Splendid Summer 2020
JUN 9 - JUN 23, 2020

This older navigation may be removed in the future, it remains here to make sure that you can reach everything as we prepare the new one.

Quest Steps


Reach Mastery Level 10 to Unlock this Event Adventure (10)

Rewards: Confetti Ball 1


1/7 Change your look at the Barbershop (1)

Splendid Summer 1/7: Hi Trovian, its your old pal, Amberine! I heard tell that its Splendid Summer again and wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself! Change  up your look at the barbershop to look sharp this summer!

Rewards: Lustrous Gem Box 3

2/7 Throw Confetti Balls to Celebrate yourself! (5)

Splendid Summer 2/7: Wow, you look incredible. Strike a pose and throw some confetti balls to show the world how good it is to be YOU! If you're running low on excitement, you can always craft more confetti balls at the Radiant Dayspring.

Rewards: Double Experience Potion 1

3/7 Check out the Radiant Dayspring

Splendid Summer 3/7: I heard tell that there is some sort of situation happening over at the Radiant Dayspring. Head to the statue in the Trovian hub and let me know what you find.

Rewards: Empowered Gem Box 3

4/7 Craft a Prismatic Essense

Splendid Summer 4/7: Prismatic? Like a Dragon?? Craft that essense and lets see what we can make of this!

Rewards: Prismatic Essence 4

5/7 Use Prismatic Essense

Splendid Summer 5/7: Use the essense Trovian, use it!

Rewards: Pride Ride

6/7 Explore the Hub

Splendid Summer 6/7: Did you see that clue, Trovian? I think something may be hidden in the hub. Use those sparkles on you to try and find whatever is hidden here. If you run out of sparkles eat another prismatic essense to gain them back and get a clue. I'm proud of you Trovian. I bet you can solve this mystery.

Rewards: Chaos Chest 10

7/7 Earn Dragon Coins (25)

Splendid Summer 7/7: 50 Dragon Coins? We can do that huh, Trovian? Complete challenges to earn dragon coins and I'll match you. Happy Splendid Summer, I couldn't be prouder of you!

Rewards: Dragon Coin 25

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in 2020 the summer: not splendid because of corona 

dev:just stay at same year so it is splendid

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probably its splendid because they can still update the game lol

why it says 2019 not 2020?