New Deco
New Deco detected in Rising Tides.


























[Depth Stepper: The Depths]







[Mr. Thommas Tortoise]

[Mr. Thommas Tortoise]




[Rune Anvil]

[Saltwater Sam's Depths Workbench]








Changed Deco
Changed Deco detected in Rising Tides.
lightYellow - blueprint changed from
lightOrange - blueprint changed from
lightWhite - blueprint changed from
lightRed - blueprint changed from
광산 관문: 핀조의 오른쪽 신발
[Delve Gateway: Pinzo's Right Shoe] - blueprint changed fromto
용암의 섬 (문레스 다크-10)
[Igneous Islands (Moonless Dark-10) World] - name changed- from 'Igneous Islands (Uber-7) World'
- to 'Igneous Islands (Moonless Dark (10)) World'
딥 팰로우-14
[Deep Fallow (14) World] - name changed- from 'Prime (Uber-11) World'
- to 'Prime World'
딥 팰로우-14
[Deep Fallow (14) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-11 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Deep Fallow Difficulty (14) Adventure World.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
지오드 지상-11
[Pure Midnight (11) Geode World] - name changed- from 'Geode Topside (Uber-8) World'
- to 'Geode Topside World'
저주받은 하늘섬 (딥 팰로우-14)
[Cursed Skylands (Deep Fallow (14)) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-11) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Deep Fallow (14)) World'
수몰지대 (메가 다크-13)
[Drowned (Mega Dark-13)World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-10) World'
- to 'Drowned (Mega Dark (13)) World'
쥬라기 정글 (트와일라잇-7) 포탈
[Jurassic Jungle (Twilight (7)) World] - name changed- from 'Jurassic Jungle (Uber-4) World'
- to 'Jurassic Jungle World'
쥬라기 정글 (트와일라잇-7) 포탈
[Jurassic Jungle (Twilight (7)) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to travel to this Adventure World, a land unchanged for aeons until the arrival of a mysterious meteorite.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to travel to this Twilight Difficulty (7) Adventure World, a land unchanged for aeons until the arrival of a mysterious meteorite.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
지오드 지상-13
[Mega Dark (13) Geode World] - name changed- from 'Geode Topside (Uber-10) World'
- to 'Geode Topside World'
지오드 지상-13
[Mega Dark (13) Geode World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Difficulty 13 Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.'
용암의 섬 (우버 트와일라잇 (12))
[Igneous Islands (Uber Twilight (12)) World] - name changed- from 'Igneous Islands (Uber-9) World'
- to 'Igneous Islands (Uber Twilight (12)) World'
수몰지대 (퓨어 미드나잇-11)
[Drowned (Pure Midnight-11)World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-8) World'
- to 'Drowned (Pure Midnight (11)) World'
용숨결 봉우리 (더스크-8) 포탈
[Dragonfire Peaks (Dusk (8)) World] - name changed- from 'Dragonfire Peaks (Uber-5) World'
- to 'Dragonfire Peaks World'
용숨결 봉우리 (더스크-8) 포탈
[Dragonfire Peaks (Dusk (8)) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to brave this Adventure World, a land of fire and Dragons thrown into turmoil by a false prophet.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to brave this Dusk Difficulty (8) Adventure World, a land of fire and Dragons thrown into turmoil by a false prophet.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
캔도리아 (쉐이드-5) 포탈
[Candorian (Shade (5)) World] - name changed- from 'Candorian (Uber-2) World'
- to 'Candorian World'
캔도리아 (쉐이드-5) 포탈
[Candorian (Shade (5)) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to voyage into this Adventure World, where clashing confectionery civilizations vie for power and influence.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to voyage into this Shade Difficulty (5) Adventure World, where clashing confectionery civilizations vie for power and influence.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
저주받은 하늘섬 (문레스 다크-10)
[Cursed Skylands (Moonless Dark-10) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-7) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Moonless Dark (10)) World'
불가사의한 포탈 (트와일라잇-7)
[Mysterious Portal (Twilight-7)] - name changed- from 'Mysterious Portal (Uber-4)'
- to 'Mysterious Portal (Twilight (7))'
분리된 고지대(문레스 다크-10) 월드
[Sundered Uplands (Moonless Dark (10)) World] - name changed- from 'Sundered Uplands (Uber-7) World'
- to 'Sundered Uplands World'
분리된 고지대(문레스 다크-10) 월드
[Sundered Uplands (Moonless Dark (10)) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, a land split in two by invading Irradiant Sky Giants. Warning! At all Uber ranks, creatures in the Sundered Uplands biomes are significantly more difficult than neighboring biomes!\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Moonless Dark Difficulty (10) Adventure World, a land split in two by invading Irradiant Sky Giants. Warning! At all difficulty ranks, creatures in the Sundered Uplands biomes are significantly more difficult than neighboring biomes!\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
용암의 섬 (딥 팰로우-14)
[Igneous Islands (Deep Fallow (14)) World] - name changed- from 'Igneous Islands (Uber-11) World'
- to 'Igneous Islands (Deep Fallow (14)) World'
Uber Twilight (12) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal - name changed
- from 'Uber-9 Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
- to 'Uber Twilight (12) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
수몰지대 (팰로우-6)
[Drowned (Fallow (6))World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-3) World'
- to 'Drowned (Fallow (6)) World'
빛나는 유적지 포탈
[Realm Portal: Sky] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to teleport to what remains of the realm of the Sun Goddess, lying in eternal silence in her absence.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to teleport this Uber Difficulty (4) Adventure World, containing what remains of the realm of the Sun Goddess, lying in eternal silence in her absence.'
불가사의한 포탈 (우버 트와일라잇-12)
[Mysterious Portal (Uber Twilight (12))] - name changed- from 'Mysterious Portal (Uber-9)'
- to 'Mysterious Portal (Uber Twilight (12))'
황야의 사막 포탈
[Desert Frontier Adventure Portal] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to travel to this Adventure World, the desolate husk of a land plundered by unchecked greed, progress, and the mindless slaves of industry.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to travel to this Master Difficulty (3) Adventure World, the desolate husk of a land plundered by unchecked greed, progress, and the mindless slaves of industry.'
저주받은 하늘섬 (나이트폴-9)
[Cursed Skylands (Nightfall-9) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-6) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Nightfall (9)) World'
Moonless Dark (10) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal - name changed
- from 'Uber-7 Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
- to 'Moonless Dark (10) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
우버 트와일라잇-12 월드
[Uber Twilight (12) World] - name changed- from 'Prime (Uber-9) World'
- to 'Prime World'
우버 트와일라잇-12 월드
[Uber Twilight (12) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-9 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Uber Twilight Difficulty (12) Adventure World.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
저주받은 하늘섬 (우버 트와일라잇 (12))
[Cursed Skylands (Uber Twilight (12)) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-9) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Uber Twilight (12)) World'
수몰지대 (나이트폴-9)
[Drowned (Nightfall-9)World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-6) World'
- to 'Drowned (Nightfall (9)) World'
에버다크 해안 (우버 트와일라잇 (12))
[Shores of the Everdark (Uber Twilight (12))] - name changed- from 'Shores of the Everdark (Uber-9)'
- to 'Shores of the Everdark (Uber Twilight (12))'
영원한 얼음의 땅 포탈
[Permafrost Adventure Portal] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to venture to this Adventure World, once home to a great empire, now a frozen wasteland where predators and phantoms prowl.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to venture to this Adept Difficulty (1) Adventure World, once home to a great empire, now a frozen wasteland where predators and phantoms prowl.'
저주받은 하늘섬 (더스크-8)
[Cursed Skylands (Dusk-8) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-5) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Dusk (8)) World'
저주받은 계곡 포탈
[Cursed Vale Adventure Portal] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to journey to this Adventure World, where an accursed darkness tears the rotting dead from their graves to prey upon the living.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to journey to this Elite Difficulty (2) Adventure World, where an accursed darkness tears the rotting dead from their graves to prey upon the living.'
에버다크 해안 (퓨어 미드나잇-11)
[Shores of the Everdark (Pure Midnight-11)] - name changed- from 'Shores of the Everdark (Uber-8)'
- to 'Shores of the Everdark (Pure Midnight (11))'
퓨어 미드나잇-11 월드
[Pure Midnight (11) World] - name changed- from 'Prime (Uber-8) World'
- to 'Prime World'
저주받은 하늘섬 (퓨어 미드나잇-11)
[Cursed Skylands (Pure Midnight-11) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-8) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Pure Midnight (11)) World'
수몰지대 (트와일라잇-7)
[Drowned (Twilight-7)World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-4) World'
- to 'Drowned (Twilight (7)) World'
수몰지대 (딥 팰로우-14)
[Drowned (Deep Fallow (14))World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-11) World'
- to 'Drowned (Deep Fallow (14)) World'
중세 고원지대 포탈
[Medieval Highlands World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where once stood great kingdoms, but now only the bugs and fungi thrive among the ruins'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Novice Difficulty (0) Adventure World, where once stood great kingdoms, but now only the bugs and fungi thrive among the ruins'
수몰지대 (더스크-8)
[Drowned (Dusk-8)World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-5) World'
- to 'Drowned (Dusk (8)) World'
Pure Midnight (11) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal - name changed
- from 'Uber-8 Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
- to 'Pure Midnight (11) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
불가사의한 포탈 (문레스 다크-10)
[Mysterious Portal (Moonless Dark-10)] - name changed- from 'Mysterious Portal (Uber-7)'
- to 'Mysterious Portal (Moonless Dark (10))'
저주받은 하늘섬 (메가 다크-13)
[Cursed Skylands (Mega Dark-13) World] - name changed- from 'Cursed Skylands (Uber-10) World'
- to 'Cursed Skylands (Mega Dark (13)) World'
메가 다크-13
[Mega Dark (13) World] - name changed- from 'Prime (Uber-10) World'
- to 'Prime World'
메가 다크-13
[Mega Dark (13) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World at Uber-10 difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Mega Dark Difficulty (13) Adventure World.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
네온 시티 (팰로우-6) 포탈
[Neon City (Fallow (6)) World] - name changed- from 'Neon City (Uber-3) World'
- to 'Neon City World'
네온 시티 (팰로우-6) 포탈
[Neon City (Fallow (6)) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to beam into this Adventure World, where a technological singularity wrought the rise of the ruthless Robot Overlords to power.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to beam into this Fallow Difficulty (6) Adventure World, where a technological singularity wrought the rise of the ruthless Robot Overlords to power.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
수몰지대 (우버 트와일라잇 (12))
[Drowned (Uber Twilight (12)) World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-9) World'
- to 'Drowned (Uber Twilight (12)) World'
불가사의한 포탈 (우버-4)
[Mysterious Portal (Uber (4)] - name changed- from 'Mysterious Portal (Uber-1)'
- to 'Mysterious Portal (Uber (4))'
용암의 섬 (퓨어 미드나잇-11)
[Igneous Islands (Pure Midnight-11) World] - name changed- from 'Igneous Islands (Uber-8) World'
- to 'Igneous Islands (Pure Midnight (11)) World'
요정의 숲 (우버-4) 포탈
[Fae Forest (Uber-4) World] - name changed- from 'Fae Forest (Uber-1) World'
- to 'Fae Forest World'
요정의 숲 (우버-4) 포탈
[Fae Forest (Uber-4) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where the races of Fae have turned their backs on the outside world to focus on a bloody civil war.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Uber Difficulty (4) Adventure World, where the races of Fae have turned their backs on the outside world to focus on a bloody civil war.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
수몰지대 (문레스 다크-10)
[Drowned (Moonless Dark-10)World] - name changed- from 'Drowned (Uber-7)World'
- to 'Drowned (Moonless Dark (10)) World'
금지된 산맥 (나이트폴-9) 포탈
[Forbidden Spires (Nightfall (9)) World] - name changed- from 'Forbidden Spires (Uber-6) World'
- to 'Forbidden Spires World'
금지된 산맥 (나이트폴-9) 포탈
[Forbidden Spires (Nightfall (9)) World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where a once mighty empire now lies silent, and yet their edifices remain in all their splendor.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Nightfall Difficulty (9) Adventure World, where a once mighty empire now lies silent, and yet their edifices remain in all their splendor.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.'
용암의 섬 (메가 다크-13)
[Igneous Islands (Mega Dark-13) World] - name changed- from 'Igneous Islands (Uber-10) World'
- to 'Igneous Islands (Mega Dark (13)) World'
Nightfall-9 Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal - name changed
- from 'Uber-6 Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
- to 'Nightfall (9) Fae Assimilation Adventure Portal'
지오드 지상-12
[Uber Twilight (12) Geode World] - name changed- from 'Geode Topside (Uber-9) World'
- to 'Geode Topside World'
지오드 지상-12
[Uber Twilight (12) Geode World] - description changed- from 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.'
- to 'Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Difficulty 12 Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.'
lightPink - blueprint changed from
sign01 - name changed
- from 'Uber Worlds'
- to 'Uber+ Worlds'
sign01 - description changed
- from 'Uber worlds are the end game of Trove. You can craft additional portals that take you to higher rank Uber worlds. Each rank up is harder and drops rarer rewards more often.'
- to 'You can craft additional portals that take you to higher rank worlds. Each rank up is harder and drops rarer rewards more often.'
룬 제작대
[Runecrafting Bench] - blueprint changed fromto
lightWhiteBright - blueprint changed from
lightBlue - blueprint changed from
레이싱 링
[Racing Ring] - blueprint changed fromto
Goal Ring - blueprint changed from
짧은 간격 라임-노란색 LED
[Short Interval Lime-Yellow LED] - blueprint changed fromto
분홍-바다거품 지속 LED
[Persistent Pink-Sea Foam LED] - blueprint changed fromto
파란색 지속 LED
[Persistent Blue LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 황록색 LED
[Long Interval Yellow-Cyan LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 빨간색 LED
[Long Interval Red LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 암페리움 LED
[Short Interval Amperium LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 옅은 흰분홍색 LED
[Short Interval Sheer White-Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 제비꽃색 LED
[Long Interval Violet LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 진분홍-보라색 LED
[Long Interval Hot Pink-Purple LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 진분홍색 LED
[Short Interval Hot Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
진분홍 지속 LED
[Persistent Hot Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
빨간색 지속 LED
[Persistent Red LED] - blueprint changed fromto
옅은 흰분홍색 지속 LED
[Persistent Sheer White-Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
라임색 지속 LED
[Persistent Lime LED] - blueprint changed fromto
노란색 지속 LED
[Persistent Yellow LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 자녹색 LED
[Short Interval Purple-Green LED] - blueprint changed fromto
라임-노란색 지속 LED
[Persistent Lime-Yellow LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 분홍색 LED
[Long Interval Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
청적색 지속 LED
[Persistent Blue-Red LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 분홍색 LED
[Short Interval Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
레지스터 지속 LED
[Persistent Resistor LED] - blueprint changed fromto
자녹색 지속 LED
[Persistent Purple-Green LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 자녹색 LED
[Long Interval Purple-Green LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 암페리움 LED
[Long Interval Amperium LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 황록색 LED
[Short Interval Yellow-Cyan LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 빨간색 LED
[Short Interval Red LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 옅은 흰분홍색 LED
[Long Interval Sheer White-Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 제비꽃색 LED
[Short Interval Violet LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 진분홍-보라색 LED
[Short Interval Hot Pink-Purple LED] - blueprint changed fromto
호박 주황색 지속 LED
[Persistent Pumpkin Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 진분홍색 LED
[Long Interval Hot Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
옅은 흰색 지속 LED
[Persistent Sheer White LED] - blueprint changed fromto
진분홍-보라색 지속 LED
[Persistent Hot Pink-Purple LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 라임-노란색 LED
[Long Interval Lime-Yellow LED] - blueprint changed fromto
보라색 지속 LED
[Persistent Purple LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 청록색 LED
[Short Interval Cyan LED] - blueprint changed fromto
황록색 지속 LED
[Persistent Yellow-Cyan LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 파란색 LED
[Long Interval Blue LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 청적색 LED
[Long Interval Blue-Red LED] - blueprint changed fromto
청록색 지속 LED
[Persistent Cyan LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 옅은 흰색 LED
[Long Interval Sheer White LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 레지스터 LED
[Short Interval Resistor LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 흰색 LED
[Short Interval White LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 바다거품-호박 주황색 LED
[Long Interval Sea Foam-Pumpkin Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 라임색 LED
[Long Interval Lime LED] - blueprint changed fromto
제비꽃색 지속 LED
[Persistent Violet LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 초록색 LED
[Short Interval Green LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 호박 주황색 LED
[Long Interval Pumpkin Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
초록색 지속 LED
[Persistent Green LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 주황색 LED
[Short Interval Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 보라색 LED
[Short Interval Purple LED] - blueprint changed fromto
분홍색 지속 LED
[Persistent Pink LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 노란색 LED
[Short Interval Yellow LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 분홍-바다거품색 LED
[Long Interval Pink-Sea Foam LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 바다거품색 LED
[Long Interval Sea Foam LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 노란색 LED
[Long Interval Yellow LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 바다거품색 LED
[Short Interval Sea Foam LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 분홍-바다거품색 LED
[Short Interval Pink-Sea Foam LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 호박 주황색 LED/n[Short Interval Pumpkin Orange LED] - blueprint changed from
바다거품색 지속 LED
[Persistent Sea Foam LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 주황색 LED
[Long Interval Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
바다거품-호박 주황색 지속 LED
[Persistent Sea Foam-Pumpkin Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 보라색 LED
[Long Interval Purple LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 옅은 흰색 LED
[Short Interval Sheer White LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 흰색 LED
[Long Interval White LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 레지스터 LED
[Long Interval Resistor LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 바다거품-호박 주황색 LED
[Short Interval Sea Foam-Pumpkin Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 라임색 LED
[Short Interval Lime LED] - blueprint changed fromto
주황색 지속 LED
[Persistent Orange LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 초록색 LED
[Long Interval Green LED] - blueprint changed fromto
긴 간격 청록색 LED
[Long Interval Cyan LED] - blueprint changed fromto
흰색 지속 LED
[Persistent White LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 파란색 LED
[Short Interval Blue LED] - blueprint changed fromto
암페리움 지속 LED
[Persistent Amperium LED] - blueprint changed fromto
짧은 간격 청적색 LED
[Short Interval Blue-Red LED] - blueprint changed fromto
노란색 폭죽
[Yellow Firework] - blueprint changed fromto
VFX - FORCEFIELD - blueprint changed from
lightPurple - blueprint changed from
lightGreen - blueprint changed from
@TEMP red light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP white light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP chartreuse yellow light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP purple light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP pink light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
어둠 스탯 - description changed
- from 'Starting at Uber-8, creatures will have a Darkness buff which will both protect them and cause you more damage, unless you have a competitive Light stat.'
- to 'Starting at Pure Midnight (11), creatures will have a Darkness buff which will both protect them and cause you more damage, unless you have a competitive Light stat.'
@TEMP dim white light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP blue light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP sail blue light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP orange light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP green light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP yellow light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from
@TEMP bright white light used with tagged prefabBlocks - blueprint changed from