New Items

New Items detected in Into the Deep Hotfix 3.

consumable 1

행운의 별
[Lucky Star]


crafting 1

행운 가루
[Lucky Dust]


plantseed 1

Changed Items

Changed Items detected in Into the Deep Hotfix 3.

  • 행운 가루
    [Lucky Dust]
    - description changed
    • from 'This can be used at the Wheel of Seasons in the Hub to craft St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars.\n\nAcquired during the St. Qubeslick 2019 event, its magic may fade over time.'
    • to 'This can be used at the Radiant Dayspring in the Hub to craft St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars.\n\nAcquired during the St. Qubeslick event, its magic will fade at the end of St. Qubeslick.'
  • 행운의 별
    [Lucky Star]
    - description changed
    • from 'Explodes on impact, imbuing nearby St. Qubeslick Clovers with luck. Hold down button to aim.\n\nSt. Qubeslick Clovers can only be imbued with luck once an hour, when they are ready.'
    • to 'Explodes on impact, imbuing nearby St. Qubeslick Clovers with luck. Hold down button to aim.\n\nSt. Qubeslick Clovers can only be imbued with luck once an hour, when they are ready.\n\nAcquired during the St. Qubeslick 2019 event, its magic will fade at the end of St. Qubeslick 2020.'
  • 행운의 별
    [Lucky Star]
    - name changed from 'Lucky Star' to 'Lucky Star 2019'
  • 성 큐브슬릭의 클로버 씨앗 2019 - description changed
    • from 'This packet of seeds craves luck. After this plant has sprouted it can be imbued with luck and harvested for Lucky Clovers every few hours. This plant dies after 3 days.'
    • to 'This packet of seeds craves luck. After this plant has sprouted it can be imbued with luck and harvested for Lucky Clovers every few hours. This plant dies after 3 days. This seed is losing its luck and will vanish after St. Qubeslick 2020.'
  • 성 큐브슬릭의 클로버 씨앗 2019 - name changed from 'St. Qubeslick Clover Seed' to 'St. Qubeslick Clover Seed 2019'