New Strings

New Strings detected in Reeling in the Stars.


You scooped up some Astral Echoes!


{0} E> {1}


Freshwater Fran's payment for completing a special order.


A fragment of the Depths' power.


The depths conquered the Delves and its inhabitants use the deltaliths as shells.


Proof that the most terrifying predators are not the largest.


These creatures are the only light in the depths.


Saltwater Sam's reward for learning to fish.


The Depths


Star Chart




You cannot fish in Club worlds.


You cannot fish while moving.


You need {0} open inventory slots to use this fishing net.


You must have bait to use a fishing net.






You got {0} {1}


Harts Received


Harts Sent


The fish are no longer biting in this area.


Fermented fish.




><> Blue


Hart-a-Phone Pink


Reset your progression, allowing you to start from the beginning again? Celestial Spheres will be refunded.




Side Quest 1/19: Talk to Saltwater Sam to learn about fishing in Trove. You can find Saltwater Sam in the Fishing Grotto under the Crafter's Corner. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Talk to Saltwater Sam about Fishing


2/19: Ahoy Trovian. If you didn't know, fishing is the only thing a pirrot enjoys more than plundering. In fact, plundering is mostly just a way to be able to fish more! Don't squawk it until you try it. First you're going to need a fishing pole, lucky for you I've got one with your name on it! Buy and equip the Basic Fishing Pole from Saltwater Sam or equip a Fishing pole you already have.


Get a Fishing Pole


3/19: Now a fishing pole is just part of the recipe for a great fishing adventure. Next you'll need a Lure, otherwise all you're gonna catch is boots, and they ain't worth much. Lucky for you I sell those too.


Buy a Lure from Saltwater Sam


4/19: Perfect. Now Lures are simple. Once you use them they'll last till you've caught enough fish or until they wear out. That's why I catch as many as I can as fast as I can so that I don't waste 'em. Hurry up and use the Lure so we can start fishing!


Use a Lure


5/19: Fishing is all about patience, which can make it hard on a lotta folks. But it really is easy. Just cast your line, wait for the bobber to start, well, bobbing, and reel the line in. It's probably easier to just try it out for yourself. Just press [HK:Fish] while looking at some water, there should be some of that real close by. Wait for the bobber to start jumping up and down, and when it does press [HK:Fish] again to reel the fish in.


Catch a Fish


6/19: Wonderful, we'll make a master Angler out of you yet! Now that you've got the hang of it, catch a few more!


Catch more Fish


7/19: You're really getting the hang of it. So now that you've mastered the basics we can 'reel in' some help. Caw, get it, 'reel in', ka-caw that's a good one. Don't worry, the more you fish the more you'll like that kinda thing, it just comes with all the 'floundering' around, and it never goes 'trout' of style. Anyway, it's about time you found out about the Pond of Power. It's the, honestly ominous looking statue fountain thingy sitting next to the large blue crab creature in the Fishing Grotto in the Hub. Don't worry they're not too pinchy, but they can get 'crabby' from time to time. Before we use the Pond of Power you'll need some Trophies of the Depths, so talk to Murkwater Mark so we can buy some.


Talk to Murkwater Mark in the Hub


8/19: I gave you some Marks of the Angler, that's because I knew Mark would want them. They'll sell anything they can to get ahold of those marks, though I don't know why. Buy a Trophy of the Depths so we can unlock the secrets of the Depths.


Buy a Trophy of the Depths


9/19: Now that you have that, it's time to put it to good use. The Pond of Power lets us tap into the Depths of the Angler. Before you ask, I have no idea what is going on here. I just fished this thing up and Murkwater Mark showed up later. Atypical to normal Pirrot fashion, I'm just happy it wasn't too violent a meeting. Interact with the Pond of Power and select the Bubble next to the starting yellow one. Use the Trophy of the Depths and upgrade it to obtain some power from the Depths.


Upgrade a Depths of the Angler Bubble


10/19: Alright, you look a little, tingly, do you feel tingly? Well I felt tingly after I did that, so I really just wanted to let you know the tingly feeling was normal. Regardless of tingles, now you have the Aura of the Angler. Now when you fish you should find Marks of the Angler from time to time. Go ahead and try it out.


Fish for a Mark of the Angler


11/19: Awesome Trovian, you're a real 'shark' when it comes to fishing, ca-caw, I got a million of 'em. Well now that you've got some more Marks of the Angler you can get more Trophies fo the Depths, so grab a few and upgrade some more Bubbles, if you want.


Upgrade more Bubbles


12/19: Easy as fishing. Well, you might have noticed that there's a new face in the Grotto. Freshwater Fran is at the helm of the ship and has new special orders for you to fill. Talk to her and buy one of them so we can get back to the real stuff, fishing!


Talk to Freshwater Fran


13/19: The Aura of the Angler might give you a few Marks of the Angler, but Freshwater Fran's how I get most of mine. Buy one of her orders and we'll get to work.


Buy a Special Order


14/19: To start one is easy, open your inventory and find it, then use it to add the task to your Adventure log.


Use a Special Order


15/19: Now, that should be tracked in the Adventures journal under 'Trovian Agency'. You can set it to show if you want, but you'll make progress either way. Fran's orders are always to go fishing in pools, which I haven't shown you yet. So let's get to it! Pools can appear in water, plasma, chocolate, or even lava. I tend to stick to water, but to each their own. They appear as little circular gatherings of fish. Fishing from them is easy, just cast your line in them and reel in when the bobber moves. I'd suggest the Treasure Isles if you wanna find one fast.


Catch a fish from a Pool


16/19: Pool fishing is really my favorite. Now that you've figured out pools let's complete that order and get to the last bits I have to teach ya. Remember to use another lure if yours runs out, you'll be 'trout' of luck and fishing up boots if you forget.


Complete a Special Order


17/19: Now you should have gotten some Marks of the Angler from Fran, she's got a ton of 'em so don't worry about her running out. Head back and talk to me in the hub to get to the last thing I've got to show ya. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Talk to Saltwater Sam


18/19: I've nearly taught you all there is to teach. The tadpole is nearly a frog so to speak. So I sent you the last thing that's really important about the Depths of the Angler, a Key to the Depths. You might have noticed that some of the bigger Bubbles aren't accessible in the Depths of the Angler. That's because you need a Key to the Depths to unlock access to them. Click on a Big Bubble and Unlock them to gain access to more power from the Depths.


Unlock a Big Bubble


19/19: Well that's it Trovian. That's all I know, whatever's left you'll have to learn on your own by delving into the Depths of the Angler. If you manage to get deeper than me, then feel free to squawk on by and teach me a few things. For now though, let's just enjoy fishing together a little longer. And if your inventory fills up too much while you're fishing, remember you can loot collect or compost the fish. If you're lucky enough to get a trophy, you can place it proudly for all to see, or just compost it as well. It's your prize, so I'm not going 'krill'-zy over it.


Catch some Fish




Constellation Keys can be used in the Star Chart to unlock branches or reset all used Celestial Spheres.


Constellation Key


A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.


Master Angler's Fishing Net


Once a week use this tome to gain 5000 Astral Echoes.


Astral Echoes Almanac


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Common Fish From Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the chocolate pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Common Fish From Chocolate Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the lava pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Common Fish From Lava Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the plasma pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Common Fish From Plasma Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch common fish from the water pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Common Fish From Water Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch a rare fish from the pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nTurtle''s caught will also count for this special order.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Rare Fish From Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch a rare fish from chocolate pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nTurtle''s caught will also count for this special order.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch A Rare Fish From Chocolate Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch a rare fish from lava pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nTurtle''s caught will also count for this special order.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch A Rare Fish From Lava Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch a rare fish from plasma pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nTurtle''s caught will also count for this special order.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch A Rare Fish From Plasma Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch a rare fish from water pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nTurtle''s caught will also count for this special order.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch A Rare Fish From Water Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch uncommon fish from the pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Uncommon Fish From Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch uncommon fish from chocolate pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Uncommon Fish From Chocolate Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch uncommon fish from lava pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Uncommon Fish From Lava Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch uncommon fish from plasma pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Uncommon Fish From Plasma Pools


Freshwater Fran wants you to catch uncommon fish from water pools that spawn all over Trove.\n\nThis order expires 3 days after accepting it.


Catch Uncommon Fish From Water Pools


Awarded for unlocking a branch on The Star Chart, can be used at the Dragon Crucible.


Awarded for slotting a Celestial Sphere on The Star Chart.


As the Depths grow in power so too do your boons.


Increases the amount of Marks of the Angler gained by the Aura of the Angler.


Improvement: Aura of the Angler


As the Depths grow in power so too do your boons.


Increases the amount of Marks of the Angler gained by the Aura of the Angler.


Improvement: Aura of the Angler


As the Depths grow in power so too do your boons.


Increases the amount of Marks of the Angler gained by the Aura of the Angler.


Improvement: Aura of the Angler


The trick isn't catching the fish, it's keeping lure afterwards.


Sometimes restores a lure when you catch a fish.


Better Lures


New fish have appeared all over Trove. The Depths offer ways to catch these elusive creatures.


Unlocks the Basic recipes for Depth, Quick, and Seeker lures at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Basic Lures


Starboard's right and port's left. The rest is easy.


Increases your Turning Rate by +5.


Turning Rate


Smooth sailing and favorable winds.


Increases your Acceleration by +5.




The power of the Depths radiates from a lost fragment.


Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment.


Fragment of the Depths


At the end of the day it's the biggest fish that goes on the wall.


Increases the chance of catching a trophy fish while using an Angler's Quick Lure.


Quick Lures: Depths


You don't always need to sacrifice quality for speed.


Increases the chance of catching an uncommon or rare fish while using an Angler's Quick Lure.


Quick Lures: Seeker


The best lure is the one that works quickly.


Unlocks the Angler's Quick Lures recipe at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Angler's Quick Lures


For those looking for quantity over quality.


Unlocks the Quality Quick Lures recipe at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Quality Quick Lures


Freshwater Fran is looking to capture the fish that have escaped the Depths, and she's willing to pay.


Freshwater Fran will now sell additional Special Order in the Fishing area of the Hub.


Freshwater Fran's Orders II


Starboard's right and port's left. The rest is easy.


Increases your Turning Rate by +5.


Turning Rate


Smooth sailing and favorable winds.


Increases your Acceleration by +5.




Such a smug little chub would never be luring you in for a chomp.


Unlocks the Smug Chubling ally.


Ally: Smug Chubling


Sometimes they don't put up as much of a fight, and you can get home early.


Increases the speed of catching fish while using an Angler's Depth Lure.


Depth Lures: Quick


You don't always need to sacrifice quality for speed.


Increases the chance of catching an uncommon or rare fish while using an Angler's Depth Lure.


Depth Lures: Seeker


The bigger the fish, the bigger the Trophy.


Unlocks the Angler's Depth Lures recipe at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Angler's Depth Lures


The biggest fish are the most sought after.


Unlocks the Quality Depths Lures recipe at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Quality Depth Lures


Freshwater Fran is looking to capture the fish that have escaped the Depths, and she's willing to pay.


Freshwater Fran will now sell an additional Special Order in the Fishing area of the Hub.


Freshwater Fran's Orders III


Smooth sailing and favorable winds.


Increases your Acceleration by +5.




Catching better fish faster? Who can say no to that?


Increases the speed of catching fish while using an Angler's Seeker Lure.


Seeker Lure: Quick


The only thing better than catching a rare fish is catching a big rare fish.


Increases the chances of catching a trophy fish while using an Angler's Seeker Lure.


Seeker Lure: Depth


The best fish are the hardest to find.


Unlocks the Angler's Seeker Lures recipe at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Angler's Seeker Lures


The best fish are the hardest to find.


Unlocks the Quality Seeker Lures recipe at the Nautical Assembler.


Recipe: Quality Seeker Lures


A net capable of catching many fish all at once.\nCaptures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid.\n\nRequires an active Lure.


Unlocks the Master Angler's Fishing Net (Weekly) recipe at the Nautical Assembler. If you already have a Bubble with this upgrade then you are allowed to craft an additional net weekly.


Recipe: Master Angler's Fishing Net (Weekly)


Most pools, you get what you can see, but sometimes there's more lurking beneath the surface.


Gives a chance for pools to refill after they have been fished out.


Deeper Pools


If you want to catch fish it's all about the lure.\n\n- Murkwater Mark


Unlocks the recipe to donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Angler's Lures.


Recipe: Donation - Lures


Rule 25: Normally it's bad to undercook food, but with fish you can just call it sushi.


Increases the duration of Beginner's Seafood recipes cooked at the Angler's Grill.


Junior Chef


Rule 1: If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.


Reduces the cost of Beginner's Seafood recipes coooked at the Angler's Grill.


Kitchen Porter


Fish can rot quickly, but canned properly it can last for nearly an eternity.


Unlocks a recipe at the Angler's Grill to convert Basic Canned Fish.


Recipe: Basic Canned Fish Conversion


A cookbook lost to the Depths now rises to the surface.


Unlocks Beginner's Seafood recipes at the Angler's Grill.


Beginner's Seafood Cookbook


A lost fragment of a forgotten being.


Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment.


Fragment of the Depths


Rule 4: The joy isn't cooking for yourself, it's cooking for others.


Increases the duration of Journeyman's Seafood recipes cooked at the Angler's Grill.


Deputy Chef


Rule 78: Fish can be tempremental, the key is focus.


Reduces the cost of Journeyman's Seafood recipes coooked at the Angler's Grill.


Station Chef


A tasty treat today, tomorrow, or next year!


Unlocks a recipe at the Angler's Grill to convert Select Canned Fish.


Recipe: Select Canned Fish Conversion


New recipes begin to manifest in the ancient cookbook.


Unlocks Journeyman's Seafood recipes at the Angler's Grill.


Journeyman's Seafood Cookbook


Smooth sailing and favorable winds.


Increases your Acceleration by +5.




How'd a little crab manage to hide away in this Deltalith?


Unlocks the Tiny Deltalith Crab ally.


Ally: Tiny Deltalith Crab


Rule 140: It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.


Increases the duration of Expert's Seafood recipes cooked at the Angler's Grill.


Executive Chef


Rule 103: People who love to eat are the best friends of Head Chefs.


Reduces the cost of Expert's Seafood recipes coooked at the Angler's Grill.


Head Chef


The best of the best. No fish fishier, no scales scalier!


Unlocks a recipe at the Angler's Grill to convert Premium Canned Fish.


Recipe: Premium Canned Fish Conversion


Blotchy ink in the cookbook's final pages finally begins to fade, revealing lost secrets.


Unlock's Expert Seafood recipes at the Angler's Grill.


Expert's Seafood Cookbook


Smooth sailing and favorable winds.


Increases your Acceleration by +5.




A net capable of catching many fish all at once.\nCaptures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid.\n\nRequires an active Lure.


Unlocks the Master Angler's Fishing Net (Weekly) recipe at the Nautical Assembler. If you already have a Bubble with this upgrade then you are allowed to craft an additional net weekly.


Recipe: Master Angler's Fishing Net (Weekly)


Canned rare fish.\n\nUsed to cook food at the Angler's Grill.


Unlocks the Premium Canned Fish (Weekly) recipe at the Angler's Grill.


Recipe: Premium Canned Fish (Weekly)


Murkwater Mark loves his canned fish, but he loves Marks of the Angler more.


Unlocks the recipe to donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Premium Canned Fish.


Recipe: Donation - Canned Fish


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra uncommon fish when fishing in chocolate pools.


Chocolate Pool Mastery II


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra common fish when fishing in chocolate pools.


Chocolate Pool Mastery I


The fear isn't drowning in chocolate. It's not getting a chance to eat it first.


Increases Attack Speed by 5% for 10 seconds after standing in chocolate.


Chocolate Connoisseur


The power of the Depths radiates from a lost fragment.


Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment.


Fragment of the Depths


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra uncommon fish when fishing in plasma pools.


Plasma Pool Mastery II


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra common fish when fishing in plasma pools.


Plasma Pool Mastery I


If you can take the pain, you can channel the energy into your enemies.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 5% for 10 seconds after standing in plasma.


Plasma Power


Smooth sailing and favorable winds.


Increases your Acceleration by +5.




Hides in plain sight in the reflections of the night as it cleans up after all the other creatures.


Unlocks the Starry Snail ally.


Ally: Starry Snail


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra uncommon fish when fishing in lava pools.


Lava Pool Mastery II


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra common fish when fishing in lava pools.


Lava Pool Mastery I


There's not much that can harm someone who has stood in molten lava.


Decreases damage taken by 10% for 10 seconds after standing in lava.


Lava Scarred


Starboard's right and port's left. The rest is easy.


Increases your Turning Rate by +5.


Turning Rate


A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.


Unlocks the Master Angler's Fishing Net (Weekly) recipe at the Nautical Assembler. If you already have a Bubble with this upgrade then you are allowed to craft an additional net weekly.


Recipe: Master Angler's Fishing Net (Weekly)


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra uncommon fish when fishing in water pools.


Water Pool Mastery II


Catching one fish is good, catching two is better!


Gives a chance to catch extra common fish when fishing in water pools.


Water Pool Mastery I


A warrior can learn a lot by observing the serene chaos of the seas.


Increases Critical Hit Damage by 5% for 10 seconds after standing in water.


The Sea's Wrath


Turtles from the Depths are rising to the surface. They must be stopped before they conquer Trove!


Summons Mr. Thommas Tortoise to the Fishing area of the Hub. Mr. Thommas Tortoise sells items for Turtle Shells that are obtained by catching Turtles while fishing.


Mr. Thommas Tortoise


Mr. Thommas Tortoise is a ruthless enemy, and a better friend. So make sure he's your friend.\n\n- Murkwater Mark


Unlocks the recipe to donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for occasional Turtle Shells.


Recipe: Donation - Turtle Shells


The Depths are an alien place of power, mystery, and predators. Those that can master the Depths can wield it's power.


Depths of the Angler


Power rises from the depths. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Pond of Power


Murkwater Mark can reveal how to channel the power of the Depths, but he demands Marks of the Angler for some reason.


You have a chance to gain Marks of the Angler while fishing.


Aura of the Angler


You can only catch fish as cunning as your lure, but the Depths can teach you the weaknesses of your prey.


Teaches how to craft some basic recipes at the Nautical Assembler.


Basic Recipes


Freshwater Fran is looking to capture the fish that have escaped the Depths, and she's willing to pay.


Brings Freshwater Fran to the Hub, who sells Beginner's Special Orders. Special Orders are Trovian Agency fishing Adventures.


Freshwater Fran's Orders I


The Depths stir and power is available for those willing to seize it.


Meet with Murkwater Mark under in the Hub to gain the Aura of the Angler and begin your delve into the Depths.


Depths of the Angler


A star viewing will lead you to never missing your target's weakness.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 6%.


Minor Star of Accuracy


Look to the stars for a class that can use lots of critical hit...It's not up there.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 6%.


Minor Star of Accuracy


Wow... Magic and Physical Damage with a little Critical Hit... Maybe this should be a Major Star.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 5%. Increases Magic Damage by 5%. Increases Physical Damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Accuracy, Intellect, and Strength


More Strikes then equals less pins to hit.


10% chance when critical hitting to increase Critical Hit Chance by 30% for 10 seconds. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Lucky Strikes 2.0


If you get knocked back, you cannot critically hit as much.


Increases Jump by 5. Increases Stability by 100.


Minor Star of Leaping and Anti-Knockback


Hitting more often means more Critical Hits.


Increases Attack Speed by 15.


Minor Star of Haste


Finding this star could grant more then just Health and Critical Hit.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 5%. Increases Max Health by 10%. Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment when upgrading


Minor Star of Accuracy and Heartiness


Accurately read the stars.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 6%.


Minor Star of Accuracy


Slot machine of extra damage. I like it.


5% chance when critical hitting to increase Critical Hit Chance by 20% for 10 seconds. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Lucky Strikes


Attack and defend is what these stars are about.


Increases Damage Reduction by 3%.


Minor Star of Protection


Additional shields will be needed for future bosses.


Increases Damage Reduction by 3%.


Minor Star of Protection


This star should help balance melee a little more.


When taking damage, you have a 30% chance to gain a 45% reflect shield and 30% damage reduction for 10 seconds. Has a 1 minute cooldown. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Reflection 3.0


Ultimate Strength star is better than a Magic Star.


Increases Physical Damage by 15%. Grants Ursa Minor when upgrading


Minor Star of Strength


Will need to double check numbers to make sure this is not too much strength.


Increases Physical Damage by 6%.


Minor Star of Strength




Increases Physical Damage by 6%.


Minor Star of Strength


Reflect even more damage back at your foes.


When taking damage, you have a 20% chance to gain a 30% reflect shield for 10 seconds. Has a 1 minute cooldown. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Reflection 2.0


Continue to grow your strength and prove Might is better then brains.


Increases Physical Damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Strength


Not going to push around the brawler.


Increases Stability by 75.


Minor Star of Anti-Knockback


They hit you and you hit them back.


When taking damage, you have a 10% chance to gain a 20% reflect shield for 10 seconds. Has a 1 minute cooldown. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Reflection


Within the Strength side of the constellation we try to make Physical based classes tougher than the squishy magic ones.


Increases Physical Damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Strength


Look at this star trying to make you less squishy over here.


Increases Maximum Health by 10%.


Minor Star of Heartiness


This star's blessing hopes you live a long and healthy life.


Increases Maximum Health by 10%.


Minor Star of Heartiness


Minor Star of Anti-Knockback


Oops, didn't I mean to make this a health star?


Increases Attack Speed by 15.


Minor Star of Haste


Ahhh this is where I put that Health Star.


Increases Maximum Health by 10%.


Minor Star of Heartiness


This Star represents our home which was destroyed by the Void.


When dropping below 45% health, gain a 12% Outgoing damage buff and 10% Attack Speed for 15 seconds 120 second cooldown. Grants Ursa Major when upgrading Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Rage 3.0


The final star spell is ready. Are you ready to cast it?


Increases Magic Damage by 15%.


Minor Star of Intellect


Kind of odd that the intellect tree has a rage mechanic...I guess it's a nerd rage.


When dropping below 45% health, gain a 10% Outgoing damage buff and 10% Attack Speed for 10 seconds. 120 second cooldown. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Rage 2.5


Unlimited Magic... unless you run out of energy regen.


Increases Magic Damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Intellect


Give in to your anger.


When dropping below 40% health, gain a 8% Outgoing damage buff and 10% Attack Speed for 10 seconds. 120 second cooldown. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Rage 1.5


Wow, mind exploded.


Increases Magic Damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Intellect


This star come with a free library card. Somehow that's what increases your damage.


Increases Magic Damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Intellect


Little bit of speed for slow magic classes.


Increases Movement Speed by 8.


Minor Star of Speed


Even though most magic classes have good range, here is some stability so you don't go flying.


Increases Stability by 75.




When dropping below 30% health, gain a 6% Outgoing damage buff and 10% Attack Speed for 10 seconds. 120 second cooldown. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Rage


A star all about seeing overly sized numbers appearing.


10% chance when critical hitting to increases Critical Hit Damage by 25% for 10 seconds.


Minor Star of Weakness 1.5


A Critical Hit!


Increases Critical Hit Damage by 10%.


Minor Star of Critical


Stop being so critical.


Increases Critical Hit Damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Critical


The Star Chart was critically well received by the players. They had nothing negative to say about it.


Increases Critical Hit Damage by 10%.


Minor Star of Critical


You have found the Weakness, now keep on attacking.


5% chance when critical hitting to increase Critical Hit Damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Weakness


Gain greater arcane knowledge to blast your foe down this path.


Increases Magic Damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Intellect


This constellation is based around improving Physical and Magic damage as well as increasing critical hits as well as critical hit damage.


Constellation of Combat


A star too small to be a planet but hurts too much to accept the truth.


Increases experience gain by 2.5%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 15%. Grants Staruable when upgrading


Minor Star of Knowledge and Critical


See the weakness of your enemies and know how to exploit it.


Increases experience gain by 2.5%. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 15%.


Minor Star of Knowledge and Accuracy


So glad to see you all the way out here, the star focuses on finding better gear.


Increases Magic Find by 8%.


Minor Star of Luck


With a little luck and brains you can do anything.


Increases experience gain by 2.5%. Increases Magic Find by 3%.


Minor Star of Knowledge and Luck


Speeds up crafting...I know I would love that.


Increases Magic Find by 3%. Increases crafting speed.


Minor Star of Luck and DYI


Knowledge is power - with this you will gain even more.


Increases experience gain by 5%. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Knowledge


Show how to have more mastery over your laser.


Increases Lasermancy by 80.


Minor Star of Mining


A reward for gathering - hitting hard and fast.


Increases Attack Speed by 15%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 15%.


Minor Star of Haste and Critical


When searching for items, you have gained greater defense.


Reduces incoming damage by 15%.


Minor Star of Protection


Ultimate Harvest upgrade for any gathering min/maxer.


Increases harvesting by 15%. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of the Harvest 2.0


Grants the feeling of vigor you get from eating a large meal.


Increases Maximum Health by 10%. Increases Health Regen by 400.


Minor Star of Heartiness and Healing


This is the end of the path... was it worth it?


Increases Lasermancy by 100. Increases Max Health by 15%. Grants Star Dust when upgrading


Minor Star of Mining and Heartiness


Lots more shiny ore to collect.


Grants a 15% chance to get an additional ore while mining. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Shard Searcher 2.0


Working on mining has given you a little more edge.


Increases Outgoing damage by 3%.


Minor Star of Attack


A little bit of coffee will heal anyone.


Increases Health Regen by 6%. Increases Energy Regen by 6%.


Minor Star of Healing and Caffeine


An extra flask here and there, soon you'll be invincible...


Increases Flask Capacity by 1.


Minor Star of Alchemy


Grow even more crops.


Increases harvesting by 10%. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of the Harvest


Leap for the stars!!!!


Increases Flask Capacity by 1. Increases Max Health by 5%. Increases Jump by 5.


Minor Star of Alchemy, Heartiness, and Leaping


Guides you to finding even more useful ore.


Grants a 10% chance to get an additional ore while mining. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Shard Searcher


Search the lands for greater goods.


Increases Magic Find by 3%.


Minor Star of Luck


I am like a dragon, I only fly away.


Reduces glide reduction in all Sundered Uplands. Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment when upgrading


Minor Star of Sundered Flight 3.0


Fly even faster.


Reduces glide reduction in Sundered Uplands in Mega Dark (13) and lower difficulties.


Minor Star of Sundered Flight 2.0


Fly free you fools in the Sundered Uplands.


Reduces glide reduction in Sundered Uplands in Moonless Dark (10) difficulty. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Sundard Flight


Gain healing and the ability to heal more. Sounds good, right?


Increases Flask Capacity by 1. Increases Health Regen by 300.


Minor Star of Alchemy and Healing


After searching the stars, you have gained increased magic.


Increases Magic Damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Intellect


Seeing the final frontier has left you tough.


Reduces incoming damage by 10%.


Minor Star of Protection


Exploring and armoring up.


Reduces incoming damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Protection


Magic power from gathering so much knowledge.


Increases Magic Damage by 15%. Grants Star Sebastian when upgrading


Minor Star of Intellect


You did so much Mining it improved your Physical Damage. Noice.


Increases Physical Damage by 15%.


Minor Star of Strength


Extra flasks are always good.


Increases Flask Capacity by 3.


Minor Star of Alchemy


Increased experience gain is always good.


Increases experience gain by 5%.


Minor Star of Knowledge


Little bit of luck on this side of the stars as well.


Increases Magic Find by 50.


Minor Star of Luck


Intense searching has led you to greater speed and adaptability.


Increases Maximum Health by 10%. Increases Attack Speed by 20. Increases Lasermancy by 45. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Heartiness, Haste, and Mining


When mounted Harvest at Loooooooooooonger range. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Greatly increases gathering range when mounted.


Major Star of Long Reach 3.0


Hee Hee this star gives more health.


Increases Maximum Health by 5%.


Minor Star of Heartiness


Gathering stars together has increased your strength.


Increases Physical Damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Strength


When mounted, Harvest at medium range.


Moderately increases gathering range when mounted. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Long Reach 2.0


This star gains the boon of health and mining.


Increases Lasermancy by 200. Increases Maximum Health by 10%.


Minor Star of Mining and Heartiness


When mounted, Harvest at short range.


Slightly increases gathering range when mounted. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Long Reach


Mine with ease of being able to jump a little more.


Increases Lasermancy by 100. Increases Jump by 3.


Minor Star of Mining and Leaps


Through this constellation you will gain the power of increased gains in harvesting and experience.


Constellation of Gathering


A higher chance to get additional effects is always good.


Increases the chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask by 3%. Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment when upgrading


Minor Star of Greater Alchemic Power 3.0


More random effects. MOOOOORREEEEE!!!!


Increases the chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask by 3%.


Minor Star of Greater Alchemic Power 2.0


Why are flasks so OP... here is a random one.


10% chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Greater Alchemic Power


This should help you jump and not get thrown across the room in delves.


Increases Jump by 5. Increases Stability by 50.


Minor Star of Leaping and Anti-Knockback


When visiting the final frontier, it's always good to have speed.


Increases Movement Speed by 5.


Minor Star of Speed


Attack speed is all some classes need.


Increases Attack Speed by 6%.


Minor Star of Haste


Now that flasks are powered up, heres a few more.


Increases Flask Capacity by 3. Grants Charter's Chair when upgrading


Minor Star of Alchemy


So Many Flasks!!!!!


Increases Flask Capacity by 3.


Minor Star of Alchemy


10% chance to gain a flask charge when using a Flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Flask Renewal 2.0


Star of health bless us with more health please.


Increases Maximum Health by 15%.


Minor Star of Heartiness


Fighting throughout this Trovian world has given you the intellect to randomly recharge flasks.


5% chance to gain a flask charge when using a Flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Flask Renewal


Little bit of speed to help you in the world.


Increases Movement Speed by 5.


Minor Star of Speed


This shooting star is so fast it teaches trovians to hit faster.


Increases Attack Speed by 3%.


Minor Star of Haste


Real Critting is more about following your heart than following a build.


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 6%. Increases Critical Hit Damage by 6%.


Minor Star of Accuracy and Critical


Drinking too many flasks has made the random buffs gained from them stick.


Increases Magic Damage by 5%. Increases Physical Damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Strength and Intellect


The shield may be just as important as DPS number charts.


Increases Damage Reduction by 8%.


Minor Star of Protection


Moooooooooooreeeeeeeee Healing PLEASE!!!


Increases Health Regen by 8%.


Minor Star of Healing


You get a buff, and you get a buff, everybody gets a buff.


100% chance when using a Flask to gain either an Attack Buff, Defense Buff, or Healing Buff. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Minor Buffing Always


Random buffs are always great because they are buffs.


50% chance when using a Flask to gain either an Attack Buff, Defense Buff, or Healing Buff. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Minor Buffing


A Blessing of bountiful flasks... I really hope this is not too OP... Maybe I need to nerf Death-Defying...


A branch of a constellation related to Flasks? What could go wrong?


Increases Flask Capacity by 1.


Minor Star of Alchemy


Two damage types, maybe someday we will search the stars and find the 3rd one.


Increases Physical Damage by 5%. Increases Magic Damage by 5%.


Minor Star of Strength and Intellect


Speed through the stars for greater power.


Increases Attack Speed by 10%.


Minor Star of Haste


One day it will be super important to have a lot of this. Wink Wink


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 10%.


Minor Star of Accuracy


With faster attack and higher life leech you may someday be invincible.


Damaging enemies grants 20% Life Leech. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Draining Kiss


In this constellation of dungeon seeking we greet thee with more health.


Increases Health Regen by 175. Increases Maximum Health by 14%.


Minor Star of Healing and Heartiness


Looking up at the stars has granted additional buff time.


Increases Bounty Hunt Boon to give an additional 5% to Physical and Magic Damage.


Minor Star of the Bounty Hunt


Grant me the true power of the stars. May I destroy the darkness of the cosmos.


Increases Light by 50. Grants Starry Skyfire when upgrading


Minor Star of Light


Hunting enemies now grants you boons.


After defeating a Sundered Uplands 5 Star Boss, gain 10% increased Physical and Magic Damage for 4 hours. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of the Bounty Hunt Boon


Fly, you fools, Fly to the end of that Delve.


Increases Movement Speed by 5.


Minor Star of Speed


Attacks so fast you can not even animate fast enough.


Increases Attack Speed by 6%.


Minor Star of Haste


Greater shining light to destroy the dark.


Increases Light by 150. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Light


Looking to the stars to decide how to increase those damage numbers.


Increases Critical Hit Damage by 10%.


Minor Star of Critical


Jump up without being pushed around by bullies.


Increases Jump by 5. Increases Stability by 50.


Minor Star of Leaping and Anti-Knockback


A little more time to the boon you just got.


Increases the Depths boon damage reduction to 25% and duration to 1 hour.


Minor Star of Depths Boon 2.0


Look up at the sky one night and see the lights above.


Increases Light by 50. Grants Scorpius when upgrading


Minor Star of Light


Delving just got a little bit easier.


After defeating a delve boss, gain 20% damage reduction for 30 minutes. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of the Depths Boon


Oops, did I leave a flask over on this side of the cosmos.


Increases Flask Capacity by 1.


Minor Star of Alchemy


Wink Wink...


Increases Critical Hit Chance by 10%.


Minor Star of Accuracy


Drain health from your enemies.


Damaging enemies grants 10% Life Leech. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked


Major Star of Draining Kiss


Star of speed give me swiftness to strike my foes.


Increases Attack Speed by 3%.


Minor Star of Haste


Grants the power of Cubesly. This constellation helps to empower players in dungeons and delves as well as improving flasks.


Constellation of Cubesly




15 Radiant Sovereigns


Downfeather Dissertation


Wakling Waddlemum


Wakling Waddler


Oiled Ailerons


Cygnet I


15 Radiant Sovereigns




Fowlyx the Impermeable


Blub. Special orders! Blub. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Freshwater Fran


It's good to be back in the Hub again. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Saltwater Sam


What's better than fishing? Nothing! Blub. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Murkwater Mark


The turtles from the Depths have no respect! Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Mr. Thommas Tortoise


Find all the fish with your mastery of bait.


Boat: Fishy Floater


Fishy Floater


Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.


Cygnet I


Totally legitimate timeshare, absolutely 100% above deck and ship shape. Can sail in lava.


Boat: Pinzo's Timeshare Cruiseline


Pinzo's Timeshare Cruiseline


Sure to hook fish with the gently waving fronds.


Pole: Ferny Fisher


Ferny Fisher


Can find any fish in even the muckiest of water or chocolate. Capable of catching the most elusive fish in the Depths from pools. Sold by Murkwater Mark in the Fishing area of the Hub.


Pole: Murkwater Mark's Mucker


Murkwater Mark's Mucker


Is it actually catching fish or just confusing them in to surfacing?


Pole: Irradiant Rod


Irradiant Rod


Simply the best at finding most fish.


Pole: Fish Finder


Fish Finder


I like turtles. Turtles like pizza. Somehow this results in catching fish. Capable of catching invasive turtles from the Depths. Sold by Mr. Thommas Tortoise.


Pole: Turtle Trawler


Turtle Trawler


Ride the rails as you chart the constellations.


Charter's Chair


Immortalized in the stars forever.


Star Sebastian


Infiltrated the depths of Trove from a shooting star, and is now finally ready to emerge. Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +3% Critical Damage, +5 Stability, and +50 Magic Find.


Capricorn, Risen from the Depths


Rising from the depths to devour the land dwellers. Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +3% Critical Damage, +3 Jump, and +50 Magic Find.


Aquarus, the Aquarius Lord


Oil and Water--tale as old as Chronomancer Qubesly--is but a hint of the true staying power of Fowlyx.


Fowlyx the Impermeable


"Close your eyes, duckling, and follow your heart. That is how you find your way to Farnon."


Farnon, the Great Migrator


Definitely too big to make the cute baby bear face, but will still try.


Ursa Major


Unless she trusts you, never get between a Waddlemum and her Brood.


Wakling Waddlemum


Ally: Buccaneer Booty


Ally: Fluvial Flipper


Ally: Goldfish


How'd a little crab manage to hide away in this Deltalith?


Tiny Deltalith Crab


Such a smug little chub would never be luring you in for a chomp.


Smug Chubling


Hides in plain sight in the reflections of the night as it cleans up after all the other creatures.


Starry Snail


Likes ice cream, especially with star sprinkles.


Star Dust


A master of manipulation, look at that cute little face!


Ursa Minor


Though they can't fly--at least not usually--their name has nothing to do with their preferred mode of locomotion.




Never truly extinguished or beaten


Starry Skyfire


Can blend in with any known constellation.




Trained for Eggcellence.


Wakling Waddler


Scorpius' fishhook tail is coated in poison and has quite a burn - definitely don't lick it.




Go sailing with a hook, line, and hopefully no sinker.


Sail: Fishy Sail


Fishy Sail


We all knew what this was going to be.


Pinzo's Sail


Pinzo's Sail


Produces 10 Oil-free Downfeather when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.\n\n\nEarnable by reaching Mastery Rank 830.


Downfeather Dissertation


Creates 1,500 Freerange Electrolytic Crystals when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.


Electrolytic Enthusiast Weekly


Produces 5,000 Astral Echoes when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves.


Astral Echoes Almanac


The kind of Hydrophobic you can sell on TV!


Oiled Ailerons


Shout your totally legitimate appreciation to everyone online and leave a mark on them for the next 12 hours. Requires Trove Mastery Rank 20.




Donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Angler's lures.


Mark of the Anglers Donation - Lures


Donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Premium Canned Fish.


Mark of the Anglers Donation - Canned Fish


Donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Turtle Shells.


Mark of the Anglers Donation - Turtle Shells


Donate Basic Canned Fish at the Nautical Assembler for Marks of the Angler.


Basic Canned Fish Donation - Marks of the angler


Increases your chances of catching Uncommon and Rare fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Basic Seeker Lures


Incrases your chances of catching Uncommon and Rare fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Quality Seeker Lures


Increases your chances of catching Uncommon and Rare fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Angler's Seeker Lures


Increases your chances of catching Uncommon and Rare fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Angler's Seeker Lures


Increases how quickly you catch fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Basic Quick Lures


Increases how quickly you catch fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Quality Quick Lure


Increases how quickly you catch fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Angler's Quick Lure


Increases how quickly you catch fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Angler's Quick Lure


Increases the chance of catching trophy fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Basic Depth Lures


Increases the chance of catching trophy fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Quality Depth Lures


Increases the chance of catching trophy fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Angler's Depth Lures


Increases the chance of catching trophy fish.\n\nLasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.


Angler's Depth Lures


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch common fish from any pools from all over trove.


Beginner's Order: Anything


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch common fish from chocolate pools in Trove.


Beginner's Order: Chocolate


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch common fish from lava pools in Trove.


Beginner's Order: Lava


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch common fish from plasma pools in Trove.


Beginner's Order: Plasma


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch common fish from water pools in Trove.


Beginner's Order: Water


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch rare fish from the pools in Trove.


Expert's Order: Anything


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch rare fish from chocolate pools in Trove.


Expert's Order: Chocolate


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch rare fish from lava pools in Trove.


Expert's Order: Lava


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch rare fish from plasma pools in Trove.


Expert's Order: Plasma


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch rare fish from water pools in Trove.


Expert's Order: Water


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch uncommon fish from the pools in Trove.


Journeyman's Order: Anything


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch uncommon fish from chocolate pools in Trove.


Journeyman's Order: Chocolate


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch uncommon fish from lava pools in Trove.


Journeyman's Order: Lava


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch uncommon fish from plasma pools in Trove.


Journeyman's Order: Plasma


Freshwater Fran wants you to go fishing and catch uncommon fish from water pools in Trove.


Journeyman's Order: Water


Canned common fish. Used to cook food at the Angler's Grill.


Basic Canned Fish


Canned rare fish. Used to cook food at the Angler's Grill.


Premium Canned Fish


Canned rare fish. Used to cook food at the Angler's Grill.


Premium Canned Fish


Canned uncommon fish. Used to cook food at the Angler's Grill.


Select Canned Fish


Crafting Material. Obtained by Loot Collecting rare fish from the Depths.


Scale of the Depths


Crafting Material. Obtained by Loot Collecting Turtles caught with the Turtle Trawler.


Turtle Shell


Unlocks access to greater power at the Pond of Power.\n\nUnlocks access to Major Bubbles in the Depths of the Angler.


Key to the Depths


Coins obtained by fishing while under the effects of the Aura of the Angler.\n\nUsed as currency and a crafting materal in the Fishing Area of the Hub.


Mark of the Angler


Used to display your mastery of fishing in trove at the Pond of Power.\n\nActivates the Bubbles in the Depths of the Angler.


Trophy of the Depths


Hatches into Aquarus, the Aquarius Lord!


Golden Dormant Aquaran Dragon Egg


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub! This egg can be crafted at the Dragon Crucible.


Dormant Aquaran Dragon Egg


Hatches into Capricorn, Risen from the Depths!


Golden Dormant Caprian Dragon Egg


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub! This egg can be crafted at the Dragon Crucible.


Dormant Caprian Dragon Egg


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub! These egg fragments can be found by fishing in pools.


Aquaran Dragon Egg Fragment


Coax a new flying dragon from the egg using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub! These egg fragments can be acquired from the Star Chart, the Depths of the Angler, The Celestial, and Murkwater Mark.


Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment


A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.


Master Angler's Fishing Net


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Candied Cubal


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Candied Crawler


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Gummy Fish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Rock Candy Wranglerfish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Chocolate Belemental


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Cinnabar Orefish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Sugared Squarid


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Captain Blue Claw


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Seasalt Biscuit


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Fiery Cubal


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Red Fred


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Lava Crawler


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Fiery Flow Fish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Molten Wranglerfish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Fire Belemental


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Emberslag Orefish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Fire Squarid


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Bioluminescent Cubal


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Glowing Sluggo


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Shock Shark Mk. II


Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Cooling Plasma Fish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


LED Wranglerfish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Plasma Belemental


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Nitro-Glitterine Orefish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Firefly Squarid


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Pink Cubal


Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Common Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Rare Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Rainbow Fish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.




Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Water Belemental


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Irradium Orefish


Uncommon Fish. Loot Collect it to gain resources and add it to your collection.


Blue Squarid


It's certainly edible.


Basic Fish Soup


It's certainly edible.


Basic Fish Soup


'Fine' perfectly encapsulates this dish.


Select Fish Soup


'Fine' perfectly encapsulates this dish.


Select Fish Soup


A premium soup for a premium Trovian.


Premium Fish Soup


A premium soup for a premium Trovian.


Premium Fish Soup


Thinly cut and meagerly portioned. It will certainly get you through the day.


Basic Fish Fillet


Thinly cut and meagerly portioned. It will certainly get you through the day.


Basic Fish Fillet


Nutritious, filling, but lacking the flavor profile of an elite dish.


Select Fish Fillet


Nutritious, filling, but lacking the flavor profile of an elite dish.


Select Fish Fillet


Perfectly cooked, beautifully garnished, and seasoned to perfection.


Premium Fish Fillet


Perfectly cooked, beautifully garnished, and seasoned to perfection.


Premium Fish Fillet


It's almost certain that the meat is fish. Qubesly gives it their 82% guarantee.


Basic Fish Kabobs


It's almost certain that the meat is fish. Qubesly gives it their 82% guarantee.


Basic Fish Kabobs


The fresh vegetables add crunch and color to a potentially bland dish.


Select Fish Kabobs


The fresh vegetables add crunch and color to a potentially bland dish.


Select Fish Kabobs


So good it's worth a late night run for this tasty treat. A great food to eat with new friends.


Premium Fish Kabobs


So good it's worth a late night run for this tasty treat. A great food to eat with new friends.


Premium Fish Kabobs


A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.


A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.


A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.


Master Angler's Fishing Net


Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant.


Starbert The Celestial's 2nd Cousin


Press [HK:Loot] to trade with the merchant.


The Celestial


Pinzo? Never heard of him. Want to buy a hart-a-phone? Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Mr. Charles Pinkzo


Fish Food


Canned Fish


If you're prepareing fish accept no substitutes.


Angler's Grill


Grants access to the Depths of the Angler, allowing the mastery of Fishing in Trove.


Pond of Power


Fishing Lures




Can be used to map the stars and gain power with the use of Celestial Sphere.


The Grand Orrery


Pond of Power Banner - Bottom


Pond of Power Banner - Middle


Pond of Power Banner - Standing


Pond of Power Banner - Top


Oscar the Gabber


@DNT - Progression Banner Bot desc


@DNT - Progression Banner Bot


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@DNT - Progression Banner Mid 01


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@DNT - Progression Banner Mid 02


@DNT - Progression Banner Top desc


@DNT - Progression Banner Top


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@DNT - Progression Books 01


@DNT - Progression Books 02 desc


@DNT - Progression Books 02


@DNT - Progression Books 03 desc


@DNT - Progression Books 03


@DNT - Progression Astronomical Device 01 desc


@DNT - Progression Astronomical Device 01


@DNT - Progression Astronomical Device 02 desc


@DNT - Progression Astronomical Device 02


@DNT - Progression Star Map 01 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 01


@DNT - Progression Star Map 02 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 02


@DNT - Progression Star Map 03 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 03


@DNT - Progression Star Map 04 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 04


@DNT - Progression Star Map 05 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 05


@DNT - Progression Star Map 06 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 06


@DNT - Progression Star Map 07 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 07


@DNT - Progression Star Map 08 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 08


@DNT - Progression Star Map 09 desc


@DNT - Progression Star Map 09


@DNT - Progression Star 01 desc


@DNT - Progression Star 01


@DNT - Progression Star 02 desc


@DNT - Progression Star 02


@DNT - Progression Table Corner desc


@DNT - Progression Table Corner


@DNT - Progression Table Edge desc


@DNT - Progression Table Edge


@DNT - Progression Table Middle desc


@DNT - Progression Table Middle


@DNT - Progression Telescope Leg Bottom desc


@DNT - Progression Telescope Leg Bottom


@DNT - Progression Telescope Leg Middle desc


@DNT - Progression Telescope Leg Middle


@DNT - Progression Telescope Leg Top desc


@DNT - Progression Telescope Leg Top


Candied Cubal Trophy


Gold Candied Cubal Trophy


Silver Candied Cubal Trophy


Lollihops Trophy


Gold Lollihops Trophy


Silver Lollihops Trophy


Candied Crawler Trophy


Gold Candied Crawler Trophy


Silver Candied Crawler Trophy


Brownie Trophy


Gold Brownie Trophy


Silver Brownie Trophy


Gummy Fish Trophy


Gold Gummy Fish Trophy


Silver Gummy Fish Trophy


Rock Candy Wranglerfish Trophy


Gold Rock Candy Wranglerfish Trophy


Silver Rock Candy Wranglerfish Trophy


Chocolate Belemental Trophy


Gold Chocolate Belemental Trophy


Silver Chocolate Belemental Trophy


Cinnabar Orefish Trophy


Gold Cinnabar Orefish Trophy


Silver Cinnabar Orefish Trophy


Sugared Squarid Trophy


Gold Sugared Squarid Trophy


Silver Sugared Squarid Trophy


Michelada Trophy


Gold Michelada Trophy


Silver Michelada Trophy


Eelvis Trophy


Gold Eelvis Trophy


Silver Eelvis Trophy


Neesa Trophy


Gold Neesa Trophy


Silver Neesa Trophy


Rochelle Trophy


Gold Rochelle Trophy


Silver Rochelle Trophy


Captain Blue Claw Trophy


Gold Captain Blue Claw Trophy


Silver Captain Blue Claw Trophy


Brightray Trophy


Gold Brightray Trophy


Silver Brightray Trophy


Leodo Trophy


Gold Leodo Trophy


Silver Leodo Trophy


Seasalt Biscuit Trophy


Gold Seasalt Biscuit Trophy


Silver Seasalt Biscuit Trophy


Snugglebug Trophy


Gold Snugglebug Trophy


Silver Snugglebug Trophy


Dannet Trophy


Gold Dannet Trophy


Silver Dannet Trophy


Fiery Cubal Trophy


Gold Fiery Cubal Trophy


Silver Fiery Cubal Trophy


Red Fred Trophy


Gold Red Fred Trophy


Silver Red Fred Trophy


Lava Crawler Trophy


Gold Lava Crawler Trophy


Silver Lava Crawler Trophy


Ginger Trophy


Gold Ginger Trophy


Silver Ginger Trophy


Fiery Flow Fish Trophy


Gold Fiery Flow Fish Trophy


Silver Fiery Flow Fish Trophy


Molten Wranglerfish Trophy


Gold Molten Wranglerfish Trophy


Silver Molten Wranglerfish Trophy


Fire Belemental Trophy


Gold Fire Belemental Trophy


Silver Fire Belemental Trophy


Emberslag Orefish Trophy


Gold Emberslag Orefish Trophy


Silver Emberslag Orefish Trophy


Fire Squarid Trophy


Gold Fire Squarid Trophy


Silver Fire Squarid Trophy


Bioluminescent Cubal Trophy


Gold Bioluminescent Cubal Trophy


Silver Bioluminescent Cubal Trophy


B'leep Trophy


Gold B'leep Trophy


Silver B'leep Trophy


Glowing Sluggo Trophy


Gold Glowing Sluggo Trophy


Silver Glowing Sluggo Trophy


Shock Shark Mk. II Trophy


Gold Shock Shark Mk. II Trophy


Silver Shock Shark Mk. II Trophy


Cooling Plasma Fish Trophy


Gold Cooling Plasma Fish Trophy


Silver Cooling Plasma Fish Trophy


LED Wranglerfish Trophy


Gold LED Wranglerfish Trophy


Silver LED Wranglerfish Trophy


Plasma Belemental Trophy


Gold Plasma Belemental Trophy


Silver Plasma Belemental Trophy


Nitro-Glitterine Orefish Trophy


Gold Nitro-Glitterine Orefish Trophy


Silver Nitro-Glitterine Orefish Trophy


Firefly Squarid Trophy


Gold Firefly Squarid Trophy


Silver Firefly Squarid Trophy


Pink Cubal Trophy


Gold Pink Cubal Trophy


Silver Pink Cubal Trophy


Froggy Trophy


Gold Froggy Trophy


Silver Froggy Trophy


Sluggo Trophy


Gold Sluggo Trophy


Silver Sluggo Trophy


Bruce Trophy


Gold Bruce Trophy


Silver Bruce Trophy


Rainbow Fish Trophy


Gold Rainbow Fish Trophy


Silver Rainbow Fish Trophy


Wranglerfish Trophy


Gold Wranglerfish Trophy


Silver Wranglerfish Trophy


Water Belemental Trophy


Gold Water Belemental Trophy


Silver Water Belemental Trophy


Irradium Orefish Trophy


Gold Irradium Orefish Trophy


Silver Irradium Orefish Trophy


Blue Squarid Trophy


Gold Blue Squarid Trophy


Silver Blue Squarid Trophy


Scooped from dust clouds floating in space. These Echoes can now be found all over the world of Trove. Can be used purchase items from The Celestial in the HUB


Astral Echoes


Sphere's of the stars that allow trovians to gain boons of power. Slotted into the Star Chart found in the hub. Purchased from The Celestial in the HUB


Celestial Sphere


The Star Chart uses Celestal Spheres to unlock power ups for your Trovian.


Use a Constellation Key to reset the Star Chart. This will return any used Celestial Spheres and remove any abilities gained from the Star Chart.


Star Chart

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in Reeling in the Stars.

  • $prefabs_collections_boat_clipper_tortoise_mastery_description - This gentle, gracious, galactic beast is often seen as a good omen, and a better party guest.
  • $prefabs_collections_magrider_board_dance_volcano_description - Fires you up while it fires up.
  • $prefabs_collections_mount_dragonserpent_mastery_description - Though owner to many nicknames, he's partial to 'Wise Vern', as named by his Trovian allies.
  • $prefabs_collections_pet_froleek_steed_description - Known for running events and giveaways for all of their friends.
  • $prefabs_collections_tome_fishinglure_legendary_description - Produces 7 Fishing Lures when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Earnable by reaching Mastery Rank 490.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2022_dinosly_inv_desc - Chefsly highly recommends skipping this one unless you enjoy the taste of rainwater steeped leaves with a light hint of dirt.
  • $prefabs_item_dragon_egg_balefire_notrade_fragment_description - Coax a new flying dragon from the egg fragments using the Dragon Crucible in the Hub!\n\nThese fragments are obtained when unlocking branches in the Star Chart with Constellation Keys.
  • $prefabs_item_lootbox_delve_memento_cache_description - Contains 1 Delve Memento of random quality.
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_event_dec2022_story_05_Description - Surfin' Snowfest 5/6: Trovian I'm getting some unfortunate reports that Horned Rumpfus have been spotted in the Treasure Isles. That's not good, Horned Rumpfus are what happens when a yeti gets too warm and the ice on their fur melts. When the ice melts they get hot, which makes them angry, which makes them dangerous. Thankfully Saged Snowballs can cover them in ice AND teleport them back to the Permafrost. It's a good thing we prepared for this obvious course of events. It's not luck as long as you knew it was coming, and you and I obviously knew this was coming. Yep nothing surprises us. So you obviously know the next step is finding the Horned Rumpfus and throwing Saged Snowballs at them, because that was the plan we had all along.
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_event_jan2023_01_Description - Renewus 2023 1/7: Hi Trovian! Renewus is back and it's time to party! Head to the Radiant Dayspring in the Events area of the Hub! Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
  • $FishFail_FullInventory - You cannot fish with a full inventory.
  • $FishFail_Underwater - You cannot fish underwater.
  • $FishFail_MovingBoat - You cannot fish while your boat is moving.
  • $Progression_Workbench - The Grand Orrery
  • $Welcome_daily_bonus_details_gathering_4 - 20% Bonus Fish Chance
  • $Welcome_daily_bonus_details_gathering_4_patron - 40% Bonus Fish Chance