted at the [nautical assembler].

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game Marketplace.

Chaos Rod

  • Can be purchased from the Shadowy Market in Shadow Arena's

Elysian Fishing Rod

Craftable at a [Radiant Dayspring] with [Elysian Offense Coin] during the Elysian Offensive event in August 2023.

Tradable version can be purchased from the Order of the Moon Quartermaster NPC available during the same event.

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Ferny Fisher

Can be fished out from Lava on the Ashen (bottom) part of the Sundered Uplands biome.

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Fish Finder

Crafted on the [Nautical Assembler] workbench, in Fishing category.

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Frenzied Fisher

Unlocked with Platinum Fishing Badge - 2,000 items fished.

Irradiant Rod

Find this Fishing rod by going to the Sundered Uplands and fishing in Water in the Irradiant (upper) layer. Is tradeable, therefore potentially purchasable in the Marketplace.

Kiwi Katcher

Originally introduced during Snowfest 2022 event. Can be unlocked at random by using the [Snowfest 2022 Effigy].

Tradable version can be unboxed from the [Premium Snowfest 2022 Treasure Box].

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game marketplace.

Lady of the Lake

Nautical Assembler in the Hub

Master Angler's Rod

  • Can be unlocked at level 120 Mastery

Molten Magma Sifter

This fishing pole can be crafted at the [item=nautical assembler]

Molten Magma Sifter

This fishing pole can be crafted at the [nautical assembler].

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game Marketplace.

Murkwater Mark's Mucker

Purchased from the Hub NPC Murkwater Mark for 5,000 [Mark of the Angler].

N-0 Depth Scoper

This fishing pole can be crafted at the [item=nautical assembler] in the hub for:

  • [item=Ancient scale;4]
  • [item=Robotic salvage;100]
  • [item=Shapestone Ore;200]

Royal Reeler

Unlocked on reaching Trove Mastery Rank - 470. No other ways to obtain have been introduced.

Turtle Trawler

Obtained from the Hub NPC Mr. Thommas Tortoise for 5000 [Mark of the Angler].

This NPC can be found under the Crafter's Corner section of the Hub near the bow of the ship after unlocking him in the Pond of Power.

Tweeting Trawler

Can be purchased from the Trove Store - Style tab for 500 [Credits] - or from Mr. Charles Pinkzo merchant NPC in Trove Hub for 8,000,000 [Flux], untradable.

Water pole

This cannot currently be obtained in-game.

Wish Fisher

  • Rare Drop from fishing in any liquid