New Strings

New Strings detected in Into the Deep Hotfix 3.


Trovian, you're in luck. St. Qubeslick has returned!


St. Qubeslick


St. Qubeslick 2020 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me, Qubesly! It's time to make our own luck as St. Qubeslick has returned. Start by gathering St. Qubeslick Lucky Dust. All dungeons and lairs have a chance to drop Lucky Dust during St. Qubeslick.


Gather Lucky Dust


St. Qubeslick 2020 2/6: That’s plenty of dust. It's time to craft this into something spectacular. Head to the Radiant Dayspring on the Sun Goddess Statue the Hub and craft Lucky Stars or Lucky Clover Seeds!


Craft with Lucky Dust


St. Qubeslick 2020 3/6: Just beautiful Trovian, you always do the right thing. Plant those seeds or throw those Lucky Stars to help add more luck to this wild and crazy world.


Spread Some Luck


St. Qubeslick 2020 4/6: I feel luckier already, don't you? Test your luck by triggering magic find!


Trigger Magic Find


St. Qubeslick 2020 5/6: This year is going to be great, I just know it. I always feel luckiest when I push myself. Take down some 3-Star Dungeons to prove yourself.


Take down 3-Star Dungeons


St. Qubeslick 2020 6/6: You are always the inspiration, Trovian. Throwing confetti is known to be good luck and you never know what might happen. You can craft Confetti Balls at the Fun Factory or Radiant Dayspring!


Throw Confetti (Or Lucky Stars)


This limited time pack unlocks Avalon, the Happy Accident mount, 4-Wheeled Clover mount, Tricksie Pixie costume for Fae Trickster, Shamrockin' Slinger costume for Gunslinger, Squatty the Squire ally, Sir Lanci-hop the Lucky Leaper ally, and 7 magic find buffing Lucky Clovers. Get them before they escape over the rainbow!


Clover Collection


Somehow rarer than the 3-Wheeled variety. Can be purchased on occasion via the store.


4-Wheeled Clover


Seeing this griffon is said to bring luck to all. Can be purchased on occasion via the store.


Avalon, the Happy Accident


The cutest knight I've ever seen.


Sir Lanci-hop the Lucky Leaper


Squire to Sir Lanci-hop, Squatty wants to be a knight too.


Squatty the Squire


Creates a burst of luck when thrown! Increases the Hue and Magic Find of the person who throws it and 7 other random people nearby. This luck lasts for 5 minutes, or until you switch worlds.


Lucky Star


This packet of seeds is filled with luck. After this plant has sprouted it can be harvested once for a Lucky Clover. This plant dies after 3 days. This seed is losing its luck and will vanish after St. Qubeslick 2020.


St. Qubeslick Clover Seed 2020


Shamrockin' Slinger's Hat


Tricksie Pixie's Helmsie Whelmsie


Shamrockin' Slinger's Sidearm


Tricksie Pixie's Staffy Waffy


A St. Qubeslick themed costume for the Fae Trickster. Cursed to be cute.


Tricksie Pixie


A St. Qubeslick themed costume for the Gunslinger. Ready to Sham-Rock your world.


Shamrockin' Slinger

Changed Strings

Changed Strings detected in Into the Deep Hotfix 3.

  • $prefabs_collections_mount_spider_hellbug_item_description - Averse to crowds, sudden loud noises, and bright lights.\n\nCan be purchased on occasion via the store, or earned by killing Hellbug Monarchs in Defiance.
  • $prefabs_collections_mount_mechquad_hellbug_description - This Monarch got so heckin' big it had two legs fall off. Can be purchased on occasion via the store, or rarely found when Heckbugs fall in love.
  • $prefabs_collections_mount_spider_hellbug_blue_item_description - Ready to shock you into your senses. Can be purchased on occasion via the store, or aquired by completing the Heckbugs in Love 2020 event.
  • $prefabs_collections_mount_spider_hellbug_gold_item_description - A rare and beautiful specimen. Can be purchased on occasion via the store.
  • $prefabs_collections_pet_hellbug_red_description - A classic cutey thats looking for the right heckbug to fall in love with. Can be purchased on occasion via the store, or rarely found when Heckbugs fall in love.
  • $prefabs_collections_pet_hellbug_blue_description - This heckbug has stunning good looks and is ready to impress. Can be purchased on occasion via the store, or rarely found when Heckbugs fall in love.
  • $prefabs_collections_pet_hellbug_gold_description - Go for the gold with this gorgeous heckbug. Can be purchased on occasion via the store.
  • $prefabs_item_crafting_event_luckydust_item_description - This can be used at the Radiant Dayspring in the Hub to craft St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars.\n\nAcquired during the St. Qubeslick event, its magic will fade at the end of St. Qubeslick.
  • $prefabs_item_gardening_wateringcan_event_star_item_name - Lucky Star 2019
  • $prefabs_item_gardening_wateringcan_event_star_item_description - Explodes on impact, imbuing nearby St. Qubeslick Clovers with luck. Hold down button to aim.\n\nSt. Qubeslick Clovers can only be imbued with luck once an hour, when they are ready.\n\nAcquired during the St. Qubeslick 2019 event, its magic will fade at the end of St. Qubeslick 2020.
  • $prefabs_item_plantseed_tome_gardening_jadeclover_item_name - St. Qubeslick Clover Seed 2019
  • $prefabs_item_plantseed_tome_gardening_jadeclover_item_description - This packet of seeds craves luck. After this plant has sprouted it can be imbued with luck and harvested for Lucky Clovers every few hours. This plant dies after 3 days. This seed is losing its luck and will vanish after St. Qubeslick 2020.