Today we celebrate 4 years of Trovesaurus, we'd like to thank our community for supporting us for all this time and hope you continue to find us a useful resource going forward.
Trovesaurus launched December 2014 and has continued to evolve the design and content we offer in the years since.
In NumbersTop ^
In our history we've welcomed 2,700,000 of you and you have viewed 33,500,000 pages.
Our artists have created 4,607 pieces of Trove fan art, and our modders have created 3,496 mods.
We have distributed 82,128 clones of Sageosaurus and hosted 223 giveaways distributing 6,302 rewards.
To CelebrateTop ^
This year we'd like to celebrate with the arrival of Spaceosaurus.
Thanks to the Trove Team and Evilagician for adding it. This mount which will have no Mastery will only be made available through Trovesaurus and arrives in the Crystal Combat update.
We'll be letting a few go tomorrow on PC and we'll make them available for everyone once the console patch arrives.

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Thanks for the 4 years! This website has helped me with finding specific styles and event chains.
GG a vous. Ne voulais vous demandée une chose comment obtenons nous des jetons sur le site pour pouvoir acheter les pack ?
My roommate first played this game in the December '16 beta for Xbox. I picked up an Xbox and created an account to play this game in February '17. Haven't looked back since. I wouldn't play video games if it wasn't for this game. The fan art keeps me going and is a constant reminder of how much fun can be had with some cubes and your own imagination. There's nothing like this game or the places we gather. Thank you all for being here.
A Boomer.