Bunnies? Eggs? CHOCOLATE!? Bunfest is here!
APR 9 - APR 23, 2024

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Quest Steps

Bunfest 2024

1/13 Greet Qubesly in the Bunfest Pavillion

Bunfest 2024 1/13: Trovian! Bunfest is here again and that means our friends have returned! Come greet our Hoppin' friends and me at the pavillion in the hub.

2/13 Hunt for Eggs

Bunfest 2024 2/13: Each year Bunfest comes and each year we celebrate. My favorite part is hiding eggs all over Trove. I start hopping with joy whenever I think about Trovians finding the little things. Why don't you go out and find a few? Eggs can be found in the Medieval Highlands, Fae Forests, Candoria, Forbidden Spires and Geode Topside.

3/13 Defeat Eggmen

Bunfest 2024 3/13: Trovian! There are Eggs all over Candoria, and not the ones that I placed! They're scrambling up all the fun, why don't you go and teach them not to mess with Bunfest.

4/13 Defeat King Egon

Bunfest 2024 4/13: The eggmen have a leader, King Egon. Unfortunately there's a lot of 'King Egons' out there. Find an Egg Dungeon in Candoria and depose this would be ruiner of Bunfest.

5/13 Defeat Bunfest Delve Bosses

Bunfest 2024 5/13: Well done Trovian, but it turns out they're even in the Delves. Well we'll have to deal with that too. Head back to the Hub and craft any of the Depth Steppers, then head in there and defeat a few of these yolksters.

6/13 Complete an Egghunt

Bunfest 2024 6/13: Did you see the Tyr-egg-asaurus? Well you should be happy you didn't if not. I'm starting to think this may be a longer term problem. It might be best to get back to the festivities of Bunfest. Now, all this unrest might be a little my fault. You see I kind of, sort of, a little bit, maybe borrowed some teeny, tiny, itty-bitty pieces of King Egon's kingdom for Bunfest. I'm going to give them back, I promise! For now just have some fun and let me deal with the politics. In the meantime, find one of my Bunfest Egghunts in Candoria and have some fun. The eggs can have Chocolate, Bunfest Tokens, and even a few more little treasures.

7/13 Complete Bunfest Dalies

Bunfest 2024 7/13: Well, I have never been condescended to in such a rude manor. King Egon really needs classes on manners. But nevermind Bunfest continues, and what is Bunfest without the bun-fwens. They're here again and looking for your help. Once you're done feel free to keep on hunting eggs, after all you can only make a king so mad.

8/13 Make a Donation

Bunfest 2024 8/13: With all that completed there's only one thing left, sharing the joy of Bunfest! Head over to the Events Area of the Hub and make a donation at the Bunfest Station.

9/13 Open your Leaderboard

Bunfest 2024 9/13: That's most everything there is to do Trovian. I almost forgot, there's a Leaderboard this year! Each time you defeat an Egg Dungeon, complete a Daily quest, complete a Delve, or each egg you open in an Egghunt will earn you Score on the Bunfest Leaderboad. You can track your progress under the Daily Contests tab of the Leaderboards UI. Open the Leaderboard with [HK:Leaderboards].

10/13 Find Sir Cick's Cloak

Bunfest 2024 10/13: Trovian, you might have noticed that I was missing this year. It's unfortunate but I'm out looking for some of my lost things. Currently I'm looking for my cloak. I lost it while I was looking for Bunsly's scavenger eggs in Candoria. Would you mind helping out? It's red and gold, please help.

11/13 Find Sir Cick's Shield

Bunfest 2024 11/13: What a relief, it was a gift and is treasured. Next I must find my shield. It was stripped from me as I battled King Egon's soldiers in the Egg Dungeons of Candoria. Hopefully it should be easy to find and not trouble you too much. It looks like half of an egg, so easy to miss given the surroundings.

12/13 Find Sir Cick's Sword

Bunfest 2024 12/13: You're both observant and lucky, what fortune. Last we must find my Sword. It was lost in the Buntopia Delves sadly. I know you are not weak, but please if you go searching be careful, there's no end to the darkness downt here. It is a simple thing, an abnormally large bunfeed.

13/13 Talk to Sir Cick

Bunfest 2024 13/13: I knew we could rely on you Trovian. I have returned to the Hub and anxiously await your return. You are a good friend Trovian. My little brother is a squire and in need of a Knight to show him the ways. I can think of none other better suited. When you return with my equipment you shall have a squire of your own.

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