New Deco

New Deco detected in Polished Paragon.

@snowfest gift
적응가능한 미믹
[Adaptable Mimic]

블래스타디움 하단 배너
[Blastadium Banner Bottom]

블래스타디움 중단 배너
[Blastadium Banner Middle]

블래스타디움 상단 배너
[Blastadium Banner Top]

봄버 작업대
[Bomber Bench]

봄버 로얄 포탈
[Bomber Royale Portal]

색종이 선물
녹색 선물
헥버그 알
[Heckbug Egg]

헥버그 연습 더미
[Heckbug Practice Dummy]

파라곤의 양탄자
[Paragon Carpet]

파라곤 체인 깃발: 하단
[Paragon Chain Banner: Bottom]

파라곤 체인 깃발: 중단 1
[Paragon Chain Banner: Middle 1]

파라곤 체인 깃발: 중단 2
[Paragon Chain Banner: Middle 2]

파라곤 체인 깃발: 상단
[Paragon Chain Banner: Top]

파라곤 의자
[Paragon Chair]

파라곤 천 깃발: 하단
[Paragon Cloth Banner: Bottom]

파라곤 천 깃발: 중단
[Paragon Cloth Banner: Middle]

파라곤 천 깃발: 상단
[Paragon Cloth Banner: Top]

파라곤 장식된 의자
[Paragon Decorated Chair]

파라곤 램프: 체인
[Paragon Lamp: Chain]

파라곤 램프: 청록색
[Paragon Lamp: Cyan]

파라곤 램프: 보라색
[Paragon Lamp: Purple]

파라곤 NPC 설치가능 - 상인
파라곤 선반
[Paragon Shelf]

파라곤 인장: 하단
[Paragon Sigil: Bottom]

파라곤 인장: 상단
[Paragon Sigil: Top]

파라곤 작은 상자
[Paragon Small Chest]

파라곤 탁자: 중앙
[Paragon Table: Center]

파라곤 탁자: 모서리
[Paragon Table: Corner]

파라곤 탁자: 가장자리
[Paragon Table: Edge]

파라곤 꽃병: 하단 1
[Paragon Vase: Bottom 1]

파라곤 꽃병: 하단 2
[Paragon Vase: Bottom 2]

파라곤 꽃병: 상단 1
[Paragon Vase: Top 1]

파라곤 꽃병: 상단 2
[Paragon Vase: Top 2]

파라곤 꽃병: 상단 3
[Paragon Vase: Top 3]

파라곤 제작대
[Paragon Workbench]

핑크 선물
반지 광택기
[Ring Polisher]

로얄 선물
루디 조각상
봄버 로얄 포탈
[Bomber Royale Portal]

눈사람 팔 1
눈사람 팔 2
눈사람 팔 3
눈사람 베이스 1
눈사람 베이스 2
눈사람 베이스 3
눈사람 몸체 1
눈사람 몸체 2
눈사람 몸체 3
눈사람 머리 1
눈사람 머리 2
눈사람 머리 3
[The Fridge]

파라곤 궁전에 오신 걸 환영합니다
하얀 선물

Changed Deco

Changed Deco detected in Polished Paragon.

  • 깊이 조절기: 초록 앵무 선장
    [Depth Stepper: Mean Gene the Green]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter MEAN GENE THE GREEN ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter MEAN GENE THE GREEN ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 거대 베일팬텀
    [Depth Stepper: Greater Balephantom]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the GREATER BALEPHANTOM boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the GREATER BALEPHANTOM boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 야생림 요정거미
    [Depth Stepper: Wild Fae Spider]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE SPIDER!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 35'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE SPIDER! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35'
  • 깊이 조절기: 드레드노트
    [Depth Stepper: Dreadnought]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 심연의 말벌거미
    [Depth Stepper: Deep Waspider]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DEEP WASPIDER!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 35'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DEEP WASPIDER! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35'
  • 깊이 조절기: 디아트리마
    [Depth Stepper: Diatryma]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DIATRYMA!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 45'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DIATRYMA! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45'
  • 깊이 조절기: 리프렉티드 베일팬텀
    [Depth Stepper: Refracted Balephantom]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the REFRACTED BALEPHANTOM!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 23'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the REFRACTED BALEPHANTOM! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 23'
  • 깊이 조절기: 야생림 요정 여왕
    [Depth Stepper: Wild Fae Queen]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE QUEEN!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 35'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE QUEEN! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35'
  • 깊이 조절기: 붉은 앵무 선장
    [Depth Stepper: Squawk Red-Eye]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter SQUAWK RED-EYE ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter SQUAWK RED-EYE ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 스파이크 워커
    [Depth Stepper: Spike Walker]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the SPIKE WALKER!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the SPIKE WALKER! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 프로즌 드라코리치
    [Depth Stepper: Frozen Dracolich]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the FROZEN DRACOLICH boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the FROZEN DRACOLICH boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기 (개인 모드)
    [Depth Stepper (Private Mode)]
    - description changed
    • from 'Once placed, 'Depth Stepper' Gateways allow the placing Trovian to use [HK:Loot] to modify the starting Depth of the Delve before starting it!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nDifficulty: Set by placing Player'
    • to 'Once placed, ''Depth Stepper'' Gateways allow the placing Trovian to use [HK:Loot] to modify the starting Depth of the Delve before starting it! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Set by placing Player'
  • 깊이 조절기: 강력한 폰툰, 팀멘스
    [Depth Stepper: Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by TIMMENSE, THE POWERFUL PONTOON!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 85'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by TIMMENSE, THE POWERFUL PONTOON! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 85'
  • 깊이 조절기: 트리케라톱스
    [Depth Stepper: Triceratops]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the TRICERATOPS!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 45'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the TRICERATOPS! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45'
  • 깊이 조절기: 아이스 자이언트 킹
    [Depth Stepper: Ice Giant King]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the ICE GIANT KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the ICE GIANT KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 푸른 앵무 선장
    [Depth Stepper: Blue Barry]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter BLUE BARRY ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter BLUE BARRY ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 와이트 킹
    [Depth Stepper: Wight King]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the WIGHT KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the WIGHT KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 암페리움 플라즈마 프로젝터
    [Depth Stepper: Amperium Plasma Projector]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the AMPERIUM PLASMA PROJECTOR boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the AMPERIUM PLASMA PROJECTOR boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 그림자 하이드라켄
    [Depth Stepper: Shadow Hydrakken]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the SHADOW HYDRAKKEN!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the SHADOW HYDRAKKEN! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 본 블레이드
    [Depth Stepper: Bone Blade]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by BONE BLADE!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 35'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by BONE BLADE! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35'
  • 깊이 조절기: 랍스트로소
    [Depth Stepper: Lobstroso]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by LOBSTROSO!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 85'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by LOBSTROSO! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 85'
  • 깊이 조절기: 그림자 버섯왕
    [Depth Stepper: Shadowshroom King]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the SHADOWSHROOM KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the SHADOWSHROOM KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 플랙비어드
    [Depth Stepper: Flakbeard]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by FLAKBEARD!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by FLAKBEARD! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 티라노사우루스 렉스
    [Depth Stepper: Tyrannosaurus Rex]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the TYRANNOSAURUS REX!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 45'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the TYRANNOSAURUS REX! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45'
  • 깊이 조절기: 복수심에 찬 피냐타 신
    [Depth Stepper: Vengeful Pinata God]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the VENGEFUL PINATA GOD!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the VENGEFUL PINATA GOD! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 달의 딸
    [Depth Stepper: Daughter of the Moon]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DAUGHTER OF THE MOON!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DAUGHTER OF THE MOON! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 베일파이어 드래곤
    [Depth Stepper: Balefire Dragon]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the BALEFIRE DRAGON boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the BALEFIRE DRAGON boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 케찰코아툴루스
    [Depth Stepper: Quetzalcoatlus]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the QUETZALCOATLUS!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 45'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the QUETZALCOATLUS! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45'
  • 깊이 조절기: 심연의 지하군주, 이페라
    [Depth Stepper: Ifera, Underlord of the Deep]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by IFERA, UNDERLORD OF THE DEEP!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 85'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by IFERA, UNDERLORD OF THE DEEP! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 85'
  • 깊이 조절기: 마그맨
    [Depth Stepper: Magman]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the MAGMAN boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the MAGMAN boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 테리지노사우루스
    [Depth Stepper: Therizinosaurus]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the THERIZINOSAURUS!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 45'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the THERIZINOSAURUS! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45'
  • 깊이 조절기: 검은 앵무 선장
    [Depth Stepper: Black Beak]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter BLACK BEAK ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter BLACK BEAK ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 깊이 조절기: 야생림 요정 왕
    [Depth Stepper: Wild Fae King]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE KING!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 35'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE KING! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35'
  • 깊이 조절기: 우는 선지자
    [Depth Stepper: Weeping Prophet]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WEEPING PROPHET!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 50'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WEEPING PROPHET! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50'
  • 깊이 조절기: 붉은 드래곤
    [Depth Stepper: Red Dragon]
    - description changed
    • from 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the RED DRAGON boss ONE OR MORE TIMES!\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMin Depth: 26'
    • to 'Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the RED DRAGON boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26'
  • 광산 작업대
    [Delve Workbench]
    - description changed
    • from ''
    • to 'Used to craft a variety of Delve items and collectables'
  • 반지 제작대
    [Ringcrafting Bench]
    - icon changed from to