
Dragons are one of the primary end-game mounts for players, they can travel on ground as well as fly, some have unique abilities.


Used to craft Dragons at the Драконий Котел.

Dormant Amperium Dragon Egg
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Dormant Bamboo Dragon Egg
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Dormant Honeybreeze Dragon Egg
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Dormant Furious Dragon Egg
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Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg
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Dormant Puffed Dragon Egg
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Dormant Foraged Dragon Egg
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Dormant Blooddrinker Dragon Egg
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Dormant Caprian Dragon Egg
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Dormant Aquaran Dragon Egg
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Dormant Pyric Dragon Egg
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Dormant Stained Dragon Egg
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Dormant Irradiant Dragon Egg
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Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg
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Dormant Resistor Dragon Egg
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