This older navigation may be removed in the future, it remains here to make sure that you can reach everything as we prepare the new one.
Quest Steps
1/8 Meet Patrolsly in the Hub
Sunfest 1/8: Hello Trovian, Sunfest is back! I'm in the hub in the Events Area and making sure there's no funny business like last year. Come on by and check out what the Dragon Houses are up to this year. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
2/8 Check out a House Vendor
Sunfest 2/8: Each year the Dragon Houses celebrate Sunfest in the hub with all the other Trovians. Each of their Quartermasters offer rewards to Trovians that participate in the festivities. Go ahead and talk to any of them to see what they have this year. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
3/8 Defeat Enemies in Candoria (25)
Sunfest 3/8: It is about time you made your way to honor us Trovian. The houses had planned to offer birthday cake to all of Trove, but when we asked Candoria to help out they got angry and threw us out. Now they are making enemies out of cakes instead of candy, the nerve! Go to Candoria and clear out the miscreants. Go to Candoria and defeat enemies there.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
4/8 Defeat Cake Dungeons (15)
Sunfest 4/8: How insane, now Candoria is creating giant cakes to live in! Cakes aren't for living, they are for eating. Get in there and defeat the cake strongholds. They're showing up all over Trove and even Geode! Defeat Cake Dungeons all over Trove.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
5/8 Use the Sunfest Oven
Sunfest 5/8: Hey Trovian, I hope the Dragon Houses haven't been asking for too much or keeping you too busy. Sunfest is for celebrations afterall. On that note, I brought out the oven for you in the Events area of the Hub, you should check it out. Use the Sunfest Oven in the Events area of the Hub.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
6/8 Make Anything at the Sunfest Oven
Sunfest 6/8: I put all kinds of fun recipes into the Sunfest Oven, make whatever suits your fancy! Craft any recipe found on the Sunfest Oven in the Events area of the Hub.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
7/8 Complete a Sunfest Delve
Sunfest 7/8: What are you doing Trovian? This is no time to play, the Delves are still infested with that Pinzo buffoon. Get in there and defeat him or any other rapscallion that refuses to bend to the call of the Dragon Houses. Complete any of the Fluxtuating Fissures delves. Gateways can be purchased from any of the Quartermasters in the Events area of the Hub.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 50
8/8 Complete a Sunfest Daily (3)
Sunfest 8/8: Well done Trovian. Don't dawdle though, there's still plenty to be done. Each of the Dragon Houses have placed a representative outside our houses with tasks that need doing. Get to work! Complete dailys found at representatives in the Events are of the Hub.
Montaria: Cruzador Confeccionável 0
Sunfest Daily
Defeat Sunfest Cake Dungeons (10)
Sunfest Daily: Cakes too big to be eaten, what a waste of resources. Defeat Sunfest Cake dungeons found all over Trove.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 100
Defeat Sunfest Cake Enemies (25)
Sunfest Daily: The cakes of candoria have risen up, put them in their place. Defeat Sunfest cake enemies Candoria and Cake Dungeons.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 100
Defeat Sunfest Delves (3)
Sunfest Daily: That Chuck Pinzo scam artist's clones still roam the Delves. Get in there, find him, and defeat him or anything else in your way. Defeat a Sunfest Delve. Gateways can be purchased from any of the House Quartermasters in the Events area of the Hub.
Sunfest Anniversary Coin 100

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