Turkeytopia: Friendsgiving
Chefsly's back to cook a Friendsgiving feast for frie-nemies!
NOV 19 - DEC 6, 2024

This older navigation may be removed in the future, it remains here to make sure that you can reach everything as we prepare the new one.

Quest Steps

Friendsgiving 2024

1/14 Meet with Chefsly

Friendsgiving 2024 1/14: Hello Trovian! Friendsgiving is here, our friends are coming soon but I haven't made half of the dishes yet! If we want Friendsgiving to be a success, we'll need to get cooking fast. Come to the Event's area of the Hub and speak with me so we can make sure this Friendsgiving goes without a hitch.

2/14 Craft Trovian Bouillon

Friendsgiving 2024 2/14: The first and most important ingredient when cooking for Friendsgiving is Trovian Bouillon. I sent the recipe to your claims if you don’t already know it and you can buy the materials from my sous-chef and prepare it at the Friendsgiving Oven. Use the Friendsgiving Oven to make Trovian Bouillon.

3/14 Clear 3 Star Dungeons for Garx

Friendsgiving 2024 3/14: Now that you have that, we need to cook our first meal, or at least the first one while you're here to help with. First on the docket is Garx, who likes Lasagna. He's a strong man who likes his food just as strong, so clear some 3 star dungeons for the most powerful ingredients you can find in Trove, within reason of course. I've also sent some recipes for some old favorites to your claims, plus a few new extras, but you can worry about that later. Clear 3 Star Dungeons all across Trove.

4/14 Cook Garx's Favorite Dish

Friendsgiving 2024 4/14: Good job Trovian! Now get back here, you need to make the Lasagna for Garx as soon as possible. I've sent you the recipe, so get it made. Cook Mighty Lasagna for Garx. Again, if you need any materials you couldn't find you can buy some from my sous-chef. Don't feel shy, the clock's ticking.

5/14 Clear Dungeons in the Sundered Uplands for the Cloud Layer and Ashen Wastes Delegates

Friendsgiving 2024 5/14: That looks perfect! I'll get it on the table, you head out to the Sundered Uplands because now we're making Burgers and Broccoli for the Cloud Layer and Ashen Wastes Delegates from the Sundered Uplands. I promised them Burgers and Broccoli, and they made peace for just enough time to come by this year, so we need to make sure it gets done. Chop chop! Clear Dungeons in the Sundered Uplands.

6/14 Cook the Delegates' Favorite Dish

Friendsgiving 2024 6/14: Excellent work Trovian! Let's get this dish cooked pronto. You have no idea how hard it was getting those two to eat at the same table, so we better make it worth their while. Once again I've sent you the recipe. Cook Burgers and Broccoli for the Sundered Uplands Delegates. As always, my sous-chef is selling materials should you need them.

7/14 Clear Dungeons in the Treasure Isles for Saltwater Sam's Crew

Friendsgiving 2024 7/14: You're making good time Trovian! There may be hope for Friendsgiving yet. I'll get this plated, and you head off to the Treasure Isles because Saltwater Sam's Crew is all coming, and they want Kraken Soup. I guess if you spend all your time at sea you get a taste for what lives within it. Now's not the time for poetry though. Now's the time for cooking. Clear Dungeons in the Treasure Isles.

8/14 Cook Saltwater Sam's Crew's Favorite Dish

Friendsgiving 2024 8/14: Perfect. Sam's got a pretty big crew, so we'll need to be sure this gets made quickly or we'll have four hungry guests arriving soon. I've sent you the recipe, so make us some Kraken Soup! Yes us, I'll be having some too. It's just so good. Cook Kraken Soup for Saltwater Sam's Crew. My sous-chef has ingredients for sale if you need them, you know the drill.

9/14 Clear Dungeons in the Cursed Vale for the Witch

Friendsgiving 2024 9/14: We're in the home stretch Trovian! Just one more meal, and it's for the Witch this time. Seems she's taken to staying in her cat form all year round, and when she's like that she can't resist some good Tuna. Go to the Cursed Vale and get some for her. Clear Dungeons in the Cursed Vale.

10/14 Cook the Witch's Favorite Dish

Friendsgiving 2024 10/14: This is the last one! I've sent you the recipe, so let's not waste time and get this done! And before you ask, no I don't know why you can find Tuna in Cursed Vale Dungeons. I try not to ask questions at times like this. Cook Canned Tuna for the Witch. Sous-chef, ingredients, you get the picture.

11/14 Grab a bite of the food

Friendsgiving 2024 11/14: Youv'e saved Friendsgiving Trovian! I can't thank you enough. For now, grab a bite from something before our guests arrive. You've earned it. Press [HK:Loot] to grab a bit of food while looking at one of the main dishes at the table.

12/14 Craft a Turkeytopia Gateway

Friendsgiving 2024 12/14: Our guests have arrived, and they seem pleased! You really saved Friendsgiving. Well, my Friendsgiving anyway. There seems to be activity going on in Turkeytopia, so if you wouldn't mind crafting a Delve Gateway: Turkeytopia at the Turkeytopia Table and checking out what's going on there, that would be great. The Turkeytopia delve is only available during Friendsgiving each year. You should craft a Gateway at the Turkeytopia Table and see what's going on in there.

13/14 Complete a Turkeytopia Delve

Friendsgiving 2024 13/14: Now with that you can place it, head into the Turkeytopia Delve, and complete it. Please make sure everything's alright down there for me.

14/14 Complete Friendsgiving Dailies

Friendsgiving 2024 14/14: I forgot to mention, but we had a few more guests come late, the Qubeslys. Seems like they want your help, so go check out what they need. I don't have anything left for you, so once you're done I hope you have a great Friendsgiving! The Qubeslys, at the Qubesly table by the Crafting Corner, have some requests for you. Complete some of their daily requests.

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