Heckbugs in Love
FEB 6 - FEB 20, 2024
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Heckbugs in Love 2024 - Summary
This year’s event adds the Heckbugs to the final cave in Geode. Mystical Heckbugs appear in the Moonlight Grotto. As with the previous two years, Heckbugs will appear in the Verdant Veins and Sunken Sunvault as well. At the end of the main questline players will also see a new npc, “The Hunter”, in the Events area of the hub who would rather thin the numbers of Heckbugs instead of increasing them.
Heckbugs can be found in Geodian Caves
- Found in Sunken Sunvault, Verdant Veins and new this year in Moonlight Grotto
- They require aid the same way as Companions do
- Each Heckbug helped has a chance to drop
Mystical Heckbug's Trove
- Can reward Crystals
- Egg
- Heckbug Bomber Royale Style
- Ally
- Mount
- Heckbug Eggs can be found when exploring the caves.
- Can hatch to receive and unlock 3 new Geode companions
Cragged Heckbug
Dragonfly Heckbug
Hoppin' Heckbug
The Hunter in the Hub
- After the main questline is completed
- Offers new daily activity to kill Heckbugs
- Once completed he will despawn and spawn a merchant which contains untradable crafting materials
- Weekly
- Diamond Dragonite x3 (1) for 75
- Temporary Title Granter: Emoji x3 (1) for 75
- Daily
- Bound Brilliance (1) for 15
- Builder's Superior Focus (1) for 15
- Trovian Loop (1) for 15
- Primal Paragon Cube (1) for 15
- Crystalline Core (1) for 15
- Dragon Coin x3 (1) for 15
Heckbug Companion
- During the event players receive an extra temporary Heckbug companion
- It will help fight heckbugs and disarm the shield around Heckbugs you need to fight
- It has a chance to fall in love with enemy Heckbugs
Invasions and Heckbugs
- Shadow Heckbugs replace Invasions and they appear twice as often
- Heckbugs appear throughout Dragonfire Peaks, they have a shield that must be disarmed by the players companion
- Heckbugs drop
Heckbug Pincer which can be used at the event merchant