그린 게임 잼 '23
[Green Game Jam '23]
철옹성 같은 쓰레기 더미?! 쓰레기를 버릴 시간입니다!
6월 5 - 7월 5, 2023

This older navigation may be removed in the future, it remains here to make sure that you can reach everything as we prepare the new one.

진행 중 13

그린 게임 잼 '23
[Green Game Jam '23] (2023)

Recyclic Recombobulator Workbench


Mounts 50

Crafted at the Recyclic Recombobulator workbench during Green Game Jam 2023.

묘목 파종기
[Sapling Sower]


Granted as a Claim to all players active during a special time-limited promotion in 2...

하이퍼 나무 친구
[Hyper Tree Friend]


Through the code TROVETREE as part of the Grovin' and Trovin' event https://press.ga...

Event Packs

작은 쓰레기 팬더
[Tiny Trash Panda]

Pets 20

This ally can be obtained from the store pack [recycled collection]

타이어 타워
[Tire Tower]

Pets 20

This ally can be obtained from the store pack [reclaimed container]

키 큰 쓰레기 팬더
[Tall Trash Panda]

Mounts 50

This mount can be obtained from the store pack [recycled collection]

태양열 충전차
[Solar Charger]

Mounts 50

This mount can be obtained from the store pack [Reclaimed container]

적재된 뚜껑 람바다
[Loaded Lid Lambada]

Mag Riders 50

This mag rider can be obtained from the store pack [recycled collection]

지친 여행자
[Tired Traveler]

Boats 50

This boat can be obtained from acquiring all 3 store packs that are a part of the [Gr...

Comments and Likes Comments 2

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that's a cool event, but will we have splendid summer this year?


hopefully tomarrow 🙏