New Strings

New Strings detected in Polished Paragon.


Hey Trovian, Snowfest is a good time of year for someone who knows what's up. Do you? Let me school ya' a bit. Each year Present Dungeons pop up all over Trove, all full of fun stuff. If you're someone with skills you can clean 'em out and make a nice little profit. So how 'bout it? Easy jobs are the best jobs.


Complete a Present Dungeon


Seek out a Present Dungeon and clear it out.


Each year Snowfest Trees appear all over Trove, each year Trovians are sent to clear them out. This year is no different hero. Find the Trees and clear them out.


Complete a Snowfest Tree Dungeon


Seek out a Snowfest Tree Dungeon and defeat the enemies at the top.


Yo bro! You look like you're the bomb at bombin'. How about you hop into Bomber Royale and show everyone what's up. If you can earn a coin at all I'll even throw in a bonus!


Earn a Bomber Royale Coin


Prove your worth and earn a Bomber Royale Coin in Bomber Royale.


Trovian! Snowfest is all about giving, so why not give? Donate at the Snowfest Donation Station and share in the giving!


Make a Snowfest Donation


Donations are what make Snowfest so great!


Such a nice time of year. You should spend some time with other Trovians. Challenges are held every hour, and they even have rewards, so it's win-win. Either way, go out there and earn a Dragon Coin.


Earn a Dragon Coin


Play with others and earn a Dragon Coin.


Reach mastery level 10 to see what you got!


Snowfest Gift


Unwrap your gift!


Snow-time is short. Snow-time is best. You don't think so? Try getting in a snowball fight and see if you still think not. Enter a Snowball fight with the portal near the Events area of the hub and participate.


Get in the Snowball Fight




Granted for completing a Quest!


You already have as many of this item as you can hold.


Good job Trovian, now get out there and keep blasting!


Knocked out the first Trovian in Snowball Fight


Gold reward in Snowball Fight!


Silver reward in Snowball Fight!


Bronze reward in Snowball Fight!


Good bombin', keep it up bro!


What could be inside?!


Donations are appreciated bud.


A Snowfest surprise!


A token of appreciation during the best time of year.




Snowfest 2021 Decorations


Target Dummies


Ring Polishing


One with the Loop


Broken Delve: Owner cannot create a world right now.


[HK:Loot] to enter delve. {0} slots remaining.


Instant Delve




Millenia rollovers






Paragon Levels (Current Class)


Completed PVP-BR Games


Total Paragon Levels


Total Rings Polished


Level: {0} - Paragon: {1} -- {2} / {3}




has reached prime Paragon level {0} as a {1}!


Snowfest 2021 1/7: Trovian! Winter's here, and that means snow, and snow means Snowfest! Snowfest is the perfect way to end the year. Stop by the Events area of the Hub and get into the giving spirit. Press [HK:Loot] to interact with an NPC.


Meet up with Elfsly


Snowfest 2021 2/7: You made it, wonderful. First we have to get you into the gift giving spirit. Try crafting a Gift Giver's Standard at the Snowfest Table.


Craft a Gift Giver's Standard


Snowfest 2021 3/7: That's my gift to you. Sorry I couldn't make it for you, but I was busy with all the Hub preparations. While you wear that you'll knock the presents out of your enemies when you defeat them. Really! You'll only be able open three of them each day though. But hey, who doesn't like presents?


Unwrap a Gift


Snowfest 2021 4/7: I hope you got what you wanted and if you didn't, there's always more tomorrow! You know, after meeting Chillio and his band during Friendsgiving this year I was hoping they'd make it for snowfest this year. But Chillio said they're too busy clearing out all the dungeons that have appeared this year. I bet if you clear some out they'll have time to stop by! Should be easy for a hero like you. Try some of the Present dungeons that appear all over trove and Geode Topside.


Clear Present Dungeons


Snowfest 2021 5/7: Mimics? Again? Every year it seems... Well done with the Present Dungeons, I knew it'd be easy for you. Now try looking for some of the larger Tree dungeons. They're only in Trove but they're everywhere too. I wonder why they don't grow on Geode though. Maybe it's the sun?


Clear Tree Dungeons


Snowfest 2021 6/7: Trovian you rock. It worked! Chillio and his buddies are here now at the Events area, and they even have a new friend they brought with them! They're all back in the hub and they've got all sorts of fun stuff to do this year. Head back to the Hub and try talking to one of them and completing one of their jobs.


Complete a Snowfest Daily


Snowfest 2021 7/7: Yo bud. Elfsly really went all out this year huh? I'm just glad it's nice and cold here, even if it's a bit too sunny for my liking. So I noticed the Donation Station is back this year. You should try donating something. It feels good and who knows, maybe you'll get a little 'surprise'.


Donate at the Donation Station


Snowfest 2021 Bonus: Trovian, me and the gang got you something. It's in the Trove hub, you can't miss it. And hurry up 'cause come the new year I'm pretty sure that Elfsly is cleaning up the hub. Press [HK:Loot] to interact with your gift.


Open Your Gift


Heckbugs In Love 1/7: Hi Trovian! It's Qubesly again and it's that time of year again. Heckbugs, why is it always heckbugs. If you're gonna be around some heckbugs you should carry some Hecky Chow around. Better they eat that than, well, you.


Make some Hecky Chow


Heckbugs In Love 2/7: Great job Trovian. This stuff is great! You throw it and a heckbug shows up immediately. Try it!


Throw the Hecky Chow


Heckbugs In Love 3/7: Trove has an infestation that needs dealing with. The heckbugs are overrunning Dragonfire Peaks again, you should head over and deal with them. Don't forget to throw the Bowl of Hecky Chow to summon a heckbug, you'll need it to get through their defenses.


Heckbug Infestation in Dragonfire Peaks


Heckbugs In Love 4/7: Oh shoot, Trovian! I forgot that Cupidsly asked me to keep a tally this year of the Heckbugs that pair up together. Could you do me a solid and pair up ten more of them? I know you probably already paired some of them but I need an exact guaranteed count. Just use the Bowl of Hecky Chow and walk them near other heckbugs, if they're a pair you’ll know.


Help Heckbugs find love


Heckbugs In Love 5/7: Wonderful, Trovian! You really are good at this. By the way, I promise I didn’t forget to tell you to keep track of the invading Heckbugs at all. Yep Patrolsly definitely didn't ask me to make sure that you took care of exactly 3 of them. Nope not at all. You really are the best by the way.


Defend against Heckbug Invaders


Heckbugs In Love 6/7: Thanks buddy! So guess what? Apparently heckbugs have found their way to Geode. They love the heat, so they've made a home in the Sunken Sunvault. How about you hop over there and check on all the little guys, and help out any that are in need?


Help Heckbugs in the Geode Caves


Heckbugs In Love 7/7: Wow, they are so different over there, so calm and peaceful. Did you find one of their eggs by chance? I sent you some, you should head over to an Egg Incubator and hatch it to see what pops out!


Hatch a Heckbug Egg


Renewus 2022 1/7: Hi Trovian! It's time for Renewus again! Let's get this party started by making some confetti! Head over to the Radiant Workbench and craft up some Confetti. The Radiant Dayspring can be found by the Events area in the East side of the Hub.


Visit the Radiant Dayspring


Renewus 2022 2/7: Awesome, you might notice some of the fun stuff from the years past are there, but there's confetti too and it's time to party! Craft it if you have to, and throw some confetti around like you just don't care!


Throw Confetti


Renewus 2022 3/7: Aww man, too much fun. But just because it's party time doesn't mean there isn't work to do. There are too many enemies and there's too little time. Would you mind going out and punching some for me?


Defeat Enemies


Renewus 2022 4/7: Wow, that was fast. Okay now that you've dealt with some riff raff how about clearing some of the smaller Dungeons in the area?


Take down 1 Star Dugeons


Renewus 2022 5/7: You really are good at this. Just need to take out a few of the bigger dungeons now and you'll make it back in time for the Orb drop!


Take Down 3 Star Dungeons


Renewus 2022 6/7: You really are the best Trovian. Come back to the hub and wait for one of the Renewus Orbs to drop and celebrate the new year, one should drop every few minutes.


Hit the Renewus Orb


Renewus 2022 7/7: This year is going be great, I can feel it. Can't you?! Doesn't it make you want to jump for joy? Well, what's stopping you!?


Jump around the hub to Celebrate




More Polish Days!


4 Extra Days of Polish for Hidden Effects.




Contains one Primal Loop for your Active Class when opened.


5 Primal Paragon Cubes


Show yourself as a paragon of might by smashing these.\n\nEach will spawn a Primal Paragon Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.


50 Primal Paragon Pinatas


Show yourself as a paragon of might by smashing these.\n\nEach will spawn a Primal Paragon Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.


5 Primal Paragon Pinatas


Show yourself as a paragon of might by smashing these.\n\nSpawns a Primal Paragon Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.


Primal Paragon Pinata


3 x Primal Paragon Cubes


5 x Primal Paragon Cubes


1 x Primal Paragon Pinata


5 x Primal Paragon Pinata


50 x Primal Paragon Pinata


Contains 125 Primal Paragon Pinatas, 25 Primal Paragon Cubes, and 6 Paragon's Marks. Get a huge boost on your paragon progress!


Powerful Paragon Pack


Contains 25 Primal Paragon Pinatas, 5 Primal Paragon Cubes, and 1 Paragon's Mark. Get a boost on your paragon progress!


Primal Paragon Pack


This limited time pack unlocks the Lucky Onion, Jumping Chair, and Rock-it allies, the Liveried Delivered, Warden W.A.L.T., and Astrological Augur mounts, the Bubbly Elevators wings, and the Brigadier Baihu, B.A.R.D. S, and I.C.E. Rave Costumes. Get them before they drop!


Renewus Reunion


This limited time pack unlocks the Knitter Cutter ship and Knitted sail, the Reindeer Rex, Snuggly Llama, and Season's Snuggles mounts, the Jingle Jangle magrider, the Cardinal Joy and Robby allies, and the Captain Snowfest, Gingerbard, and Snow Hare Costumes. Get them before they unravel!


Snowfest Snugglies


extra days for active Patrons!








You have created too many worlds recently, please wait...


{0} has created too many worlds recently. Please destroy this delve portal and wait {1} minute(s) before trying again.


You have created too many worlds recently.\nPlease wait {0} minute(s) and try again.


World creation stopped; reason unknown


World creation permitted.


+3 Rocket Boot Thrust


Awarded for earning a Paragon level!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Boomeranger class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Bard class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Candy Barbarian class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Chloromancer class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Vanguardian class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Dino Tamer class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Dracolyte class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Fae Trickster class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Gunslinger class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Ice Sage class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Knight class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Lunar Lancer class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Neon Ninja class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Pirate Captain class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Shadow Hunter class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Revenant class!


Awarded for earning a PRIME Paragon level with the Tomb Raiser class!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Boomeranger!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Boomeranger!


Awarded for previous service as a Boomeranger!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Boomeranger!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Bard!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Bard!


Awarded for previous service as a Bard!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Bard!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Candy Barbarian!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Candy Barbarian!


Awarded for previous service as a Candy Barbarian!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Candy Barbarian!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Chloromancer!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Chloromancer!


Awarded for previous service as a Chloromancer!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Chloromancer!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Vanguardian!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Vanguardian!


Awarded for previous service as a Vanguardian!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Vanguardian!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Dino Tamer!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Dino Tamer!


Awarded for previous service as a Dino Tamer!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Dino Tamer!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Dracolyte!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Dracolyte!


Awarded for previous service as a Dracolyte!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Dracolyte!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Fae Trickster!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Fae Trickster!


Awarded for previous service as a Fae Trickster!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Fae Trickster!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Gunslinger!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Gunslinger!


Awarded for previous service as a Gunslinger!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Gunslinger!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as an Ice Sage!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as an Ice Sage!


Awarded for previous service as an Ice Sage!


Awarded for impressive past service as an Ice Sage!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Knight!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Knight!


Awarded for previous service as a Knight!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Knight!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Lunar Lancer!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Lunar Lancer!


Awarded for previous service as a Lunar Lancer!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Lunar Lancer!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Neon Ninja!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Neon Ninja!


Awarded for previous service as a Neon Ninja!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Neon Ninja!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Pirate Captain!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Pirate Captain!


Awarded for previous service as a Pirate Captain!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Pirate Captain!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Shadow Hunter!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Shadow Hunter!


Awarded for previous service as a Shadow Hunter!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Shadow Hunter!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Revenant!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Revenant!


Awarded for previous service as a Revenant!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Revenant!


Awarded for having reached level 30 as a Tomb Raiser!


Awarded for EXEMPLARY past service as a Tomb Raiser!


Awarded for previous service as a Tomb Raiser!


Awarded for impressive past service as a Tomb Raiser!


Crafted by a crafty sailor


Heckbug Practice Dummy


Sometimes spawns 1 of 3 Snowfest Gifts after defeating an enemy. Each gift can be unwrapped once each day.


Chance to reduce ability cooldowns when a nearby enemy dies.


Triggers an explosion on each bow attack.


Blast Bow


Your 3rd melee attack now pulls enemies in.




Your Mysterious Urn triggers an additional effect.


Overstuffed Urn


At max Melody gain a small damage boost.


Melody Overload


The Bard gains a Critical Damage Buff when all 3 bardsong buffs are active.


Musical Master


Peaceful song buff reduces damage done to allies.


Peaceful Moment


Spawns a Cupcake when you take damage below 50% health that refills your energy bar resets your ability cooldowns.


Emergency Snack


Swirlwind now spawns a Gumdrop as well.


So Sweet


Reduces the energy cost of Swirlwind and increases Movement Speed when used.


Spin To Win


Basic attacks have a chance to spawn a Mini Green Gatling. Mini Green Gatlings have a chance to spawn Mini Mini Green Gatlings.


Gatling Gatling Gatling


Creates a shield at low health that blocks damage




After you deal damage gain a buff that spawns plants randomly around you for a short time. Cannot trigger in the HUB.


Weird Growth


Fired Up and Force Flash now apply to up to 2 nearby allies when used.


Champions! Congregate!


Your Plasma Blast now applies the same damage increase that your Eyebeam applies.




Your Laser Leap and Hero's Charge grant a buff that heals you while dealing damage for a short time.


Heros Stand


Dino Mount also spawns a Tyrannosaurus Rex minion.




When both the Dino Tamer and their Dino summons are attacking the same target they apply a damage increase debuff. Dino Applies a damage increase debuff to enemies dealt damage by a Dino Tamer and their dino summons.


Deep Wounds


Dino Buddy spawns two minions instead of one.


Oh my Dinos!


When dodging the Dracolyte leaves a Burnt Offering.




Summon two Dracolyte allies when using Avatar of Flame.


Dragon Force


Spit Fire has a chance to grant a buff that allows it to be freely used for a short time.




When using Run and Gun gain berserk increasing damage and attack speed, but greatly reducing movement speed.


Berserk Slinger


Dodging gives you an instant Charged shot. Resets after a short cooldown.


Lock n Load


Your Charged Shot attacks have a chance to stun.


Stunning Ammo


Frozen Ward automatically triggers at low health.


Chill Out


While on ice the Ice Sage gains additional critical hit chance and critical damage.


As Cold as Ice


The Big Chill summons an Ice Crash on your location. This Ice Crash changes the ground around you to ice.


Nice Ice Baby


Increases the damage redirection done by Iron Will and the Knight gains increased damage reduction.


Iron-er Will


Using Charge! gives you a movement speed increase temporarily.


Over Charge


Damage Dealt by Smash reduces the cooldown of Iron Will by 1 second.




When in Lunarform, basic attacks have a chance to spawn meteors from the sky.


From the Moon


After damaging enemies with the Lunar Infused Grapple, gain a speed buff instead of the normal damage buff.


Need For Speed


Dodging lowers the cooldown of your Grapple and Empowered Grapple. This ability has a short cooldown.




The clone created by your Shadow Flip explodes at the end of its duratoin.


Clone Jutsu


Gain energy when you dodge.




Gain slowfall for the duration of Final Technique.


Float Like A Butterfly


Using Man o' War now summons a Pirrot Cannoneer as well.


All Hands On Deck


Basic Attacks cause your minions to attack your target, as well as applying a debuff increasing damage done to it.




Your First Mate has a chance to spawn Doubloons when it hits enemies.




When dodging the Shadow Hunter drops a Sun Snare.


Sneaky Traps


When enemies take damage from the Shadow Hunter's Sacred Arrow a Shadow Seeker will fire from the Shadow Hunter and attack the closest target.


Tactical Seekers


When enemies with Shadowmark are defeated the Shadow Hunter is healed a small amount.


Unholy Heal


Spirit Spears no longer slows you.


Speed Spears


Spirit Storm summons a group of tiny Spirit Wraiths.


Spirit Squad


When at low health Spirit Storm is triggered automatically. Has a long cooldown.


Vengeful Storm


Your basic attacks have a chance to summon Baby Banshees.


Banshee Blast


Reduces the energy drain from Banshee's Boon.


Ghost More


Using Bonetourage has a chance to summon a larger Skellittle. When this large Skellittle dies it will spawn Skellittles.


Skellbiggle Split


Faerie Dance summons a Fae Juggernaut that taunts enemies.


Dance Partner


Faerie Dance summons one large enchanted Staff that follows the player.




When taking damage the Fae Trickster has a chance to spawn a Glittlerbomb at its location. This Gltterbomb has increased range and stun.


Trick Trick Boom


Adds a powerful Paragon aura to your weapon.


Paragon Aura: Weapon


Adds a powerful Paragon aura to your helmet.


Paragon Aura: Helm


Reach Paragon Level 10 with 2 classes


Bronze Badge: Paragon Level 10 x 2


Reach Paragon Level 40 with 6 classes


Gold Badge: Paragon Level 40 x 6


Reach Paragon Level 20 with 4 classes


Silver Badge: Paragon Level 20 x 4


Unlock Paragon Levels by earning experience after reaching Level 30


Bronze Badge: 10 Total Paragon Levels


Gold Badge: 500 Total Paragon Levels


Silver Badge: 100 Total Paragon Levels


Use the RING POLISHER at the PARAGON'S PALACE in the Hub to Polish a ring


Bronze Badge: Polish 10 Rings


Gold Badge: Polish 100 Rings


Silver Badge: Polish 25 Rings


Better bouncing than biting.


Bouncin' Heckbug


Beautiful. Buoyant. Flamboyant. Explosive.


Paragon Pinnace


Skims along the surface of the water with nary a breeze.


Starfish Skimmer


Soft to the core!


Knitter Cutter


A snug fit for your travel needs.


Season's Snuggles


Stubborn, fickle, but always reliable.




Each new year brings new opportunities... to dance!


Renewus Rhapsody


May or may not include freeloaders.


Ice Cart


Ding dong merrily on magrails.


Jingle Jangle


Walton walks where Walton wants.




It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...carrot?


Carrot Cruiser


Doesn't do deliveries but delivers you in your finest livery to be the life of the party!


Liveried Delivered


Wags away all holiday woes.


Reindeer Rex


Distant cousin to the Chickadee.


Gallavanting Skipadee


If you listen closely, you might hear him quietly saying pew pew with each blast.


Prismatic Patrol Private


This laze-e-boy enjoys naps in the sun, but never when danger's about.




The preferred ride of the W.A.L.T. division.


Warden W.A.L.T.


Content to bask in the warmth of the holidays.


Snuggly Llama


Definitely way more flux than your average megaflux tank.


Flux Roller


Walden generally tries to walk on marked paths (except when visiting Candoria).




Said to appear PRIME-arily when earning Paragon Levels....


Primal Paragon Pinata


Stick around for a while, Shadowdile.




"There are none in this land as beautiful as Epicurio."\n            -Epicurio


Epicurio, the Primal Poser


Portends the coming of the W.A.L.T. division.


Astrological Augur


Always running, always on time.


The Trovian Express


Also goes by the Golden Lotus.




Here to chirp for his favorite hockey team, you!




Giving crime the boot.


Crimefighter Kicker


Bringing you all the punny translations.


Candy Socking


Despite its appearance, Mopes is always in a good mood.




I'm allergic to sushi. Every time I eat more than 80 sushis, I barf.




Eggcels in many ways, although other fae may find its lack of neck disturbing.


Shadow Bunfae


Taps you on your head for extra luck this year!


Lucky Onion


It was meant to be jumped OFF of!


Jumping Chair


Kissing this frog may be inadvisable.


Cave Croaker


Rockets right up into the sky as you rock it against all foes.




Bravely squeeing where no guinea pig has squeed before.




A literal couch potato.




Good friends with QA Cat, but more focused on artistic endeavors.




During the darkest storms Rudy has a knack for finding his way.




Every builder's best buddy.


Construction Copy


Sun's out, fun's out! Time for frolicking.


Frolicking Fable


Give a vampire some ginger and they will revamp classes.


Boy of Balance


Highlighting truly tiny ore.


Tiny Thumper


Crocheted from rainbows with love.


Plush Prismasaur


The gift that keeps on giving.


Prancing Present


Holiday cheer-ping you up!


Cardinal Joy


Really quite sane, but still going off the rails.


Toy Train


Lil' Chillio's most faithful follower.


Lil' Chillio II


Slips right into that holiday spirit!




Rolling around looking for a monitor to bake on.




Fairer than your average otter.


Otto M. Umpire


Wings? They fly? This keeps getting worse!


Zippin' Heckbug


Nothing can dull Starbyrd's shine.




Impermeable to water and extremely cozy!


Knitted Sail


Paragon Sail


When King Koba Sss's you ssss how ssssss.


King Koba


Bubbly Elevators


Pure carbonated apple juice.


Predatory pinions preferred by Primal Paragons.


Primal Paragon Wings


The pinnacle of flight.


Celestial Paragon Wings


Gift giving is the true spirit of Snowfest.


Gift Giver's Standard


Displaying fealty to the values and ideals of the Celestial Paragons of ages past.


Celestial Paragon Standard


Awarded for being in the top 10 of the WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE GAMES WON Leaderboard


Gold Banner: Bomber Royale Games Won


Awarded for being in the top 100 of the WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE GAMES WON Leaderboard


Silver Banner: Bomber Royale Games Won


Awarded for being in the top 10 of the WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE DAMAGE DONE Leaderboard


Gold Banner: Bomber Royale Most Damage


Awarded for being in the top 100 of the WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE DAMAGE DONE Leaderboard


Silver Banner: Bomber Royale Most Damage


Awarded for being in the top 10 of the WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE KILLS Leaderboard


Gold Banner: Bomber Royale Most Kills


Awarded for being in the top 100 of the WEEKLY BOMBER ROYALE KILLS Leaderboard


Silver Banner: Bomber Royale Most Kills


A perfect standard for the most dedicated in Neon City.


Neon Rally Standard


Babies are always cute, but this one might be an exception.


Growing Heckbug


If this is what Geode does to heckbugs, let's just hope they never make it to the surface.


Abhorrent Heckbug


This heckbug secretes a flamable liquid that ignites quite easily in the Sunken Sunvault.


Radiating Heckbug


Increases the size of your Ally for five minutes.


Ally Up


Snowfest is all about giving, so give! Each donation comes with a 'Snowfest 2021 Surprise' plus a Snowfest 2021 Treasure Box


Snowfest is all about giving, so give! Each donation comes with a 'Snowfest 2021 Surprise' and a chance at even a Snowfest 2021 Treasure Box!


Snowfest Donation


When consumed, immediately grants 10,000 Experience Points to your currently active class


XP Coin


Teaches how to craft the Heckbug Practice Dummy at the Fun Factory.


Recipe: Heckbug Practice Dummy


Very rarely obtained from Primal Paragon Pinatas. Used to craft items at the PARAGON WORKBENCH, in the PARAGON'S PALACE beneath the CLUB HOUSE in the Hub.


Paragon's Mark


Currency & Crafting Material. Accepted at the Donation Station in the Hub. Snowfest 2021 Tokens will vanish shortly after Snowfest 2021.


Snowfest 2021 Token


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Boomeranger


Primal Loop: Boomeranger


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Bard


Primal Loop: Bard


Awarded for each PARAGON level earned


Trovian Loop


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Candy Barbarian


Primal Loop: Candy Barbarian


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Chloromancer


Primal Loop: Chloromancer


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Vanguardian


Primal Loop: Vanguardian


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Dino Tamer


Primal Loop: Dino Tamer


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Dracolyte


Primal Loop: Dracolyte


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Fae Trickster


Primal Loop: Fae Trickster


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Gunslinger


Primal Loop: Gunslinger


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Ice Sage


Primal Loop: Ice Sage


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Knight


Primal Loop: Knight


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Lunar Lancer


Primal Loop: Lunar Lancer


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Neon Ninja


Primal Loop: Neon Ninja


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Pirate Captain


Primal Loop: Pirate Captain


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Shadow Hunter


Primal Loop: Shadow Hunter


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Revenant


Primal Loop: Revenant


Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Tomb Raiser


Primal Loop: Tomb Raiser


Used to craft Crystal 2 ringboxes at a Ringcrafting Bench\nObtained by Loot Collecting Crystal 1 or Crystal 2 rings.


Used to craft Crystal 3 ringboxes at a Ringcrafting Bench\nObtained by Loot Collecting Crystal 3 or Crystal 4 rings.


Gilded Ringcrafter's Ticket


Ringcrafter's Ticket


Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Heckbug. Found rarely when exploring or assiting wild Heckbugs in the Sunken Sunvault during the Heckbugs In Love event.


Heckbug Egg


This tasty Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow can be used attract a friendly Heckbug to follow you around for 10 minutes.


Hecky Bag of Hecky Chow


Contains a Crystals, Heckbug Eggs, The Heckbug Practice Dummy Recipe and sometimes a Heckbug Tender or Bouncin' Heckbug.


Cave Skitterer's Trove


Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. Also includes the Frozen Gardener Skin, Ice Cart Magrider, and The Trovian Express Mount.


Snowfest 2021 Treasure Box


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Boomeranger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Bard


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Candy Barbarian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Chloromancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Vanguardian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Dino Tamer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Dracolyte


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Fae Trickster


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Gunslinger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Ice Sage


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Knight


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Lunar Lancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Neon Ninja


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Pirate Captain


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Shadow Hunter


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Revenant


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better


Royal Signatory Box: Tomb Raiser


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Boomeranger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Bard


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Candy Barbarian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Chloromancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Vanguardian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Dino Tamer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Dracolyte


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Fae Trickster


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Gunslinger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Ice Sage


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Knight


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Lunar Lancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Neon Ninja


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Pirate Captain


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Shadow Hunter


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Revenant


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better


Gilded Signatory Box: Tomb Raiser


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Boomeranger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Bard


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Candy Barbarian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Chloromancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Vanguardian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Dino Tamer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Dracolyte


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Fae Trickster


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Gunslinger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Ice Sage


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Knight


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Lunar Lancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Neon Ninja


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Pirate Captain


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Shadow Hunter


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Revenant


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4


Golden Signatory Box: Tomb Raiser


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class


Signatory Box: Boomeranger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class


Signatory Box: Bard


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class


Signatory Box: Candy Barbarian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class


Signatory Box: Chloromancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class


Signatory Box: Vanguardian


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class


Signatory Box: Dino Tamer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class


Signatory Box: Dracolyte


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class


Signatory Box: Fae Trickster


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class


Signatory Box: Gunslinger


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class


Signatory Box: Ice Sage


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class


Signatory Box: Knight


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class


Signatory Box: Lunar Lancer


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class


Signatory Box: Neon Ninja


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class


Signatory Box: Pirate Captain


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class


Signatory Box: Shadow Hunter


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class


Signatory Box: Revenant


Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class


Signatory Box: Tomb Raiser


Contains one Paragon's Palace themed Decoration box


Paragon Decor Box


Contains 1 PRIMAL LOOP for your ACTIVE CLASS when opened.


Primal Paragon Cube


Contains 1 PRIMAL LOOP for your ACTIVE CLASS when opened.


Primal Paragon Cube


Mount: Primal Pinata


Spawns a Primal Paragon Pinata when thrown. Defeating it will give something good to the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby.\n\nPinatas can be used in Hub and Club worlds.\nMaximum: 300


Primal Paragon Pinata


Unlock a random Snowfest 2021 recipe you don't already have unlocked.


Snowfest 2021 Surprise


Unlock a random Paragon style you don't already have unlocked.


Paragon Style Unlocker


Celestial Paragon Standard


Celestial Paragon Bow


Celestial Paragon Punchers


Frozen Gardener's Top Hat


Frozen Gardener's Staff


Carrot Champion's Stubs


Carrot Champion's Sprout


Tree Top Hat


Gingerbard Guise


B.A.R.D. Do


Baihu's Laser Vision


I.C. Locks




Celestial Paragon Visage


Celestial Paragon Sword


Celestial Paragon Pistols


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Boomeranger ability!


Boomeranger Signatory Ring


Entrancing Boomeranger Signatory Ring


Illustrious Boomeranger Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Bard ability!


Bard Signatory Ring


Entrancing Bard Signatory Ring


Illustrious Bard Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Candy Barbarian ability!


Candy Barbarian Signatory Ring


Entrancing Candy Barbarian Signatory Ring


Illustrious Candy Barbarian Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Chloromancer ability!


Chloromancer Signatory Ring


Entrancing Chloromancer Signatory Ring


Illustrious Chloromancer Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Vanguardian ability!


Vanguardian Signatory Ring


Entrancing Vanguardian Signatory Ring


Illustrious Vanguardian Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Dino Tamer ability!


Dino Tamer Signatory Ring


Entrancing Dino Tamer Signatory Ring


Illustrious Dino Tamer Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Dracolyte ability!


Dracolyte Signatory Ring


Entrancing Dracolyte Signatory Ring


Illustrious Dracolyte Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Fae Trickster ability!


Fae Trickster Signatory Ring


Entrancing Fae Trickster Signatory Ring


Illustrious Fae Trickster Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Gunslinger ability!


Gunslinger Signatory Ring


Entrancing Gunslinger Signatory Ring


Illustrious Gunslinger Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for an Ice Sage ability!


Ice Sage Signatory Ring


Entrancing Ice Sage Signatory Ring


Illustrious Ice Sage Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Knight ability!


Knight Signatory Ring


Entrancing Knight Signatory Ring


Illustrious Knight Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Lunar Lancer ability!


Lunar Lancer Signatory Ring


Entrancing Lunar Lancer Signatory Ring


Illustrious Lunar Lancer Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Neon Ninja ability!


Neon Ninja Signatory Ring


Entrancing Neon Ninja Signatory Ring


Illustrious Neon Ninja Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Pirate Captain ability!


Pirate Captain Signatory Ring


Entrancing Pirate Captain Signatory Ring


Illustrious Pirate Captain Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Shadow Hunter ability!


Shadow Hunter Signatory Ring


Entrancing Shadow Hunter Signatory Ring


Illustrious Shadow Hunter Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Revenant ability!


Revenant Signatory Ring


Entrancing Revenant Signatory Ring


Illustrious Revenant Signatory Ring


Place in a RING POLISHER workbench to temporarily activate a Hidden Effect for a Tomb Raiser ability!


Tomb Raiser Signatory Ring


Entrancing Tomb Raiser Signatory Ring


Illustrious Tomb Raiser Signatory Ring


Celestial Paragon Spear


Celestial Paragon Staff


Spiced Strummer


Digital Strummer


Silent Dicer


W.A.L.T. Gun


Arboreal Attacker


I.C.A. Party


It's the giving time of year.




What could be inside? Press [HK:Loot] to interact.


Snowfest Gift


Press [HK:Loot] to see what's for sale!


Celestial Paragon Provisioner


When this block is placed it will transform to match adjacent blocks; even some textured and glowing blocks.


Adaptable Mimic


Season 1 Rewards


Season 2 Rewards


Used to craft rewards from Bomber Royale.


Bomber Bench


Used to craft a variety of Delve items and collectables


Green Gift


White Gift


Confetti Gift


Pink Gift


Royal Gift


Rudy Statue


Snowman Arm 1


Snowman Arm 2


Snowman Arm 3


Snowman Body 1


Snowman Body 2


Snowman Body 3


Snowman Base 1


Snowman Base 2


Snowman Base 3


Snowman Head 1


Snowman Head 2


Snowman Head 3


Place to Polish rings, temporarily activating one of their Hidden Effects!


Press [HK:Loot] to Polish a ring, temporarily activating one of its Hidden Effects


Ring Polisher


Ring Polisher


Target Dummies


Paragon Collectables


Paragon Recipes


Place to craft Paragon collectables using Paragon's Marks and Trovian Loops!


Paragon Workbench


Paragon Workbench


Bottom piece of Paragon Chain Banner set.


Paragon Chain Banner: Bottom


First middle piece of Paragon Chain Banner set.


Paragon Chain Banner: Middle 1


Second middle piece of Paragon Chain Banner set.


Paragon Chain Banner: Middle 2


Top piece of Paragon Chain Banner set.


Paragon Chain Banner: Top


Bottom piece of Paragon Cloth Banner set.


Paragon Cloth Banner: Bottom


Middle piece of Paragon Cloth Banner set.


Paragon Cloth Banner: Middle


Top piece of Paragon Cloth Banner set.


Paragon Cloth Banner: Top


Piece of Paragon Carpet.


Paragon Carpet


Decorated Chair from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Decorated Chair


Chair from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Chair


Half of the Big Chest from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Big Chest Half


Small Chest from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Small Chest


Chain from Paragon lamp set.


Paragon Lamp: Chain


Cyan Lamp from Paragon lamp set.


Paragon Lamp: Cyan


Purple Lamp from Paragon lamp set.


Paragon Lamp: Purple


Cyan Pillow Quarter from Paragon pillow set.


Paragon Pillow Quarter: Cyan


Purple Pillow Quarter from Paragon pillow set.


Paragon Pillow Quarter: Purple


Bottom piece of Paragon Potted Cypress plant.


Paragon Potted Cypress: Bottom


Middle piece of Paragon Potted Cypress plant.


Paragon Potted Cypress: Middle


Top piece of Paragon Potted Cypress plant.


Paragon Potted Cypress: Top


Shelf from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Shelf


Bottom piece of Paragon Sigil.


Paragon Sigil: Bottom


Top piece of Paragon Sigil.


Paragon Sigil: Top


Decorated Table Center piece from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Decorated Table: Center


Decorated Table Corner piece from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Decorated Table: Corner


Decorated Table Edge piece from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Decorated Table: Edge


Table Center piece from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Table: Center


Table Corner piece from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Table: Corner


Table Edge piece from Paragon furniture set.


Paragon Table: Edge


First bottom piece of Paragon Vase set.


Paragon Vase: Bottom 1


Second bottom piece of Paragon Vase set.


Paragon Vase: Bottom 2


First top piece of Paragon Vase set.


Paragon Vase: Top 1


Second top piece of Paragon Vase set.


Paragon Vase: Top 2


Third top piece of Paragon Vase set.


Paragon Vase: Top 3


The Fridge


Paragon NPC Placeable - Merchant


A fast paced, no holds barred snowball fight. Battle to be the last Trovian standing!


Snowball Fight Portal


DOWN - Paragon's Palace WEST - Sun Goddess Statue NORTH - Event Venue


Welcome to the PARAGON'S PALACE


An Ice Slick Bomb that slows nearby enemies and turns the nearby ground into ice.


Ice Slick Bomb


A frozen Rubber Bomb that slows enemies hit for 3.5 seconds.


Rubber Freeze Bomb


A Snowball that knocks enemies back and tears the terrain apart.




You got the Rubber Freeze Bomb


Energy cost reduced on your Rubber Freeze Bomb


Cooldown fully reduced on your Rubber Freeze Bomb


Energy cost fully reduced on your Rubber Freeze Bomb


Energy cost reduced on your Snowball


Cooldown fully reduced on your Snowball


Energy cost fully reduced on your Snowball


A costume for the Bard. Can't be caught.




A costume for the Bard.\n\nBe A Radically Digital Strummer and strum your Digital Strummer with your digits!


B.A.R.D. S


A costume for the Chloromancer. The cold never bothered them... the plants that is.


Frozen Gardener


A costume for the Vanguardian. The cold is nothing to a hero. But a rabbit? Better Q'bthulhu than a bunny.


Carrot Champion


A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nMember of the W.A.L.T. division.


Brigadier Baihu


A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nDrop the ice to the beat!


I.C.E. Rave


A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nSnow Hare can be anywhere.


Snow Hare


A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nSomewhat wooden in style, but beware the surprises!


Captain Snowfest
































Hidden Effects:










































































Paragon Levels 3/6: Using Trovian Loops, Primal Loops, other materials, and a Ringcrafting skill of 300, you can now craft a Signatory ringbox for a Crystal ring! Craft one by visiting a Ringcrafting bench, such as the one in the Paragon's Palace below the Club House


Craft a SIGNATORY Ringbox


Paragon Levels 1/6: After reaching level 30 with a class, experience gained no longer contributes towards normal levels. Instead, you'll get Paragon levels! Earn a Paragon level now!


Earn a Paragon Level


Paragon Levels 2/6: Each Prime Paragon Level (2, 3, 5, 7, and so on) will earn you a PRIMAL loop for your current class, used to craft rings with class hidden ability effects! Earn a Prime Paragon Level now!


Earn a PRIME Paragon Level


Paragon Levels 5/6: Great work! By earning Paragon levels and crafting rings, you can enhance many different class abilities! If you're ever running low on Loops, the Celestial Paragon Provisioner provides resources to help. Visit them now at the Paragon's Palace.


Visit the Paragon Provisioner


Paragon Levels 4/6: To Polish your new ring you'll need to visit a Ring Polisher, also in the Paragon's Palace beneath the Club House in the hub. Once there, you can spend a Primal Loop to enhance one of your class abilities!


Polish a Ring


Paragon Levels 6/6: You can also craft new Mounts, Allies, and more! To see what you can craft, visit the Paragon Workbench in the Paragon's Palace in the Hub!


Visit the Paragon Workbench




-20% Vaca-Matic Cooldown


-35% Vaca-Matic Cooldown


-10 Vaca-Matic N-Charge Cost


-20 Vaca-Matic N-Charge Cost

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in Polished Paragon.

  • $prefabs_collections_pet_qubesly_bunfest_description - Certainly not just Qubesly in a costume.
  • $prefabs_collections_tome_coin_bomb_legendary_description - Produces 25 Bomber Royale Coins: Season One when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Bench.
  • $prefabs_collections_tome_coin_bomb_02_legendary_description - Produces 25 Bomber Royale Coins: Season Two when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Bench.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_sides_stuffing_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Stuffing Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_sides_corn_cob_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Corn Cob Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_sides_deviled_eggs_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Deviled Eggs Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_sides_green_beans_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Green Beans Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_sides_tater_totes_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Totter Tates Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_qubes_rib_roast_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Raw Rib Roast Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_qubes_patrol_pasta_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Pasta, Patrol Style Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_qubes_corned_beef_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Saintly Corned Beef Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_qubes_icecream_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Supreme Ice Cream Sundae Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_qubes_moonlight_juice_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Lunar Light Juice Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_events_november2021_qubes_egg_rolls_desc2 - Teaches the recipe for the Cube Rolls Decoration at the Friendsgiving Oven.
  • $prefabs_placeable_crafting_holiday_snowfest_current_category_name - Snowfest 2021
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_baleking_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the GREATER BALEPHANTOM boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_baleking_boss_purple_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the REFRACTED BALEPHANTOM! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 23
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_bee_waspider_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DEEP WASPIDER! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_dragon_balefire_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the BALEFIRE DRAGON boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_dragon_ice_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the FROZEN DRACOLICH boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_dragon_red_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the RED DRAGON boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_dreadnought_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by DARKNIK DREADNOUGHT! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_fae_wildfae_king_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE KING! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_fae_wildfae_queen_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE QUEEN! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_fae_wildfae_spider_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WILD FAE SPIDER! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_flakbeard_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by FLAKBEARD! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_giant_ice_king_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the ICE GIANT KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_golem_ampcannon_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the AMPERIUM PLASMA PROJECTOR boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_graveyard_wraith_boneblade_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by BONE BLADE! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 35
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_hydra_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the SHADOW HYDRAKKEN! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_jellyfish_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by IFERA, UNDERLORD OF THE DEEP! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 85
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_lavaman_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the MAGMAN boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_lobster_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by LOBSTROSO! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 85
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_luna_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DAUGHTER OF THE MOON! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_manta_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by TIMMENSE, THE POWERFUL PONTOON! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 85
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_pinatagod_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the VENGEFUL PINATA GOD! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_plasmablack_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter BLACK BEAK ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_plasmablue_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter BLUE BARRY ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_plasmagreen_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter MEAN GENE THE GREEN ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_plasmared_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter SQUAWK RED-EYE ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_prophet_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the WEEPING PROPHET! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_saurianSwamp_diatryma_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DIATRYMA! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_saurianSwamp_quetzalcoatlus_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the QUETZALCOATLUS! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_saurianSwamp_scissorhand_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the THERIZINOSAURUS! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_saurianSwamp_trex_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the TYRANNOSAURUS REX! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_saurianSwamp_triceratops_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the TRICERATOPS! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 45
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_shadowshroom_king_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the SHADOWSHROOM KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_spikewalker_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the SPIKE WALKER! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 50
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_wight_king_boss_description - Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where you will encounter the WIGHT KING boss ONE OR MORE TIMES! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Min Depth: 26
  • $prefabs_placeable_matchmaker_t2_private_description - Once placed, ''Depth Stepper'' Gateways allow the placing Trovian to use [HK:Loot] to modify the starting Depth of the Delve before starting it! Invites: Up to 8 Players total Mounts: Delve Restricted Difficulty: Set by placing Player
  • $prefabs_skins_fae_trickster_cake_desc - A costume for the Fae Trickster. It's got layers, like an onion. But it doesn't taste like an onion!
  • $prefabs_skins_neon_ninja_popcorn_desc - A costume for the Neon Ninja. Just loves popcorn and wants to share it with all of Trove.
  • $prefabs_skins_pirate_bbq_desc - A costume for the Pirate Captain. Grilling is the game and Grill Master is the name.
  • $Quest_GoldenThread_event_nov2021_03_Description - Friendsgiving 2021 3/8: Done already!? Great, because there isn't just dinner to cook. The Shadow Gobblers are back this year invading Trove again. The Trove Bouillon is almost ready, so could you go find some of the Shadow Gobblers in Dragonfire Peaks and take 'em out while I finish up here?
  • $StoreProduct_trove_holiday_countdown_description - Receive a a total of 24 goodies in this limited time pack, including the Tyke Present Trike and Peppermint Goatyata mounts, Shadow's Sock of Soot and Trovian's Sock of Treasures allies, and the Snowfest Slugger, Mistletoe Matron, Cookie Conjurer, and Lederhosen Lancer Costumes. Get them before they melt!
  • $Metrics_ConsecutiveDaysLoggedIn - Current Consecutive Days Logged in