This older navigation may be removed in the future, it remains here to make sure that you can reach everything as we prepare the new one.
Quest Steps
Friendsgiving 2022
1/6 Use the Friendsgiving Oven
Friendsgiving 2022 1/6: Hello Trovian! I have returned to the Hub to help cook another wonderful dinner for Friendsgiving. This year we're inviting a lot of friends, and I could use some help. I've heard the phrase 'Too many cooks in the kitchen', but whoever said that never had to cook for dinosaurs. To start things off how about you use the Friendsgiving Oven so we can start cooking!
Interact with the Friendsgiving Oven in the event area of the Trove hub.
2/6 Cook a Side Dish (1)
Friendsgiving 2022 2/6: Before the main courses can be prepared we must prepare the sides. Use the Friendsgiving Oven to whip up one of the sides that looks good to you, but if you want to cook other sides I won't stop you! By the way, last year I found so many spare recipes lying around that I started putting a cookbook together. If you want to craft those they are located in the decorations section of the Friendsgiving Oven. Also if you need some vegetables, talk to Chefsly Jr. by the Vegetable Sink, I think he should have some.
Cook ONE of the recipes from Sides category on the Friendsgiving Oven.
These get placed on the big table in the events area. Crafting each of them for the first time also unlocks a decoration recipe of that dish. For the quest you only need to craft one.
Friendsgiving Oven Recipes
Showing recipes in the Sides category.
3/6 Cook some of Qubesly's Favorites (3)
Friendsgiving 2022 3/6: Now, before we can cook up the Special Orders to bring our guests to the hub we'll need to whip up some of Qubesly's Favorites. Really I just need Trovian Bouillon, and lots of it, and they seem to corner the market on it every year. The best way to get the Trovian Bouillon is to do tasks for the other Qubeslys. Cook some of their favorites and draw them to the Hub. It's possible some of them returned from last year, so that's less cooking for us if so!
Trovian Bouillon 1
Previous quest step unlocked recipes from Qubesly's Favorites category on the Friendsgiving Oven. Craft 3 of them to complete this step.
Each of this dishes unlocks an NPC with DAILY quest! If you want to have access to all 6 available daily quests you would need to craft each of those dishes ONCE.
Friendsgiving Oven Recipes
Showing recipes in the Qubesly's Favorites category.
4/6 Complete Friendsgiving Dailies (3)
Friendsgiving 2022 4/6: Wonderful! Now that there are some Qubeslys near the Delver's Guild Hall in the Hub, head on over and see what you can do for them so we can get some Trovian Bouillon and get cooking the Special Orders.
In the previous quest step you crafted dishes. They unlocked few of these NPCs that you can pick up daily quests from. There is a total of 6 Daily quests available, but for this quest step you only need to complete 3.
Warning! You will need to complete 3 more Daily quests later on in the questline.
5/6 Cook Special Orders (3)
Friendsgiving 2022 5/6: Perfect. Now that you have some Trovian Bouillon come back to my kitchen in the Events Area of the Hub and speak to me. Give me the Bouillon and I'll give you the ingredients you need. Then you can use the Friendsgiving Oven to craft any of the Special Orders to bring your friends to the hub.
Trovian Bouillon 1
Previous quest step unlocks recipes in the Special Orders category on the Friendsgiving Oven.
Trade with Chefsly NPC to exchange your Trovian Bouillon for special ingredients. You only need one of each!
For the quest step you only need to craft 3 different Special Orders. Crafting each of them unlocks a decoration recipe for the dish.
Once crafted - a BIG dish will appear on the Tanksgiving table, together with an NPC who ordered it.
Friendsgiving Oven Recipes
Showing recipes in the Special Orders category.
6/6 Grab a Bite of some Friendsgiving Food
Friendsgiving 2022 6/6: There's nothing better than cooking dinner for friends. Grab a chair, if there's still an open one, and grab a bite of something you want. You've earned it!
Interact with one of the dishes from previous step that appeared on the big table. You can interact with each dish once a day to get some experience and consumable Food item. These food items will decay once Event is over.
Pinzo's Penance
0/6 Prepare some Pinzham (1)
Pinzo's Penance 0/6: You must craft the complete steps of the Friendsgiving Questline to unlock the recipe for the Special Order: Pinzham and then craft the Special Order: Pinzham to begin the Pinzo's Penance questline.
Flux 1,000
Craft the Pinzham Special Order to complete this step.
Pinzham is available for crafting after reaching step 5/6 in the Friendsgiving Questline.
Crafted at:

1/6 Meet with Chuck Pinzo
Pinzo's Penance 1/6: Hello Trovian! There's been a terrible mix up with one of me and a lot of Trove, but I'm here to set the record straight. You'll find me in the Events area of the Hub. Unfortunately I find myself without a seat at the table and next to some scaly and hungry dinosaurs. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Flux 1,000
Interact with Chuck Pinzo NPC who has appeared in the Event area of the Trove Hub.
2/6 Defeat Invaders for Chuck Pinzo (10)
Pinzo's Penance 2/6: While some versions of me are stunning combatants, I'm not as talented at battle. I'd like to do some good in Trove, but unfortunately most of the tasks required to help involve battle. Fortunately for me, what I lack in ability I can make up for in wealth! Please go fight the Shadow Gobbler invaders and help me repair my reputation. Invaders can be found periodically in any Adventure world in Trove.
Flux 1,000
Defeat Shadow Gobbler Invaders in Dragonfire Peaks or any other biome.
3/6 Complete Friendsgiving Dailies (3)
Pinzo's Penance 3/6: Wonderful job Trovian. With the invaders pushed back we must turn our attention to the Qubeslys of Trove. They don't like me, though I can't figure out why. Maybe if you help them out in my name, and maybe speak well of me while doing so, they might change their minds? The Qubeslys are hanging out by the Delver's Guild Hall, head over there and complete some of their Dailies and maybe they'll appreciate the effort.
Flux 1,000
By now you should have a few Daily quests already unlocked and possibly completed.
There is a total of 6 daily quests you can unlock for this event. Craft dishes from Qubesly's Specials category on the Friendsgiving Oven to invite NPCs with daily quests to the Hub. Each dish will invite one NPC.
4/6 Complete a Delve for Chuck Pinzo (1)
Pinzo's Penance 4/6: These Shadow Gobblers are so relentless, they'd be wonderful business partners if they weren't so mean. Try hopping into a delve and defeating a Turkeytopia delve for me. You can get into the delve by crafting a Delve Gateway: Turkeytopia or a Delve Gateway: Trotting Turkey at the Turkeytopia Table. You can find them at the Crafter's Corner or in Chefsly's kitchen.
Flux 1,000
Craft a Delve Gateway: Turkeytopia or
Delve Gateway: Trotting Turkey on the
Turkeytopia Table and complete an Event delve floor.
Crafted at:

Crafted at:

5/6 Throw Confetti for Chuck Pinzo (10)
Pinzo's Penance 5/6: Trovian, you really are something. I'm still getting angry looks and side glances, but at least the muttering has stopped! I think if you spruce up the Hub a bit, maybe with some confetti, they'll at least finally let me out of this pen and give me a seat at the table!
Flux 1,000
Throw 10 Confetti Balls, they can be crafted at
Fun Factory.
6/6 Grab a Bite of Pinzham, at your own peril. (1)
Pinzo's Penance 6/6: Perfect! I'm finally sitting, or standing really, just where I should be, and it's all thanks to you Trovian! I'll make sure to let you know about my next big sch- er..., PLAN before anyone else. That's a Chuck Pinzo guarantee! Meanwhile try some of the Pinzham you cooked, or really opened, it's truly 'adequately nutritional' and 'technically food' to quote just a few of our focus testers. Pinzham can be obtained by cooking it at the Friendsgiving Oven or grabbed at the Pinzham plate on the Friendsgiving Table in the Hub.
Flux 1,000
The Pinzham dish should be on the big table now. It will not count for the quest if you have picked it up before reaching this quest step, but it does reset daily like every other dish on the table. Dont forget to interact with it the next day!
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure
Complete 15 Dungeons (15)
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure: I'm not one to turn down a free meal, and the rays of rainbow you've managed to collect are perfect. Friendsgiving is the perfect time to help out other Trovians, so how about you head into Trove and clear out some of the enemies of Trove to make things easier on everyone. Complete 1 Star Dungeons.
Trovian Bouillon 1
Complete 15 one star dungeons. Objectives in 3-star and 5-star dungeons do NOT count for this one.
Collect Organics from Geode Caves (25)
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure: This gathering is wonderful. Thank you for inviting me and putting it together. That said it's never a bad idea to stock up on ingredients. Head into the geode caves and grab some. Enter the Geode Caves and collect Organic crafting goods there.
Recipe: Trove Bouillon 1
Collect any Geode Plants from Geode Caves or Delves. Vaca-matic module helps!
Defeat the Turkeytopia Delve Bosses (1)
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure: HWRAWR! That's dinosaur for 'Happy Friendsgiving!' As fun as this all is, the Turkeytopia Delve has returned. Why don't you hop in there and dino-kick them out of there! Enter the Turkeytopia and defeat any of the bosses there.
Trovian Bouillon 1
Defeat any of the Turkeytopia event Bosses in Delve Gateway: Turkeytopia or
Delve Gateway: Trotting Turkey.
Complete Three Star Dungeons (3)
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure: Listen here partner, while I'm eating my glorious meal Trove is still out there being Trove. Go find some riff raff and give 'em the boot right outta wherever they've shacked up. Find and complete 3 Star Dungeons.
Trovian Bouillon 1
Complete 3-star dungeons. Objectives in 5-star dungeon and Delves count for this daily quest.
Earn a Blast Coin (1)
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure: I don't know what it is, but I just wanna rip and tear through the Shadow. Don't you? Well you gotta have an outlet, try Bomber Royale... it has worked for me... for now. Enter Bomber Royale and earn a Blast Coin.
Trovian Bouillon 1
Earn at least one Bomber Royale Coin: Blast Coin through the Bomber Royale pvp activity.
Kill Enemy Turkeys (10)
Friendsgiving Daily Adventure: Shadow Gobblers. Every year it's Shadow Gobblers. You can find most of them in Dragonfire Peaks, but if you wait long enough, they'll find you. Defeat Shadow Gobblers in the Dragonfire Peaks.
Trovian Bouillon 1
Defeat Shadow Gobblers in Dragonfire Peaks biome. Invader Gobblers work just as fine.

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